Wade said Holland might start Thursday

Bob Sacamano

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jobberone;2443263 said:
Many of you hollering for Holland are the same saying Proctor sucks or player X sucks. If you actually came up with a stat or even enough plays to look at to prove he really sucks then I'll start paying attention to you. If not, which is normally the case, then I'll give you negative attention or just ignore you.

can you see Heaven from up there? from high up yonder on thee perch?


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Doomsday101;2443084 said:
If they felt Holland was better they would play him, sorry I don't think Wade or Garrett or Houch are sitting on any player once a guy shows he is ready they will get a chance. For people to sit there and say oh he is just being stubborn or they are just stupid is a fricken joke, fans are not out on the field in the film room they have no clue what so ever how a player is developing and this is reg season not training camp they are not going to throw players in unless they feel they can do the job.

Rob Petitti..........Bill Parcells. Even if you lined him up backwards..............Next.


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i dont care if holland sucks at run blocking.if he keep romo clean then he has done his job.

Bob Sacamano

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Doomsday101;2443123 said:
Roy was seeing playing time right off the bat not starting but playing because he has talent.

he was playing because you can play 3 WRs, not 3 OGs

Holland has talent, he's actually been a successful starter, unlike Proctor

Doomsday said:
Zack Thomas came in day 1 with the job even though we had players who were already here. Holland will play because they think he can do the job and if they felt he was ready earlier he would have played earlier. I agree Proctor is not a very good player but evidently he was showing more than Holland was up to this point. Coaches not even Wade will hold a player back if he thinks the player is the better and is ready to do the job

Coaches like playing people they trust, Holland is the new guy, thus not as trusted as a player such as Proctor, whose been here for awhile

I'm sure he doesn't know the sysem like Proctor does, and probably never will, but he'll probably hold his own better than Proctor has, and it's not like Proctor is so technically sound, he's not, according to 41#g at least


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Chocolate Lab;2442987 said:
I put it in the Vela Holland thread... But Wade said Holland might start at LG on Thursday.

He said they do like and always liked his talent... But it sounds like they just didn't have confidence he knew the playbook well enough before. The way he said "It's not that we don't like Cory...", it sounds like there's no doubt they know Holland is more talented. I think Holland simply didn't know the offense like he does now.

He didn't announce it yesterday because the coaches hadn't met yet, and he wanted to get Houck's opinion before he said anything.

I never really bought into Vela's "he's too fat" excuse...he certainly didnt look fat the few times I actually saw him next to the other guys...


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ThreeSportStar80;2443246 said:
Montrae Holland was due a pretty hefty signing bonus so I believe that was tied into the fact he didn't see the field much along with not knowing the offense.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1] HIEU LY, SACRAMENTO, CA:[/SIZE][/FONT] Now that Kyle Kosier is injured again and might end up on IR, what is the harm in starting Montrae Holland instead of Cory Procter? Holland fits what the Cowboys like to do on the offensive line more than Proctor. The Cowboys like to be physical and wear opponents out. Not to mention, he's bigger and probably won't get overpowered as much by opposing defensive lines. What's your take?

Nick (Eatman?): Looks like you might be on to something here. I was all but done figuring that one out, but Wade Phillips said on Tuesday that Holland just might be ready to play. Personally, I think it was a contract issue that Holland will receive a roster bonus if he plays a certain percentage of snaps. Now that the Cowboys are past that deadline, it might make more sense to play him.
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Chocolate Lab;2442987 said:
I put it in the Vela Holland thread... But Wade said Holland might start at LG on Thursday.

He said they do like and always liked his talent... But it sounds like they just didn't have confidence he knew the playbook well enough before. The way he said "It's not that we don't like Cory...", it sounds like there's no doubt they know Holland is more talented. I think Holland simply didn't know the offense like he does now.

He didn't announce it yesterday because the coaches hadn't met yet, and he wanted to get Houck's opinion before he said anything.

Let me help you Wade...WE DON'T LIKE CORY...OPPOSING DEFENSES DO!!!!

does this help?


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hardhittin31;2443339 said:
Nick (Eatman?): Looks like you might be on to something here. I was all but done figuring that one out, but Wade Phillips said on Tuesday that Holland just might be ready to play. Personally, I think it was a contract issue that Holland will receive a roster bonus if he plays a certain percentage of snaps. Now that the Cowboys are past that deadline, it might make more sense to play him.

That's just plain idiotic.

Yes, let's lose a game or two instead of having to pay a player extra.


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hardhittin31;2443339 said:
Nick (Eatman?):Now that the Cowboys are past that deadline, it might make more sense to play him.
Tony Curtis has a contract that says the more he plays, the less he gets paid.

Not many people know about that.


Defender of the Star
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about time.. we know what we have with proctor and it's not much. time to see what holland can do.

Bob Sacamano

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percyhoward;2443376 said:
Tony Curtis has a contract that says the more he plays, the less he gets paid.

Not many people know about that.

smart move

cuz the guy needs to play less and get paid less


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WoodysGirl;2443100 said:
Phillips Hints Holland May Start

Posted by jellis at 11/25/2008 4:25 PM CST on truebluefanclub.com

Coach Wade Phillips said guard Montrae Holland, who the Cowboys acquired in a preseason trade, may start Thursday after receiving more first-team reps than usual at left guard during Tuesday's practice.

Phillips said Holland is more of an anchor than Cory Procter, who has filled in whenever starter Kyle Kosier couldn't play this season and made eight starts, and Holland also fits the mold of a Cowboys lineman since he's bigger and more physical than Procter.

Holland has played sparingly since he came over from Denver, working in for one series or playing special teams in several games. He has 46 starts in 73 career games with New Orleans and Denver.

-Josh Ellis

Comments (4) | Permanent Link

I forgot this guy was actually acquired in the preseason. If he doesn't have our playbook down by now, he is a pretty slow learner.


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There is no way that Holland was not playing because of money. ONLY A TRUE MORON would think the boys would risk losing games, getting Romo injured, over a lousy million bucks(if it was even that much).


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burmafrd;2443465 said:
There is no way that Holland was not playing because of money. ONLY A TRUE MORON would think the boys would risk losing games, getting Romo injured, over a lousy million bucks(if it was even that much).

See, even Burm gets it.


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Holland is going to be better for the boys than Kosier, at least in the run game... Kosier isn't that impressive... The fact that Proctor sucked so bad made Kosier look better than he actually is...


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I thought that quote from that article was an error, regarding being signed in pre-season. Wasn't Holland signed shortly after Procter was hurt the first time, after one of the first couple of games?

I don't think we had this guy in Pre-season. We played against him in a couple of scrimmages and that's where they thought he'd fit our style oline better than Denvers.

I need to look that up, but I don't think he was there that early. Been here for like 6 games or so.



If I'm so pretty, why am I available?
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LarryCanadian;2443539 said:
I thought that quote from that article was an error, regarding being signed in pre-season. Wasn't Holland signed shortly after Procter was hurt the first time, after one of the first couple of games?

I don't think we had this guy in Pre-season. We played against him in a couple of scrimmages and that's where they thought he'd fit our style oline better than Denvers.

I need to look that up, but I don't think he was there that early. Been here for like 6 games or so.


August 28th.

Here is an interesting fact: Holland was born with a defect in his right leg which he had corrected in seventh grade. They had to break his leg and fuse his growth plates together on both legs which stunned his growth which made it so he couldn't grow anymore.
So what was this guy 6'2 or so in 7th grade?