Wade, Wade, Wade


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BraveHeartFan;2323527 said:
So your problem is since they're 13-3 and playoff losers, instead of 5-11 and playoff losers, that everyone should still just be unhappy cause they're losers?

You missed the point. I was actually defending Wade...

I'm quite happy that Wade is coach. I'm just not happy with the vanilla packages he is running now, which he wasn't running last year until the second half of the Green Bay game... He is playing more like BP's style than what he has clearly shown he is capable of...

Let me re-iterate:

I'm unhappy because Wade is not showing what he is quite capable of showing... Until he flat out lines up Ware, Spencer, and Ellis in his nice little pakcgae from last year, starts throwing a lot more CB sacks from the dges that are clearly effective, I will continue to be upset...


Kane Ala
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rangers71;2322153 said:
I think that if we had safeties on this team that didn't suck the defense would be a lot better. We are so afraid of giving up the big play that we have to rely on to much zone. If we had better play from the safeties it would make life easier. Of course all this goes out the window if we lose Newman and Pac Man. Make no mistake wade knows how to coach defense. I think he needs some more time to get his type of players in here. With the underachieving of the defensive line, and poor safety play though I am afraid he won't get the time he needs.

At least someone gets it. I disagree about the DL underachieving but the CB inexperience and the cap on the safety play is creating a problem for Wade.


No Quarter
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Doomsday101;2323909 said:
Really because some of these guys were not making pro bowl before. Davis was considered a bust yet in Dallas he goes to the Pro Bowl, Ellis goes to the Pro Bowl for the 1st time in his career and if not mistaken some other guys who did the same under Wade and this staff.
Davis was a "bust". LOL @ the contract we paid him then.

Ellis... #8 overall.... keep spinnin'

Give Wade Drew B and remove Tony R. from QB and he'd be 4-12.
