Wade, Wade, Wade


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khiladi;2323401 said:
I don't know, maybe losers that stink alot more than the losers that Parcells brought in???

So your problem is since they're 13-3 and playoff losers, instead of 5-11 and playoff losers, that everyone should still just be unhappy cause they're losers?

Sorry that all of us aren't dying at the fact that we're at least more fun and exciting to watch now just because we haven't won enough playoff games to suit your liking.

I don't get what all the jazz is about getting at least one playoff win is anway. Would it be nice? Sure. Would it change the fact that you still didn't win it all? No. Even if you win a WC game, like we could have in Seattle, if you go into Chicago the next week and lose do you really feel any better? I don't know, I don't think I would. Still means you lost in the playoffs.

I'm not saying I wouldn't have been happy with some playoff wins but the Skins have a playoff win or two since we've had one and I don't recall them ever being considered all that much better, or more of a competitive threat, to win it all.

That Pats just got done winning two playoff games last year but they still lost in the Superbowl. Coming in second in the Superbowl just meant that they got to be first in line to be Superbowl losers.

It would have been nice to get there, even if we had lost, but if you lose in the playoffs it really doesn't matter if you lost in round one or the Superbowl you still lost when it mattered most.


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khiladi;2323417 said:
Game, set, match.... Your posts pretty much rely on your 'wit'... not football knowledge...

Didn't the Cowboy players tell you that the 3-4 of Wade is fundamentally different than Parcells, especially in how they attack the gaps?

As to scheme, I think Parcells' and Wade's "schemes" are very similar, not in style, but in what they ask of the players. Both require enormous accountability. Both essentially say "Line up here, beat your man." There's not alot of flashiness and pizzazz, it's just dominate the guy across from you, especially in the front seven.

Reading is fundamental. It was pretty obvious from my statement what I meant, and that it had absolutely nothing to do with gap control.


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BraveHeartFan;2323527 said:
That Pats just got done winning two playoff games last year but they still lost in the Superbowl. Coming in second in the Superbowl just meant that they got to be first in line to be Superbowl losers.

It would have been nice to get there, even if we had lost, but if you lose in the playoffs it really doesn't matter if you lost in round one or the Superbowl you still lost when it mattered most.

Terrible spin.

You win and get a shot at glory. I'd love to get the the 'bowl even it meant a loss it's something you BUILD ON. NFC champs.

OTOH cupcake is shooting blanks in the playoffs spanning a few decades now.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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chinch;2323543 said:
Terrible spin.

You win and get a shot at glory. I'd love to get the the 'bowl even it meant a loss it's something you BUILD ON. NFC champs.

OTOH cupcake is shooting blanks in the playoffs spanning a few decades now.

LOL. If we get to the Super Bowl and lose, I'll be looking for your positive posts.


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Chocolate Lab;2323546 said:
LOL. If we get to the Super Bowl and lose, I'll be looking for your positive posts.
Shoot, I'll be looking for ANY positive posts. Winning would just mean less negative posts.


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Chocolate Lab;2323546 said:
LOL. If we get to the Super Bowl and lose, I'll be looking for your positive posts.
if they played mistake free, were well coached and lost to a team that just flat out played better that sunday you WOULD NOT HEAR ONE COMPLAINT OR NEGATIVITY from me.

bank on it. would love to see it...

UNFORTUNATELY wade has the them acting like complacent, sloppy, underachieving (several lucky wins), over-penalized, mentally weak, bone-headed football players.


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Alexander;2323396 said:
If he brought in losers, then what on earth would you call what we brought in since Jimmy Johnson?

Talentless Losers??


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Doomsday101;2323333 said:
They have for the most part played very well since Phillips got here. 13-3 was a franchise record that is not a bad 1st year and many around here were predicting 8-8. Currently we are 4-1 on the season I'm sure many teams would take that right now. It really just blows my mind to see how some can give Wade no chance to prove himself after just 1 season. We are not talking 3 years of disappointment from Wade Phillips, he has been here a total of 1 season and 5 games with a 17-5 record in that time frame.

I'm not calling for Wade's head right now. I'm just at a point where I'm having my own doubts about him being the coach who can maximize this team's talent and take them where we all hope to go. He'll certainly get this season to 'prove himself' but if he doesn't get to and win in the playoffs he's gone.

Doomsday101 said:
I will agree with you that if we lose in the post season then yes his supporters will be very few but as a fan of this team yes I’m going to support him and the players until they prove otherwise that is part of what a fan does.

I don’t walk around with blinders on but I do support my team instead of predicting oh they will lose because of Wade. Why not give the man a chance? I think he has done enough so far on this team to warrant that from any fan instead of nitpicking every single word as you continue to do

I'm a fan but I don't think that makes me obligated to approve of and cheer for everything they do or don't do. And I think things would be pretty boring if we did.

I'd certainly put a higher percentage on things being 'right' over 'wrong', but there are definitely some things going on in Dallas that concern me.


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chinch;2323564 said:
if they played mistake free, were well coached and lost to a team that just flat out played better that sunday you WOULD NOT HEAR ONE COMPLAINT OR NEGATIVITY from me.
Like all the mistakes the Patriots made, were outcoaches and lost to a far less talented team in the super bowl I wonder?


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stasheroo;2323573 said:
I'm not calling for Wade's head right now. I'm just at a point where I'm having my own doubts about him being the coach who can maximize this team's talent and take them where we all hope to go. He'll certainly get this season to 'prove himself' but if he doesn't get to and win in the playoffs he's gone.

I'm a fan but I don't think that makes me obligated to approve of and cheer for everything they do or don't do. And I think things would be pretty boring if we did.

I'd certainly put a higher percentage on things being 'right' over 'wrong', but there are definitely some things going on in Dallas that concern me.

Well when Romo throws a bad pass I'm not afraid to say he did, or if I see a player or a call that I disagree with I speak up so I'm not saying people should not be critical what I don't get it the constant pounding on Phillips he has been here a total of 1 season and this team has won under him. We have not been going 9-7 or 5-11 we have won and played some damn good games with him in charge. It seems he is taking the heat for past failures instead of being judge on the present


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Doomsday101;2323586 said:
Well when Romo throws a bad pass I'm not afraid to say he did, or if I see a player or a call that I disagree with I speak up so I'm not saying people should not be critical what I don't get it the constant pounding on Phillips he has been here a total of 1 season and this team has won under him. We have not been going 9-7 or 5-11 we have won and played some damn good games with him in charge. It seems he is taking the heat for past failures instead of being judge on the present

From my perspective, maybe a lot of it has to do with the lofty expectations for this team. That may not be entirely Wade's fault, but it's something he must deal with as the head coach of the Cowboys.

Fair? Probably not. But that's the way it is. He knew that when he signed on.

Again, this team's record is 4-1 but for this fan, they are currently not meeting my own expectations.

For one, they're far more defensive off the field than they are on it.

If they could muster the same defensive intensity on Sunday that they do the rest of the week, we'd be near unstoppable!

There are several issues that are concerning me that I hope are corrected before they really do cost this team.


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This type of thread is why I like the Political Zone: It's less contraversial.



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Chocolate Lab;2323546 said:
LOL. If we get to the Super Bowl and lose, I'll be looking for your positive posts.

This sucks that I can still see his posts that are quoted even though I have him on ignore.

This dude has a big time hard-on for Wade.


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stasheroo;2323609 said:
From my perspective, maybe a lot of it has to do with the lofty expectations for this team. That may not be entirely Wade's fault, but it's something he must deal with as the head coach of the Cowboys.

Fair? Probably not. But that's the way it is. He knew that when he signed on.

Again, this team's record is 4-1 but for this fan, they are currently not meeting my own expectations.

For one, they're far more defensive off the field than they are on it.

If they could muster the same defensive intensity on Sunday that they do the rest of the week, we'd be near unstoppable!

There are several issues that are concerning me that I hope are corrected before they really do cost this team.

Well I would rather be 4-1 knowing we have things to improve on than say 1-4 knowing we need to improve. Phillips is not stupid so while he may not throw a player under the bus and stands up and take the blame this does not mean they are not focusing on areas that need to improve. Over the last 2 games we have had a total of 11 flags we were getting about 11 a game yet I see no one saying that is an improvement that maybe they are getting through to the players on this. Like you have high expectation and no I don't think we are as good in week 5 as we will be in week 15


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Doomsday101;2323655 said:
Well I would rather be 4-1 knowing we have things to improve on than say 1-4 knowing we need to improve. Phillips is not stupid so while he may not throw a player under the bus and stands up and take the blame this does not mean they are not focusing on areas that need to improve. Over the last 2 games we have had a total of 11 flags we were getting about 11 a game yet I see no one saying that is an improvement that maybe they are getting through to the players on this. Like you have high expectation and no I don't think we are as good in week 5 as we will be in week 15

4-1 is fine - for now. But I personally don't think the team has looked great getting to 4-1. As close as they are to 5-0 they're just as close to being 2-3.

I don't know where Phillips gets the benefit of the doubt for being shewd. I've yet to see what I would call a 'clever' move from him.

He certainly didn't look the least bit clever allowing the media to control the press conference and take it wherever they wanted.

I sincerely hope that you're right about the team's improvement but if I had to put results on a chart, I don't think the arrow would be pointing that way.

Maybe it's a fundamental thing, where you're a 'glass half full' guy while I'm on the 'glass half empty' side?


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stasheroo;2323698 said:
4-1 is fine - for now. But I personally don't think the team has looked great getting to 4-1. As close as they are to 5-0 they're just as close to being 2-3.

I don't know where Phillips gets the benefit of the doubt for being shewd. I've yet to see what I would call a 'clever' move from him.

He certainly didn't look the least bit clever allowing the media to control the press conference and take it wherever they wanted.

I sincerely hope that you're right about the team's improvement but if I had to put results on a chart, I don't think the arrow would be pointing that way.

Maybe it's a fundamental thing, where you're a 'glass half full' guy while I'm on the 'glass half empty' side?

I don't know he is controlling some of the biggest egos in the NFL with the likes of Pacman and TO just to name a couple and has shown a willingness to take gambles. Guys like Ellis have been able to make the Pro Bowl, I don't recall Ellis ever going to one in the past. As I said there is room for improvement but then there is room for improvement on every team out there but for me the bottom line is we are winning with Phillips as HC and some of those could be loses shows me this team will turn the big play and do what they have to do to pull out wins. I guess in the end you are right I am optimistic in my views but I don't walk around with blinders on I see the many of the same things that we need to improve on, difference is I think we will improve on them


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chinch;2323543 said:
Terrible spin.

You win and get a shot at glory. I'd love to get the the 'bowl even it meant a loss it's something you BUILD ON. NFC champs.

Really? Is that what they call what Seattle and Chicago have been doing since their Superbowl loses? Building on being first in line to lose.

Like I said it would be nice to get there but it doesn't really change much other than you got a little further and still didn't win. If you're unhappy at 13-3 and a divisional round exit you're going to be equally unhappy with 13-3 and a NFC Championship game exit or a loss in the Superbowl.

After a loss to the Skins a couple of weeks ago i can't even FATHOM the level of hate that would be shown on this board if Dallas goes to a Superbowl and doesn't win it. There won't be any of those 'Well we did win a couple playoff games' positive posts here. It will all be about how we didn't win the Superbowl and how Wade should be fired cause he sucks.

OTOH cupcake is shooting blanks in the playoffs spanning a few decades now.

chinch;2323564 said:
if they played mistake free, were well coached and lost to a team that just flat out played better that sunday you WOULD NOT HEAR ONE COMPLAINT OR NEGATIVITY from me.

bank on it. would love to see it...

UNFORTUNATELY wade has the them acting like complacent, sloppy, underachieving (several lucky wins), over-penalized, mentally weak, bone-headed football players.

And this just proves my above point, and the point the other guy made, as you're already setting up boundaries and such that will allow you to complain should they make it and lose.

And if being a headcoach is so easy, and getting the players to play up their potential is so easy, why aren't you doing it instead of Wade?

If it's so easy why are there always 5 or 6 coaches looking for a new job at the end of the year? Everyone complains about this stuff like it's a snap of the fingers and it should just be done. Obviously it's not quite as easy as posting on these forums, and complaining about it, is otherwise everyone would be a head coach in football.


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BraveHeartFan;2323796 said:
And this just proves my above point, and the point the other guy made, as you're already setting up boundaries and such that will allow you to complain should they make it and lose.

And if being a headcoach is so easy, and getting the players to play up their potential is so easy, why aren't you doing it instead of Wade?

If it's so easy why are there always 5 or 6 coaches looking for a new job at the end of the year? Everyone complains about this stuff like it's a snap of the fingers and it should just be done. Obviously it's not quite as easy as posting on these forums, and complaining about it, is otherwise everyone would be a head coach in football.
One doesn't need to be a world-class chef to spot a rotten piece of steak.

Of course it's not easy, jerry & the good-old-boy NFL owners hire from within and recycle scrubs like Wade. Jerruh's #2 choice was NORV! ROTFLMAO. There are always 5-6 coaches looking for new jobs because there are 8+ NFL owners who have no desire to really win, only gain profit from NFL. Half-hearted effort that dooms a coach.

But whatever, if you believe Wade is coaching up this team more power to you.

IMHO we have among the 5 worst staffs in the NFL factoring the big-4 HC, OC, DC, ST. Who inherited or were given a dozen or so pro-bowlers on their roster, including QB.

The skins loss triggered a firestorm brewing from poor play going back to 2nd half of the GB game last year and poor coaching (6 handoffs to RB).



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chinch;2323895 said:
One doesn't need to be a world-class chef to spot a rotten piece of steak.

Of course it's not easy, jerry & the good-old-boy NFL owners hire from within and recycle scrubs like Wade. Jerruh's #2 choice was NORV! ROTFLMAO. There are always 5-6 coaches looking for new jobs because there are 8+ NFL owners who have no desire to really win, only gain profit from NFL. Half-hearted effort that dooms a coach.

But whatever, if you believe Wade is coaching up this team more power to you.

IMHO we have among the 5 worst staffs in the NFL factoring the big-4 HC, OC, DC, ST. Who inherited or were given a dozen or so pro-bowlers on their roster, including QB.

The skins loss triggered a firestorm brewing from poor play going back to 2nd half of the GB game last year and poor coaching (6 handoffs to RB).


Really because some of these guys were not making pro bowl before. Davis was considered a bust yet in Dallas he goes to the Pro Bowl, Ellis goes to the Pro Bowl for the 1st time in his career and if not mistaken some other guys who did the same under Wade and this staff.