Just to touch on a few things that were mentioned here...
1. Best hour of TV ever? I'm sorry, but as a fan of The Sopranos, Dexter, LOST, Breaking Bad, The Wire, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy and The Shield, this isn't even close. It was a good episode, sure, but nothing from The Walking Dead could ever touch the best from those other shows because the quality of the writing, acting, directing, characters and storylines were so much better. I dig The Walking Dead, but it lacks the emotional punch of those other shows I mentioned.
2. I'm glad Lori is dead. She was one of the most annoying TV characters I've ever seen. Her actions nor her words made any sense. "Rick, kill Shane, he's a threat!" ... Rick kills Shane in self defense... "You killed Shane?! You horrible monster, get away from me!!!" Ugh. I was literally clapping and cheering once I realized they were gonna kill her.
3. I was more upset about losing Silent T Dog than I was Lori. True story.
4. That said, Rick's breakdown was fantastic. Best piece of acting there's ever been on The Walking Dead, barnone.
5. Now THAT said, some fans are saying it's the best acting ever done on TV, period. Please refer to the shows listed in my #1 point. Watch Tony and Carmela Soprano have a little domestic dispute. Watch Dexter Morgan internalize the emotion of love as nothingness then attempt to outwardly express it. Watch Benjamin Linus and John Locke in a battle of wits. Watch Walter White verbally explode on the weaker, sweeter Jesse Pinkman. Watch an incarcerated D'Angelo Barksdale scream out "Where's Wallace?!" at a quietly boiling Stringer Bell. Rick's breakdown was really great, but it's not an all-timer.