Want to know what is wrong with this D and maybe the team? watch video


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THis is bradie James on the post game show tonight.


PLEASE DOWNLOAD. I am not sure the audio works in the embedded player.

So, I like bradie james and think he is a good player.

What he says tonight is what I think is exactly wrong with this team. He actually says the guys in the locker room hate losing because we are more talented than everyone we play. He repeats this type of thing over and over. Its crazy.

To everyone who says what is said in the media and all the attention doesnt matter, well how do you explain the team saying they are more talented than everyone?

that is the attitude that comes from the top, Jerry. Constantly the salesman, selling the team, overrating the quality of talent and making average guys celebrities. guys need to be working bees, you know the old saying too many chiefs and not enough indians. I think that is one of the problems. I hope the coaches do not speak like this.

This is a main part of the problem I think and I hope somehow it can be beaten out of them. I just dont know how it can over the course of a season. If they go on a 5 game winning streak again they will be the unbeatable cowboys and the processes starts over and if they go on a losing streak I fear the wheels coming off.

just my two cents but having players talk this way cant be good. And it shows they care to much what media people think when they shouldnt give one iota of what is said.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I absolutely agree. I have said for a long time now that this team is NOT that much more talented, if any more talented, than the other good teams in the league.

I will say, though, that I wouldn't take the self-proclaimed leader Bradie's words as an absolute indication of what the entire team thinks. He's a good guy but a poor wordsmith and spokesman IMO.

I for one hope we hit on a talented ILB high in the draft and send Bradie to the bench.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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wow....you sound like ESPN.....taken half what he said and making a story of it

I watched his interview live and he said that the team needs to stop acting like they shouldve won games like this because they are more talented and that they are not more talented because the team that wins is more talented...or something to that effect...

I was very happy about him after listening to his after game interview myself


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theebs;2332598 said:
THis is bradie James on the post game show tonight.


PLEASE DOWNLOAD. I am not sure the audio works in the embedded player.

So, I like bradie james and think he is a good player.

What he says tonight is what I think is exactly wrong with this team. He actually says the guys in the locker room hate losing because we are more talented than everyone we play. He repeats this type of thing over and over. Its crazy.

To everyone who says what is said in the media and all the attention doesnt matter, well how do you explain the team saying they are more talented than everyone?

that is the attitude that comes from the top, Jerry. Constantly the salesman, selling the team, overrating the quality of talent and making average guys celebrities. guys need to be working bees, you know the old saying too many chiefs and not enough indians. I think that is one of the problems. I hope the coaches do not speak like this.

This is a main part of the problem I think and I hope somehow it can be beaten out of them. I just dont know how it can over the course of a season. If they go on a 5 game winning streak again they will be the unbeatable cowboys and the processes starts over and if they go on a losing streak I fear the wheels coming off.

just my two cents but having players talk this way cant be good. And it shows they care to much what media people think when they shouldnt give one iota of what is said.

Well, first of all, James is not exactly a star player, much less a celebrity one.

Aside from that, I've always questioned his leadership abilities from day 1. And no-this is not solely on Jerry. Yes, it starts at the top, but nonetheless, I don't think it completely affects the mentality of the players. Ultimately, it's up to them if they want to have the right mentality.


Zone Scribe
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Boysboy;2332622 said:
Well, first of all, James is not exactly a star player, much less a celebrity one.

Aside from that, I've always questioned his leadership abilities from day 1. And no-this is not solely on Jerry. Yes, it starts at the top, but nonetheless, I don't think it completely affects the mentality of the players. Ultimately, it's up to them if they want to have the right mentality.

You can question Bradie's leadership ability all you want, but at least he steps up to the plate and takes the responsibility ... none of the messageboard heros on this team seem like they want the title.

And I agree 100% with theebs original post. I know people on this board don't like Belichick, but I've always admired him for instilling that attitude in his teams. I'll never forget an article I read last year where Belichick came into a Monday Morning team meeting and stood in front of the team and read a quote in the newspaper by (at the time) Patriots rookie free safety where he called teammate Wes Welker the best slot WR in the NFL. After Belichick read the quote in front of the team he wadded up the article and threw it in the trash and screamed "WHO THE #%#@ IS BRANDON MERRIWEATHER AND WHAT THE #@#$ HAS HE EVER DONE TO GIVE HIS OPINION ABOUT THE NFL??"

Maybe someone should stand in front of this team and ask them those two questions on Monday Morning.


Sounds From The Lair
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This defense needs a monster NT (move Rat to DE) and a play making ILB.

Are there any good NT prospects in the draft?


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InmanRoshi;2332665 said:
You can question Bradie's leadership ability all you want, but at least he steps up to the plate and takes the responsibility ... none of the messageboard heros on this team seem like they want the title.

And I agree 100% with theebs original post. I know people on this board don't like Belichick, but I've always admired him for instilling that attitude in his teams. I'll never forget an article I read last year where Belichick came into a Monday Morning team meeting and stood in front of the team and read a quote in the newspaper by (at the time) Patriots rookie free safety where he called teammate Wes Welker the best slot WR in the NFL. After Belichick read the quote in front of the team he wadded up the article and threw it in the trash and screamed "WHO THE #%#@ IS BRANDON MERRIWEATHER AND WHAT THE #@#$ HAS HE EVER DONE TO GIVE HIS OPINION ABOUT THE NFL??"

Maybe someone should stand in front of this team and ask them those two questions on Monday Morning.

Belichick may not be the hard *** his former boss was, but despite his image of being a cheater, give him credit where it's due-he's consistently given his team humble pie, NOT hubris pie.

Really-they didn't win 3 Super Bowls for nothing. Sure, they may have needed the benefit of cheating. Sure, they only won by FGs in each of them. But b/c they bought into the mentality of their HC, they were able to rise to the top.


Federal Agent
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James contradicted himself like 4 times in that video.

Pretty sad that it took a fan to bring to his attention that you have to stop the other team after your offense scores.

Dumb football players and no leadership. That's the problem.


Pixel Pusher
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Achozen;2332667 said:
This defense needs a monster NT (move Rat to DE) and a play making ILB.

Are there any good NT prospects in the draft?

What're you talking about?


Well-Known Member
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this D needs to go back to tackling school for starters.
They often look like there still in training camp walkthrough practice out there.
every play seems to have 2 or 3 contacts before the player is brought down.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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theebs;2332598 said:
What he says tonight is what I think is exactly wrong with this team. He actually says the guys in the locker room hate losing because we are more talented than everyone we play. He repeats this type of thing over and over. Its crazy.

When a very very average linebacker like Bradie James is your leader, what do you expect. I cannot stand listening to him speak sometimes. I also resent when he celebrates a play that a truly elite middle linebacker makes in his sleep.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Boysboy;2332622 said:
Well, first of all, James is not exactly a star player

So why is he a leader then? Because he talks more than others? I have yet to see him become anything close to elite, even for a game. Quick, name one play he has made that made you take notice.

To me, your leaders have to have a level of excellence that inspires others. If his play is a barometer that others are supposed to aspire to, it is no wonder we are inconsistant and never win the big ones.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Alexander;2333087 said:
When a very very average linebacker like Bradie James is your leader, what do you expect. I cannot stand listening to him speak sometimes. I also resent when he celebrates a play that a truly elite middle linebacker makes in his sleep.

This has probably been brought up in multiple threads already but screw it.

Speaking of LB. I expected a little more out of Z.Thomas. He is an above average talent, he is still around the ball to make plays but last night was the first time I noticed so many missed plays from him. Simple things like not wrapping up or that one play where he went helmet to helmet without wrapping up.

However with that said. I would love to have his brain in Brady James body and athletic talent.

That game last night was just so frustrating. It always seems like we can not get the whole team going at one time during a game.

The defense was playing really well the first half but the ST and Offense was struggling.

Then the offense started doing well and the Defense was struggling.

Just frustrating.

My only hope is that we have these struggles early this year and come together at the end of the year. It has happened to other teams but with the way things are going right now it does not seem like it will happen with this team.