Warren Sapp doesn't believe Parsons is good pass rusher

So Warren Sapp doesn’t actually watch football. The Parsons comment is too stupid to acknowledge. The statement about when did PSU produce an edge is almost as moronic. Players can come from any team any year, history has nothing to do with an individual player. AND Chop Robinson had a pretty damn good rookie year.
Cameron (Derek) Wake has more career sacks than Sapp. Tamba Hali has almost as many. Parsons should pass him before 2030, barring a major health problem.

I'm not sure any of those guys will ever touch his CTE, cocaine and underage prostitute stats.
Saying Parsons is not a great pass rusher is like saying Dak is not a company man

Youre making yourself look stupid
This is such a bizarre take I'm trying to figure out where the miscommunication is....Maybe Sapp was trying to say Parsons was never a great pass rusher while at Penn State? I'm not sure how else to explain Sapps comment here. Even the most casual of fans know who Parsons is and what he does.
He just got caught being dumb and forgetting about Micah when saying when was the last good pass rusher out of Penn State and then tried to pull a win out of an obviously stupid statement.

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