Washington is great example how quickly Cowboys could turn it around

Another discussion where your position appears to be (covertly) defending Dak, in this case diminishing Daniels efforts in favor of the coaching.
In reality you're both right, you focusing on ownership/coaching and opposing view of the Daniels effect.
The uncomfortable truth is that even if we got rid of GM Jerry our expectation of a 'Washington quick turnaround' wouldnt be with Dak at the helm....even Cavanaugh (a self proclaimed Dak Fan) mentioned the propensity/success of mobile QB's
how am I defending Dak? I think you are such mindset that if I am not incessently 24x7 dumping and cursing Dak, then I must be a dak defender....its the extreme position some Dak haters take....

I have said all along, that we should have moved on from Dak. Also have said many many times, that we need to draft a QB in the first 3 rounds every 3, 4 year and keep the pipeline warm. I have said, jerry left himself no choice but to sign Dak and cornered himself.

What i have aslo said, is that the contract is not the issue for not signing FAs and its not the blocker joneses make it out to be. I have pointed to other organizations that are in similar situation and yet competitive.

but given that you are solely and narrowly only focused on Dak, you take this last statement as a defense of Dak, which its not. the point that Jerry and Stephen's excuse we can't because the cap is all BS. its that they don't want to.
Our talent is greatly overrated and 2 of our best players are at their twilight years, likely to only get worse with father time.
People see the few stars we do have and don't notice how bad DT is, and right now our LB corps isn't there. S got a bit better w/ MM, but still isn't great.
All it took was new ownership, new leadership in FO, coaching and of course insert of talent and top drafted QB.

Lions turned it around as well but it took a couple more years.

Washington’s turn around in one season is the new standard but exemplifies it can be done . But major changes are needed from the top down.
Don't expect the Cowboys to do anything as long as Jones owns the team.
It’s purely a subjective assessment. And I’m not a detractor or homer believing he’s in upper half of the league enough to have more success with a better team around him but better than half of the playoff QB’s this year appears to be a stretch so I thought I’d list them to take a closer look in no particular order.


I’d say there are maybe a handful I’d rather have than Dak. And that’s being generous.

Now I’d rather have Dak than half of the league which includes all of the teams who didn’t make the playoffs but not more than half in the playoffs.

And I’m not sure many would make that argument . I’d like to see the list of playoff QB’s you’d rather not have over Dak.
Take out 3 maybe 4 the rest are better than Dak at this point.
We’ll start with the ones for whom there is simply no rational argument for taking over Dak at present:


Now that we’ve dispensed with those, here are the ones for whom Dak has been objectively better than by all or virtually all relevant statistical metrics for years but some will mindlessly try and argue for:


That’s 7 already, which alone justifies my post as I said Dak is better than half the field.

But to further the point, of the remaining 7, 4 are players who haven’t done anything bough on the field yet to be called better than Dak but that who could absolutely be argued for on the basis of potential and trajectory:


In other words, only 3 of the 14 QBs in this years field are clearly and inarguably better than Dak on the basis of production and efficiency in the league to date.
Only in your mind , your first 3 Darnold is below the other 2 About the same. There isn’t a GM taking Dak over the rest

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