We are no where's close to making it to the Super Bowl


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I agree, but I believe we started this exchange because you stated that Dak and Mike could win "playoff games".
They may have in the past, but they sure didn't this year, not by a long shot. So their most recent record says they can't, until proven otherwise.
The rest is speculation.

But still, just winning a playoff game is failure if you don't progress to winning the big one.
Getting completely smashed in the playoffs indicates that you are not close. Adding few missing pieces and making a few tweaks will not dig us out of a deep hole.
And our hole is multifaceted, on both sides of the ball.
Every other team is adding a few pieces and making tweaks too.
No team is perfect. Even the good ones share many flaws that the Cowboys have so I don't consider being over-critical as you are being as progress. I'm focused on what can be and not what has been or currently is. My comment, stating Dak and Mike can win playoff games was about the future but it seems you think because they haven't they never will. It's a negative opinion I don't buy into.