We are no where's close to making it to the Super Bowl


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These realist you speak of can be found in virtually every anti cowboy thread over the past 4 or 5 years

I had the right word . Look I don’t expect everyone to fandom like me but the level of whining on this site is unreal

Some are worst than others but I get it. We haven’t won and I used to be a REALISt but I began to adjust my expectations and enjoy things just fine
You could employ your expectations of the Cowboys to your fellow fans. Just enjoy the different fan perspectives even if they seem like they are whining and negative.

It’s cool to acknowledge your own shortcomings. Lots of the homers are completely deluded to believe the Cowboys will be advancing any further in the playoffs with Dak than they already have. The chances are MUCH better for teams that are showing good stats against the better/best teams-especially those that have continuity and proven the team is capable of deep playoff runs with the current core.


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The team is regressing. Next year is shaping up to be another scapegoat campaign for the Jones' where they can move on with a different coaching staff and not have open contracts with the existing staff.

I bet the cowboys assistants are actively promoting themselves for other jobs.


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The team is regressing. Next year is shaping up to be another scapegoat campaign for the Jones' where they can move on with a different coaching staff and not have open contracts with the existing staff.

I bet the cowboys assistants are actively promoting themselves for other jobs.
As long as Dak comes back. That is the only important thing.


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We are no where's close to making it to the big game. Lets look at 2023 season. We beat 1 team with a winning record. I wont count Detroit, we got lucky. Dak is not our guy. He cant win a big game. Just like Romo. We win during the season and choke at playoff time. Things need to change starting from Jerry Jones. Looking forward to another unfulfilled season!!!!
Mahomes plays on a team that didn’t allow 30 points in any game. It’s a team sport. Must be nice to know you don’t have to complete 40 of 45 for 450 yards and no INT to win because you can count on your team to get defensive stops and can even run the ball to boot


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We are no where's close to making it to the big game. Lets look at 2023 season. We beat 1 team with a winning record. I wont count Detroit, we got lucky. Dak is not our guy. He cant win a big game. Just like Romo. We win during the season and choke at playoff time. Things need to change starting from Jerry Jones. Looking forward to another unfulfilled season!!!!
Sorry. I count Detroit. They got lucky to even have a chance for their own debacle. You can't pick and choose what wins count and what doesn't. So do you not count loss to Dolphins because we fumbled at the 6 inch line. Can we say they got lucky?

But I agree. This team is not ready. Hasn't been ready for 30 years. This GM is not capable of building a superbowl team.

We are mentally weak. The.most important game of the year and couple ofnplayers had a pep rally party!!!!! Seriously!!!! And couple of them had party planned for after a win.... a freakingnparty for winning a wild card playoff game!!!! Seriously!!!!!

And the star WR starts cold, instead of fighting through, he pouts on the sideline. The star defensive player has 1 tackle and 1 assist in the most important game of the year. The coaches had no game plan. That was obvious.

This organization is country club. It starts at the top


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Yes, I think I said that.
But there is a path, and it involves wining divisional games and conference championship games first.
Winning an occasional wildcard round game is fairly mediocre.
The only thing I care about is winning the Super Bowl. Not doing that isn't just mediocre, it's a failure.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Wrong. Dallas has the talent. They lack heart, leadership to really bring this thing together. They will continue being good just not good enough.


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Yep this is all true we are nowhere close to winning the super bowl and we're no further away than we have been we're just in the same spot where Jerry keeps Us a coach and a few players away along with a culture that will never let us succeed on the big stage.

We are designed to make the playoffs stay relevant because staying relevant makes more money than winning a little trophy with some other coaches name on it and then going in the tank.

Our owner makes marketing and making money a priority and so do our players they follow his lead and as a result we will never reach our potential.

And if you're not depressed enough by that realize that they're enough Jones is to inherit this team that we will never see another championship in our lifetime or maybe our children's lifetime.


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Dallas Cowboys fans are stuck in the Twilight zone of Jerry Jones generational wealth through mediocrity.

And there is no light at the end of the tunnel just more Jones is in line to run the team. And keep us just relevant enough to make maximum profit.