Ultra 5 is fired up about the game Monday night. So he comes here to share his enthusiasm and because some of you "fear" this Eagles team, he is labeled obnoxious? Come on, guys. This Dallas team is special and they are finally legit! Fans are enjoying themselves. Whether Dallas wins or loses next week has nothing to do with how big of a fan you are or how knowledgeable of a fan you are. Some fans get nervous about a big game, others get loud. As far as I am concerned, neither approach is wrong in a Cowboys forum.
Theebs, I rarely post but visit daily and I love your work, especially the vids, but folks should be able to come here and enjoy themselves, no? I like the fact that the fans are feeling strong, they should. Bring on the Birds and kick their tails back to Philly!
How 'Bout Them Cowboys!