Weather where you are

We're preparing for a big artic blast beginning Thursday. For the next several days, the daytime highs will be -5 to -10 F with nighttime lows ranging from -15 to -30 F. And, just to prove Mother Nature is truly in charge, we're expecting a few feet of snow and 30+ mph winds.

I think we are well prepared... we tend to plan for the worst with a huge stock pile of firewood, a full propane tank and standby generator.

Who was the idiot that claimed we were having an unusually mild Montana winter (err... me just a couple of weeks ago)?
Visiting the in-laws in Atlantic Canada. Was down to 0F here last couple of mornings with 25mph winds. Lazy wind though . . . would rather go through you than around you. Note: not here this time of year by choice, MIL is in the hospital.
Rough weather for this East Texas boy.

Snow just ended, accumulated about 6 inches.
It's tried to snow a couple times in Boise and it's just been what I would call "a light dusting". Woke up this morning to a decent amount of snow of the ground. Finally! Enough to close schools. Now, it the temps will hold so it could stick around, that would be great.

My one husky is outside frolicking in it right now. She is in her natural environment. It's great. lol

My other husky? She is a little princess. Ran right back into the house like "eww, what is this stuff? It's cold!!" :laugh:
Cleveland seems to think it's Bournemouth the last few days. Cold, rainy/some snow mixed in occasionally, and very windy. We had 20-30 mph winds yesterday, and today is similar with some winds expected to gust to upwards of 60 mph. We are getting gale force winds off the Lake.
Naples, Florida. Sun in and out, 82 degrees. I’m sitting on my boat, eating shrimp and drinking a martini. Life is good.
Anyone else getting more snow than normal this winter? Here in the flatlands of Kansas we so. So far this is the snowest winter since 1988 and it's only mid-January??? It sucks!

Side note - Arrowhead Stadium will be colder than advertised. I don't know what it is about that place but you walk throu the gate and it feels like the temperature drops 15-20 degrees instantly. It will be brutal there for the game.

Side side note - the Chiefs fans and people of Kansas City are IDIOTS for voting down a proposal to roof that stadium a few years ago. The league even told them that if they built a roof they would get a Super Bowl. They still voted it down. So if you hear anyone from the game talking about the weather, don't feel worry for them. Tell them they still sell almost hot chocolate at the concession stand.
DFW 14F and -3F WC

After a couple of nights around -35F, this morning is a much more manageable -11F.

I had to drive into town yesterday morning. The tires basically froze on the bottom, so for the first couple of miles, there was a noticeable thumping noise until they warmed up.
Here in Pawnee County Oklahoma, it's dang cold. Real feel was -17 this morning.

Been busting ice in water troughs 3 times a day for 2 days. This morning the ice was too thick to bust up. I spent a couple hours hauling 5 gal buckets of water out to livestock pens.
Here in Pawnee County Oklahoma, it's dang cold. Real feel was -17 this morning.

Been busting ice in water troughs 3 times a day for 2 days. This morning the ice was too thick to bust up. I spent a couple hours hauling 5 gal buckets of water out to livestock pens.
The very underappreciated life of a farmer. My grandfather was a farmer in SW Kansas so I grew up around it some.

Real feel in Wichita is -20 now. Hard to complain when it's so much worse in a large area of the country.
It hit 56 today and is suppose to be 58 by Boise.

Pretty sure it broke the high record. Crazy.
It hit 56 today and is suppose to be 58 by Boise.

Pretty sure it broke the high record. Crazy.
It's been 80-90 in Boise plenty of times this time of year....just thousands of years ago.
We're looking at the mid-40's for daytime highs the remainder of the week. It is mindboggling to think that just over a week ago, it was -35 F degrees
Hit 66 today. Absolutely unreal. Walking around in my sweater and pants feeling overdressed in January. :laugh:

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