Weather where you are

Do not miss living down South. And the more humidity, the worse.
Understood. But between Naples and the Keys, all that clear water, awesome fishing, diving, boating, beautiful's really hard not to like it here. The wildlife does keep you alert though. The largest Burmese Python ever caught in the wild anywhere in the world was captured 20 minutes from my home (19-ft, 215 pounds). With all the invasive species in South Florida, the Everglades is starting to resemble Jurassic Park.
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Understood. But between Naples and the Keys, all that clear water, awesome fishing, diving, boating, beautiful's really hard not to like it here.
We are going to spend June and July in Islamorada, kind of a working vacation. I’ve been to the Keys a few times but am excited to live in the water for 8 weeks :cool:
Definitely the heat and humidity is not for everybody. The wife is from Atlantic Canada while I grew up here in the Pineywoods of East Texas and down on the coast of the upper Texas Gulf region. She says a resounding "NO!" when I've asked her if she wanted to move closer to her childhood home, specifically to Maine. We lived in Bangor for a couple of years. She says the cold sucks, the snow sucks, and the length of the combination of both sucks !

When she got her offer of a job in Texas (1995) she had to drive from work to get home, first car through, in a blowing snowstorm with 18" of snow on the roadways (not plowed yet). Had to guess where the road was. And sure, weather is pleasant from mid May until early October . . . much more than the heat and humidity here (Think Fla without the sea breezes). We live in the pool and at the lake with occasional trips to the coast for a weekend where there is strong summertime breezes.

I can "handle" the cold but prefer dealing with the heat . Was in NB, Can. in early Jan. and it was -11°F several days with wind . . . just miserable with the lazy wind. Was back in Canada again for 10 days 2 weeks ago but not really pleasant but tolerable. Had snow flurries leaving the airport in Presque Isle, Me. when we arrived but other than a few mornings in the 20's after we arrived a jacket or sweatshirt/hoodie was fine.

It'll be 85°F today here in SE Tx and predicted 59°F tonight but we have WNW winds blowing towards the Gulf so lower humidities (it's 55% now) with the offshore breeze. If all this rain hadn't bred hordes of skeeters it would be nice outside with the breezes. Had 1.25" last evening making 4.75 inches since Sunday and 40"+ last 5 weeks. More rain predicted for Thursday.:(
Definitely the heat and humidity is not for everybody. The wife is from Atlantic Canada while I grew up here in the Pineywoods of East Texas and down on the coast of the upper Texas Gulf region. She says a resounding "NO!" when I've asked her if she wanted to move closer to her childhood home, specifically to Maine. We lived in Bangor for a couple of years. She says the cold sucks, the snow sucks, and the length of the combination of both sucks !

When she got her offer of a job in Texas (1995) she had to drive from work to get home, first car through, in a blowing snowstorm with 18" of snow on the roadways (not plowed yet). Had to guess where the road was. And sure, weather is pleasant from mid May until early October . . . much more than the heat and humidity here (Think Fla without the sea breezes). We live in the pool and at the lake with occasional trips to the coast for a weekend where there is strong summertime breezes.

I can "handle" the cold but prefer dealing with the heat . Was in NB, Can. in early Jan. and it was -11°F several days with wind . . . just miserable with the lazy wind. Was back in Canada again for 10 days 2 weeks ago but not really pleasant but tolerable. Had snow flurries leaving the airport in Presque Isle, Me. when we arrived but other than a few mornings in the 20's after we arrived a jacket or sweatshirt/hoodie was fine.

It'll be 85°F today here in SE Tx and predicted 59°F tonight but we have WNW winds blowing towards the Gulf so lower humidities (it's 55% now) with the offshore breeze. If all this rain hadn't bred hordes of skeeters it would be nice outside with the breezes. Had 1.25" last evening making 4.75 inches since Sunday and 40"+ last 5 weeks. More rain predicted for Thursday.:(
We lived in Bangor this past February and some of March and the amount of snow was ridiculous! The locals called it a mild winter too :laugh:

I was born and raised in SE Texas(Clear Lake City) as well and I will take hot n humid over cold and blistering every day.
Been in the 90’s the past four days in Naples. Took jet skis to Keewaydin out of Naples Bay, then Marco Island for some refreshments. Back to Naples completed the almost six hours out there! Beautiful, sunny day. Saw plenty of dolphins too.
We lived in Bangor this past February and some of March and the amount of snow was ridiculous! The locals called it a mild winter too :laugh:

I was born and raised in SE Texas(Clear Lake City) as well and I will take hot n humid over cold and blistering every day.
"and I will take hot n humid over cold and blistering every day."

Are you daft? Just kidding, of course. I can't handle hot and humid anymore.

As a side note, after several days of glorious spring, this morning was 33 F with rain, sleet, hail combo and an expected high of maybe 50 F.

"and I will take hot n humid over cold and blistering every day."

Are you daft? Just kidding, of course. I can't handle hot and humid anymore.

As a side note, after several days of glorious spring, this morning was 33 F with rain, sleet, hail combo and an expected high of maybe 50 F.

Yeah, we seem to go through similar down here in SW Idaho. There is a local joke about how unpredictable "Idaho weather" is. It was 85 Mon/Tuesday, then dropped to lower 70s the rest of the week (it was perfect out), and now it's 48 out this morning. :laugh:
We've had 3 days straight of light continuous rain with temperatures in the high 30's to low 50's.

Central MT is "enjoying" several inches of wet, heavy snow.

Where in that magical MT spring season in which bears, fawns, and tourists appear.
Meanwhile in MT, it is barely cracking 72 F... and I am in San Antonio all next where the daytime highs are around 95+ F. I have long since passed the days of enjoying those temperatures.