Weather where you are

DFW: 23F, Wind Chill 9F, Clear Skies

From AccuWeather, forecast now for overnight Thursday:

Very cold with 2-4 inches of snow; storm total snowfall 3-6 inches.​

DFW: 23F, Wind Chill 9F, Clear Skies

From AccuWeather, forecast now for overnight Thursday:

Very cold with 2-4 inches of snow; storm total snowfall 3-6 inches.​

Wow! That will create chaos... good luck and stay warm
Snow and ice.
Roads are crappy
It was 7 this morning.
I hate the cold.
My rental home in Santa Monica might be turned to ashes real soon :thumbdown:
You're pretty much directly south of the Pacific Palisades?

I pray your safe... it sure looks nasty.

I just viewed a map of the fire. I didn't realize it has reached the coast as well as Santa Monica. Can't imagine what you're going through.
You're pretty much directly south of the Pacific Palisades?

I pray your safe... it sure looks nasty.

I just viewed a map of the fire. I didn't realize it has reached the coast as well as Santa Monica. Can't imagine what you're going through.
I am not there right now but it is still standing this morning.
Artic blast hits us this weekend with daytime temperatures in the single digits and nighttime lows around -5 F... and, did i mention snow?
In PA visiting family and it's just been one snow storm after another. Getting hit with one right now and they are predicting another one this weekend. The one today I didn't even see in the forecast until last night. Came out of nowhere.
Houston and New Orleans airports closed Tuesday.

I wish we’d have 2-3 days of 20 degrees in South and SW Florida. That would kill off most, if not all of the wild invasive pythons. They can’t handle that cold.

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