Welcome To Another Fun Filled Day...


The Duke
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...of get it off your chest. So I will. Hopefully with a little common sense mixed in.

First of all I do not understand the criticism of Tony Romo at all. Yes, I saw the fumble and the near fumbles. Did you see the guy's behind him stripping the ball? Or the guys right in his mush? Tony Romo was one of the few players who played with heart yesterday. I felt sorry for him. He has got to be sore today. They beat the hell out of him. Trent Dilfer, who has been a great analyst for ESPN so far, said it best yesterday. He called Tony Romo one of the top 5 QBs in the entire NFL and said his calm, professional demeanor is what is going to bring the Cowboys back. If Tony Romo were a lesser man we'd have had Brad Johnson trying to rally us to 10 points in the final 3 minutes of the game. You're about to see just how valuable he is. He is down for the next 4 weeks. Enjoy all of you who were critical.

Another guy who played with heart yesterday was Terrell Owens. Did you pay attention to his downfield blocking again? He was our best O-line coach yesterday. ESPN was on him for demanding the ball? In the worst 3 games we have played all year he has not got the ball in critical situations. Diss him if you want to ESPN, but the man is right.

Speaking of the O-line. Get Erik Williams on the phone and tell him to come help Hudson Houck yell at the O-line. That was pathetic. There was no excuse for what I saw form the O-line yesterday, and in truth the last 3 weeks. Want a stat for how bad the O-line is playing right now? Marion Barber has averaged 3.2 yards per carry the last 3 weeks. It has resulte din 2 loses to teams we should have beaten, and an uninspired win over a terrible team.

Week 1 & 2 the O-line looked pretty good. Even Proctor. Week 3, Kosier was back and they looked all right. For the first time in the season Romo got sacked. Kosier went down again and Proctor lost his heart or something. The number 1 problem right now is the 5 guys trying to block. Andre Gurode, what the hell was that? Tony Romo was screaming for the ball to avoid a delay of game. Once again your shotgun snaps were eratic and they have not been all year. I don't even want to talk about you watching the ball roll on the ground in front of you. If it had been a bowl of ice cream down there I bet you would have dived on it.

Flozell Adams might as well have been a matador yesterday. He was practicing the Ole style of pass blocking where he basically just let the bull charge right in. Silly penalties by the O-line once again. Artichokes have more heart than the O-line showed yesterday. Perhaps they are resting on their Pro Bowl laurels? I don't know what it is, but they damn well better fix it or Tony is a dead man walking. Yesterday was brutal to watch.

The Defense finally showed some signs of life. They hit Kurt Warner just like Romo got hit. They forced some mistakes. Ware came up huge to give us the ball back and a chance to tie it. However, in critical moments they reverted to playing soft. Tackling is a lost art.

It is especially a lost art on Special Teams. Apparently so is blocking. I know many of you want Read fired and Avezzano back. It isn't going to happen. Not saying you are wrong, just that it isn't likely a wish that si going to come true. So save your pennies for the wishing well and don't search for the first star and don't close your eyes and blow out the candles. Hope that their pride is hurt and they come to work. A mid season change just ins't likely.

Monday is usually a day off. It shouldn't be today. They need to be in the film rooms watching how they embarrassed themselves. Every player should be there today If the backups can't perform on Special Teams, get some starters in there. Whatever it takes to throw some cold water on these guys who are going through the motions.

The only guy I have anything good to say about on Special Teams yesterday was the Kicker. Do you know how much I hate complimenting a Kicker? I'd rather have diarrhea. That said, bring on the Imodium. Nick Folk once again showed why some are calling him "Money." Yeah he missed his first FG of the season yesterday. He won't miss many. Man, I feel dirty now. I complimented a Kicker.

I'm not going to join the throngs of people saying this team isn't a playoff team and the other stupid nonsense floating around out there. That is over reacting and I refuse to be a party to that kind of hysteria. Every team in the NFL is still scared to death to play the Cowboys. We do however need them to get pissed.

I might as well get it out of the way now. Will we trade for Roy Williams? Mid season player movement is always risky because it is a new system. Williams worth to this team would really be felt next year more than this year. If it were up to me, I would still go ahead and do it. Will Jerry? I think so, but it still depends on the asking price. I heard yesterday that the price is down to a 2nd round pick. I heard last week that Jerry was offering a 3rd and maybe a later pick. If the move is more for next year than it is this year, why would I do it? Because it can make a difference this year too. Anyone who denies that is out of their mind.

Being out of our minds will be a theme this week. So buckle up and get ready.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Hostile;2333386 said:
The only guy I have anything good to say about on Special Teams yesterday was the Kicker. Do you know how much I hate complimenting a Kicker? I'd rather have diarrhea. That said, bring on the Imodium. Nick Folk once again showed why some are calling him "Money." Yeah he missed his first FG of the season yesterday. He won't miss many. Man, I feel dirty now. I complimented a Kicker.

He was also the guy that took a bad angle/move and the last man who had a good shot at stopping that initial kick return for a TD. Of course one could argue that the returner should have never got that far in the first place, but still he screwed up on that play.


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I agree with most of what you said, though I saw Jason Campbell get hit almost as many times from the backside as Romo and not fumble it once. He didn't seem to have the pocket precense yesterday. Even so, I will give him a pass....the guy is still a good QB.

Chris Chambers gave the Chargers a lift last season after being acquired from the Dolphins. It won't be an immediate boost, but it could pay dividends down the road.


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Yeah T.O. played with alot of heart yesterday And ESPN i swear they get paid just to bash The Cowboys > BUt you know what let them bash we aint backing out now..We Will Show them why we are The Cowboys..And why are expectations will even succced what people said


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Romo has small hands. YKWTM.

Brad Johnson = Championship!

Bledsoe left, the Pats won. Shockey left and the Gints won. We needed a star to go down to balance us out. SB 2009 for Big D. Go BJ! Go!


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Things got even more fun when you were typing this.

Down goes Romo.

Down goes 2008.


The Duke
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BrAinPaiNt;2333400 said:
He was also the guy that took a bad angle/move and the last man who had a good shot at stopping that initial kick return for a TD. Of course one could argue that the returner should have never got that far in the first place, but still he screwed up on that play.
Kicker vs. Returner give the advantage to the Returner every time. When you see a Kicker make a tackle what does everyone say? "He couldn't beat the freaking kicker."


Double Trouble
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We won't just see how valuable Romo is, we'll see how bad Brad Johnson is. For me personally, the criticism of Romo is his fumbling. You can blame the line - and they stunk if up - but fumbles like that last one are unacceptable. He saw the guy coming and just wouldn't get rid of it.

Can't disagree with TO playing hard. He almost always does. Sometimes he takes running plays off when he thinks he's out of the play, which, though it might upset some, is probably necessary for a guy who's almost 35.

Proctor has been bad from game 1. Rewatch some of the Cleveland game. He basically can screen defenders like a basketball player, but he is hopeless when locked up with a defender. Rogers ate his lunch more than once then. It speaks volumes about how bad the rest of our backups are that Proctor is evidently the best of the lot. A complete farce.


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Hos, you make allot of sense but you left out the HC. He needs to be held accountable for the way this team performs. They are undiciplined and uninspired; they have taken on the persona of their laid back, awe shucks, excuse making HC.

Now the excuses will continue with Romo out and the season in jeopardy. We could have weathered this storm had we given ourselves some wiggle room against either AZ or Washington. I have absolutely no confidence that Phillips can lead this team through adversity.


The Proletariat
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Hostile;2333386 said:
...of get it off your chest. So I will. Hopefully with a little common sense mixed in.

First of all I do not understand the criticism of Tony Romo at all. Yes, I saw the fumble and the near fumbles. Did you see the guy's behind him stripping the ball? Or the guys right in his mush? Tony Romo was one of the few players who played with heart yesterday. I felt sorry for him. He has got to be sore today. They beat the hell out of him. Trent Dilfer, who has been a great analyst for ESPN so far, said it best yesterday. He called Tony Romo one of the top 5 QBs in the entire NFL and said his calm, professional demeanor is what is going to bring the Cowboys back. If Tony Romo were a lesser man we'd have had Brad Johnson trying to rally us to 10 points in the final 3 minutes of the game. You're about to see just how valuable he is. He is down for the next 4 weeks. Enjoy all of you who were critical.

Well, considering how Romo has definitely been glorified for the success he brought this team, it's only reasonable that he also take some responsibility for losses. Playing with heart doesn't mean you're making the right decisions. Anyone can come to an erroneous conclusion and pour their heart and soul into it, if they don't know they're wrong.

Romo said it himself; he'd been studying tapes of Brady and trying to emulate his game. Become more of a pocket passer. You don't think ignoring your own innate talents and abilities while trying to emulate those of a completely different human are going to compromise you? It doesn't matter who you are or what you do, be it sports, art, etc, your own nature makes you what you are, changing it to be like someone else is always a recipe for disaster.

Tony Romo's decision to avoid making plays with his feet isn't the sole purpose this team has problems, but he's certainly open to criticism, just as equally as the coaches, the linemen and the secondary are. He gets no free pass. He should dump his Brady collection and play ball the way his instincts tell him to play.


Salary Cap Analyst
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Hostile;2333386 said:
Want a stat for how bad the O-line is playing right now? Marion Barber has averaged 3.2 yards per carry the last 3 weeks.

Felix has averaged 9.8 over the past three weeks.


The Duke
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AdamJT13;2333642 said:
Felix has averaged 9.8 over the past three weeks.
Yeah he has, but if he was the starter and getting Barber's carries I doubt he'd do any better than Barber has.


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I'm not gonna jump off a bridge.

This season was never a guaranteed Super Bowl at any juncture anyway. The games are not played on paper. So we've got a little adversity. Boo hoo. We'll see what happens.

Maybe Johnson will suck. Maybe we'll go 0-3 til Romo gets back. Frankly, I doubt it. Few NFL games are sure things. I'll be hoping we can rally to find a way. Those that want to kick this team to the curb and declare them dead due to injuries, no leaders, no heart, no coach, be my guest, I'm not here to ridicule you. Maybe your right. But I'm not going to join you in despair at this point. Too much season left. Too much hope remains. :)

My fantasy team? Now that's a different story. Yup, Romo. I have no backup QB and a limited number of moves left Yikes! :confused:


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One simple question:

Can you draft a talent like Roy Williams, in his prime, in the second round of next years draft?


I'm Complicated
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Hostile;2333494 said:
Kicker vs. Returner give the advantage to the Returner every time. When you see a Kicker make a tackle what does everyone say? "He couldn't beat the freaking kicker."

Nick is a pretty big boy. If I were him, I'd be out there doing some light tackling drills so that I'd be prepared for the times that I was the last bastion between the opponent and the end zone.

When kickers try to tackle, most look like a fish out of water.


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Wrangler87;2333683 said:
One simple question:

Can you draft a talent like Roy Williams, in his prime, in the second round of next years draft?
Brandon Marshall, Greg jennings, Eddie Royal, DeSean jackson...am I wrong or were all of those recent second round picks?


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Faerluna;2333689 said:
Nick is a pretty big boy. If I were him, I'd be out there doing some light tackling drills so that I'd be prepared for the times that I was the last bastion between the opponent and the end zone.

When kickers try to tackle, most look like a fish out of water.

The punter in Pittsburgh was a good tackler in college. He was fun to watch.


Salary Cap Analyst
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Hostile;2333676 said:
Yeah he has, but if he was the starter and getting Barber's carries I doubt he'd do any better than Barber has.

Sounds kind of familar.