Welcome To Another Fun Filled Day...


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First of all I do not understand the criticism of Tony Romo at all. Yes, I saw the fumble and the near fumbles. Did you see the guy's behind him stripping the ball? Or the guys right in his mush? Tony Romo was one of the few players who played with heart yesterday. I felt sorry for him. He has got to be sore today. They beat the hell out of him. Trent Dilfer, who has been a great analyst for ESPN so far, said it best yesterday. He called Tony Romo one of the top 5 QBs in the entire NFL and said his calm, professional demeanor is what is going to bring the Cowboys back. If Tony Romo were a lesser man we'd have had Brad Johnson trying to rally us to 10 points in the final 3 minutes of the game. You're about to see just how valuable he is. He is down for the next 4 weeks. Enjoy all of you who were critical.

Well stated Hos--man, I love Moxie and hope we can get him back sooner then later......he is the heart and soul of this dang team!


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Hostile;2333386 said:
First of all I do not understand the criticism of Tony Romo at all. Yes, I saw the fumble and the near fumbles. Did you see the guy's behind him stripping the ball? Or the guys right in his mush? Tony Romo was one of the few players who played with heart yesterday. I felt sorry for him. He has got to be sore today. They beat the hell out of him. Trent Dilfer, who has been a great analyst for ESPN so far, said it best yesterday. He called Tony Romo one of the top 5 QBs in the entire NFL and said his calm, professional demeanor is what is going to bring the Cowboys back. If Tony Romo were a lesser man we'd have had Brad Johnson trying to rally us to 10 points in the final 3 minutes of the game. You're about to see just how valuable he is. He is down for the next 4 weeks. Enjoy all of you who were critical.

Well, here's my 2 cents. TR's attempting to change his approach to the position. He's studying Tom Brady's pocket presence and trying to emulate it. The problem is, he's not Tom Brady, and the OL is not New England.

A large measure of the problem from yesterday was that the DE's looped outside and kept hitting Romo from his blindside. Last year, that rarely worked, because Romo would either sense the pressure, or a bell went off after two seconds, and he started running. That's not happening now. He's going through multiple progressions while standing in the pocket. And sometimes you can see he's thinking about what he's doing, rather than just reacting.

Not to excuse the tackles, but maybe they are expecting Romo not to be in the pocket if they push the DEs to the outside.

Unlike some, the INTs didn't bother me too much. But the fumbles do. QBs get hit; Pittsburgh's QB is hit almost as much as their RBs. But he doesn't fumble as often as TR. He's got to protect the ball.

Right now, Romo doesn't look like he's enjoying the game, win or lose. Last year he was just a kid in the candy store, running around, no cares in the world. Now he looks like the candy store owner, kicking kids out and chasing them with a broom.

I want the joy back in the QB position. Maybe Romo's sitting will help. I'd like him to sit and review tapes of a QB from last year who took the league by storm and had fun doing so. Someone not named Brady.


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Hostile;2333386 said:

First of all I do not understand the criticism of Tony Romo at all. Yes, I saw the fumble and the near fumbles. Did you see the guy's behind him stripping the ball? Or the guys right in his mush?

dead on. you get hit 15+ times, you will lose the ball.


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AbeBeta;2334309 said:
dead on. you get hit 15+ times, you will lose the ball.
exactly. if ware was doing those things. we'd expect the ball the get stripped.