Twitter: Werder Tweet: Garrett expected to be fired (no official word yet)


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We all know this. Well most of us. This isnt a secret.

But JG had to go. Obviously Jerry as GM too but good luck with waiting for that. Unless ur a sadomasochistic


What I'm trying (so far unsuccessfully seemingly) to get across is...

You're no better off without him than you are with him.

And to the degree that you feel some satisfaction about the situation because Red is removed, you are giving-in to the myth that things got a little better...

And, playing into Jerry's ploy for what feels like the 27th time.

We all have to center our attention on the virus itself that has been there all this time, as Troy just laid it out in recent days.

It's not good enough to say, "Yeah, yeah... well, we've heard all that before."

That you've heard it before doesn't reduce the degree of validity that it's true.

Don't you see that Jerry effectively has been able to dismiss public criticism because of people like you and me (I'm very guilty, and that's no false humility on my part) because, consciously or not, he's been the beneficiary of all the scorn directed at all the other people, including whoever has happened to be the head coach.

Jerry's only taken glancing blows.

He's never taken the full punch from us as a customer base. We have never been united in the assertion that it's all on Jerry.


It's time he took the full punch. It's time we gave it to him.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Would be (not) funny if Jerry and Stephen were sitting around after a few drinks ..

Jerry: "Hey, Stephen, watch this .."

*Jerry makes a phone call*

Jerry: "Hey, Ed! Just wanted to let you know we've decided to fire Garrett!"

Werder: "Thanks for letting me know!"

*hangs up*

*Jerry and Stephen start laughing*

*10 seconds later, a tweet appears ...*

*Jerry and Stephen continue laughing uncontrollably*

Jerry: "Hey, Jason .. come in here .. you're not going to believe what we just got Ed to do!"


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Her tweet says no one has told Jason. Ed’s tweet never says that they’ve told Jason just that the decision has been made. Stephen told Ed before he told Jason


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While I don't think Ed would put himself out there w/o having a real source he trusts, Jane has really earned my admiration over the last couple of years, and I regard her as the best combination of quick to report a story, and at the same time, reliable.


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Her tweet says no one has told Jason. Ed’s tweet never says that they’ve told Jason just that the decision has been made. Stephen told Ed before he told Jason

Given his relationship with the Jones clan, Jason would be the first to know after them...not Ed.


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That's what it is. She can't stand she got scooped.

Not so sure.

Her sources have proven to be solid, as far as I've ever seen.

And I doubt she'd call attention to her having been scooped on purpose if she knows she's really been scooped.