We're playing for the 6 seed

You won’t find me “applauding” Garrett or making excuses. I agree it’s past time to move on. I never wanted him, yet gave him many chances.

You’re pulling for us to “fail” to make the playoffs. I know you hope that gets rid of Garrett. I don’t think it will.
I’m holding out hope we make a run, get Zeke back, and knock philly out of the playoffs. A fan can dream.

If this angers some I’ll just have to live with it. I’ll win your hearts back just like the Cowboys do;)

No, no, no, nothing personal. No anger involved at all. You have the same right to your view that any of us have.

Ultimately, we all want this team to win. Just how and when differs.
Fandom involves all kinds of emotions - joy, happiness, disgust, depression, etc. Fandom involves criticizing the team you emotionally invest in when they screw up. You seem to operate with the belief that unless you are a complete and utter blind homer, you can't really be a fan. That's not how it works despite you trying to constantly play the "I am a better fan than you" card.

Again, a poster wouldn't log 35,000 posts on a message board if he didn't like and support the Cowboys. It IS idiotic to suggest otherwise.

Further, we aren't really in the "thick" of the playoff race. We are on the fringe, barely hanging on. We are in a situation where not only do we need to do the unthinkable - win 5 or all of our remaining games, but then also need help from a lot of places.

I am always happy.

Waaaaaa!!! You’re hurting my feelings. Please stop:(

I criticized Garrett a lot this thread. Can you please remove the moniker of blind homer. I really don’t like when internet rough necks scold me and I only want to be accepted. All of you name calling makes me think you’re angry and it scares me.

So someone who posts a lot has no way of being unsupportive? What if they are rooting for a loss?

I’ve got to go. My son just came home with a drawing. It’s not very good. Kind of looks like a Turkey, but not really. I’m going to take your advice and criticize it to show him my support.

“Who do you think you’re fooling, son?”I’m not some “blind homer”
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I think you're referring to a hypothetical syllogism and not the Socratic Method.

As for your syllogism, we can get into the playoffs without beating the Chargers. We can miss the playoffs without losing to the Chargers. There's no guarantee missing the playoffs will get Garrett fired (in fact, I think it's unlikely), and there's no guarantee whatsoever we'd also then miss the playoffs the following year.

So what you're really doing is rooting for a Cowboys loss for no good reason whatsoever and justifying it because you don't like a successful coach.

Where did I say in my post that "I was rooting for a Cowboy's loss"?

I specifically stated that while it may be distasteful for some, a logical argument could be made, in generality applicable to the aggregate fan base, to root for a loss if your ultimate goal was the firing of one Jason Garett.

That is a generic statement, or declarative statement if you will, not an interrogatory on the state one's mindset as it pertains to one Jason Garrett.

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