We're playing for the 6 seed

We’re in the same place we’ve been. Pulling for our team to win and thinking there’s a decent possibility they will. We haven’t just jumped on the bandwagon. We’ve been on it. It’s you that are jumping off and making proclamations that we have no chance etc.

You’re fair weather fans. Which is fine. Own it. You’ve proclaimed we have no chance. Which is a firmly held belief. The definition of conviction. We’ve continued pulling for our team and argue that while the chances are less than when the season began, we still have a chance. A decent one as of now. That’s what we’ve been doing all season.

We have conviction that there’s still a good chance we make it. It’s quite different.

Yeah, one side has conviction, the other doesn't.

One side is trying to demand something from the other that they themselves don't have - accountability.

It's clearly a double standard.
We’re in the same place we’ve been. Pulling for our team to win and thinking there’s a decent possibility they will. We haven’t just jumped on the bandwagon. We’ve been on it. It’s you that are jumping off and making proclamations that we have no chance etc.

You’re fair weather fans. Which is fine. Own it. You’ve proclaimed we have no chance. Which is a firmly held belief. The definition of conviction. We’ve continued pulling for our team and argue that while the chances are less than when the season began, we still have a chance. A decent one as of now. That’s what we’ve been doing all season.

We have conviction that there’s still a good chance we make it. It’s quite different.

A fair weather fan would be a fan who just doesn't say anything when the team starts to suck and then only magically appears once the team starts winning again.

A fan who posts here all the time, even being overly critical, is not a fair weather fan.

But once again, I love the whole "I am a better fan than you" mantra some of you trot out simply because you want to believe where others are just facing the stark reality of this season.

And no, there is not a "good" chance we can make it. We have a small chance but we need a crap ton of help. We are already multiple games behind the Panthers and Saints, who are both likely to make it in. Then, Atlanta is a game ahead of us AND has the tiebreaker over us, so essentially they are 2 games up. And that doesn't even take into account Seattle and the Lions are ahead of us too.
You were very positive last year. Negative the year before and positive the year before that. Negative before that.

Now you’re negative again. Seems wishy washy. ;)

I have give it to @Risen Star. He’s stayed the same since I’ve been on here. However, I’ve never heard him hope for us to lose.

Being unhappy with poor results is "wishy-washy"? OK, then I'm guilty of that. I view it as being someone who doesn't feel required to accept failure.

Again, this isn't one season we're reacting to, and could not be further from a rash or impulsive decision. The man has had nearly 8 years to put his "process" into action, and here we are, wheels falling off the wagon yet again.

He's had more than enough time. Time for a change.
so a team that has played 10 games and won five of them and you now expect them to win at least five out of six and them compete with the same teams in the playoffs that buried them its the time of the year now where the cowboys have to have help to even make the playoffs this team has been manhandled this season by the good teams making the playoffs for this bunch will be the excuse jed needs to keep doing the same things they have been doing
so a team that has played 10 games and won five of them and you now expect them to win at least five out of six and them compete with the same teams in the playoffs that buried them its the time of the year now where the cowboys have to have help to even make the playoffs this team has been manhandled this season by the good teams making the playoffs for this bunch will be the excuse jed needs to keep doing the same things they have been doing

I don't get what people are watching. Even with Zeke this is a .500 team, we beat bad teams that's why we were 5-3 for a moment. This season has seen more embarassing blowout and stretches of horrible play than any I can remember. Even in 2015 when we lost 12 many games were close. We look like we don't even belong on a NFL field too often this year.
We have a QB who has clearly regressed. We have an OL that has fallen apart with the loss of their LT. Our best TB is out for 4 more games. We have a #1 WR who is struggling. We have a DL that couldn't stop Jerry Jones in the running game. We have a defense that has been giving it up in massive chunks all over the field. We also have a coaching staff that has continually shown they struggle at making adjustments in tight games, especially in the last two weeks.

But yet some here want to criticize other Cowboys fans for not buying into this story that the Cowboys can win 5 or 6 games over their last 6 games?

A fair weather fan would be a fan who just doesn't say anything when the team starts to suck and then only magically appears once the team starts winning again.

A fan who posts here all the time, even being overly critical, is not a fair weather fan.

But once again, I love the whole "I am a better fan than you" mantra some of you trot out simply because you want to believe where others are just facing the stark reality of this season.

And no, there is not a "good" chance we can make it. We have a small chance but we need a crap ton of help. We are already multiple games behind the Panthers and Saints, who are both likely to make it in. Then, Atlanta is a game ahead of us AND has the tiebreaker over us, so essentially they are 2 games up. And that doesn't even take into account Seattle and the Lions are ahead of us too.

Did either of you read the thread?

@TWOK11 started the thread. He gave a scenario on how the Cowboys could make the playoffs. The idea was mocked by several. Those that supported the notion were mocked as well.

Sports fans,by definition,are those that support a given team. Those that don’t throw a fit before the season is over or the team is mathematically eliminated are by definition better fans. Those that are now rooting for our team to lose are not better fans. They are worse.

Band wagon fan may be better than fair weather. You choose. :)
Did either of you read the thread?

@TWOK11 started the thread. He gave a scenario on how the Cowboys could make the playoffs. The idea was mocked by several. Those that supported the notion were mocked as well.

Sports fans,by definition,are those that support a given team. Those that don’t throw a fit before the season is over or the team is mathematically eliminated are by definition better fans. Those that are now rooting for our team to lose are not better fans. They are worse.

Band wagon fan may be better than fair weather. You choose. :)

You have a narrow definition of "support" a team. Your view is supporting means get your pom poms out and cheer and just take whatever crap the team throws at you, ignore realities of your favorite team, etc.

"Supporting" a team is far more broad than that. I doubt stasheroo, for example, would have logged 35,000 posts on this board over the years if he didn't like and support the Cowboys.

It's idiotic to suggest otherwise.
Being unhappy with poor results is "wishy-washy"? OK, then I'm guilty of that. I view it as being someone who doesn't feel required to accept failure.

Again, this isn't one season we're reacting to, and could not be further from a rash or impulsive decision. The man has had nearly 8 years to put his "process" into action, and here we are, wheels falling off the wagon yet again.

He's had more than enough time. Time for a change.

You won’t find me “applauding” Garrett or making excuses. I agree it’s past time to move on. I never wanted him, yet gave him many chances.

You’re pulling for us to “fail” to make the playoffs. I know you hope that gets rid of Garrett. I don’t think it will.
I’m holding out hope we make a run, get Zeke back, and knock philly out of the playoffs. A fan can dream.

If this angers some I’ll just have to live with it. I’ll win your hearts back just like the Cowboys do;)
You won’t find me “applauding” Garrett or making excuses. I agree it’s past time to move on. I never wanted him, yet gave him many chances.

You’re pulling for us to “fail” to make the playoffs. I know you hope that gets rid of Garrett. I don’t think it will.
I’m holding out hope we make a run, get Zeke back, and knock philly out of the playoffs. A fan can dream.

If this angers some I’ll just have to live with it. I’ll win your hearts back just like the Cowboys do;)

I don't think it "angers" anyone. I think people actually find it more amusing than anything else.
Did either of you read the thread?

@TWOK11 started the thread. He gave a scenario on how the Cowboys could make the playoffs. The idea was mocked by several. Those that supported the notion were mocked as well.

Sports fans,by definition,are those that support a given team. Those that don’t throw a fit before the season is over or the team is mathematically eliminated are by definition better fans. Those that are now rooting for our team to lose are not better fans. They are worse.

Band wagon fan may be better than fair weather. You choose. :)

You're a better fan when you don't voice your displeasure with the team when they perform poorly? Get the hell out of here with that bull ****.
You have a narrow definition of "support" a team. Your view is supporting means get your pom poms out and cheer and just take whatever crap the team throws at you, ignore realities of your favorite team, etc.

"Supporting" a team is far more broad than that. I doubt stasheroo, for example, would have logged 35,000 posts on this board over the years if he didn't like and support the Cowboys.

It's idiotic to suggest otherwise.

Supporting your team generally means pulling for them to win. Educate me on the other ways because I’m an idiot :(

The reality is we are in the “thick” of the playoff hunt. Where were all these threads after we won our third straight game?

Ok. I won’t use bandwagon or fair weather fans. How about angry fans that will get over their anger of the team wins and offer full support. Sorry, you don’t like support either. Is allegiance better?

I want you to be happy.
You won’t find me “applauding” Garrett or making excuses. I agree it’s past time to move on. I never wanted him, yet gave him many chances.

You’re pulling for us to “fail” to make the playoffs. I know you hope that gets rid of Garrett. I don’t think it will.
I’m holding out hope we make a run, get Zeke back, and knock philly out of the playoffs. A fan can dream.

If this angers some I’ll just have to live with it. I’ll win your hearts back just like the Cowboys do;)
your stance does not anger me I applaud you for feeling this way for me its that I have lost all confidence in this front office and coaching staff after year after year failure hope they turn it around but not going to bother me either way just kinda numb now just don't get really excited any more
You're a better fan when you don't voice your displeasure with the team when they perform poorly? Get the hell out of here with that bull ****.
Dear, I’ve been voicing my displeasure with the staff. Plenty. We’re discussing the anger(one says amusement) some have displayed in reaction to the op’s scenario for making the playoffs.
Supporting your team generally means pulling for them to win. Educate me on the other ways because I’m an idiot :(

The reality is we are in the “thick” of the playoff hunt. Where were all these threads after we won our third straight game?

Ok. I won’t use bandwagon or fair weather fans. How about angry fans that will get over their anger of the team wins and offer full support. Sorry, you don’t like support either. Is allegiance better?

I want you to be happy.

Fandom involves all kinds of emotions - joy, happiness, disgust, depression, etc. Fandom involves criticizing the team you emotionally invest in when they screw up. You seem to operate with the belief that unless you are a complete and utter blind homer, you can't really be a fan. That's not how it works despite you trying to constantly play the "I am a better fan than you" card.

Again, a poster wouldn't log 35,000 posts on a message board if he didn't like and support the Cowboys. It IS idiotic to suggest otherwise.

Further, we aren't really in the "thick" of the playoff race. We are on the fringe, barely hanging on. We are in a situation where not only do we need to do the unthinkable - win 5 or all of our remaining games, but then also need help from a lot of places.

I am always happy.
I think by this point in the season the team may believe it is still playing for a playoff spot.
I as a fan think we are beyond that right now and after another loss or two when we are officially mathematically removed from the playoffs...the team will be playing to see who will continue to be with this team vs who can be replaced.

With that said...I see no reason to MOCK those who are still thinking there is a chance. I might not believe it, you might not believe it, others might not believe it....but if some do..>SO BE IT>

After all this is a Dallas Cowboys Fan Forum. You ARE allowed to be a positive fan here contrary to the belief of some. And you are allowed to be a negative fan...many of you have proven that to be the case since you are still here.

But I see no reason to mock those that still hold out hope.

And if people holding out hope somehow annoys you or offends or irks you for some reason...maybe you need to step back and realize you are on a FAN FORUM and maybe you are letting this get you discombobulated.

There are TONS of negative threads out there that one can pee and moan in. There is a whole section of the forum for negative posters that want to complain about this or that.

IF a positive poster makes a thread in the FAN SECTION of a FAN FORUM...they should be allowed to without every tom dick and harry coming in to poop on it.

You want to give an idea of what you think will happen without poo pooing on the positive posters in the thread and without being a repetitive
troll ( you know who you are that post the same negative thing over and over and over as if somehow people will change their views to yours after you post the same thing 151st time.)...maybe you can just move to an established thread for your negative stance, maybe you can make a decent post...just quit belittling those that want to have a positive outlook or hang on to hope even if the threads of the rope are short and frayed at this time.

Once again...some people need to remember that this is a FAN FORUM for the Dallas Cowboys. And even though you can post plenty of negative stuff...but no need to continue to harass those who are being positive.
I don't get what people are watching. Even with Zeke this is a .500 team, we beat bad teams that's why we were 5-3 for a moment. This season has seen more embarassing blowout and stretches of horrible play than any I can remember. Even in 2015 when we lost 12 many games were close. We look like we don't even belong on a NFL field too often this year.

Hard to argue this.

I have never seen unraveling this team suffers when it meets a superior unit. It's almost like the Defense without Lee, conceded in the Eagles contest that they will break first: so let's go ahead and break and see what happens next possession. Meanwhile the HC forgets that the other team has no kicker so field position isn't nearly as important provided you can get a stop somewhere. He punts at midfield facing 4th and 3.

That's how you go from 9-7 up to 23-9 down in a blink. Gutless on both sides.

Throw in the fact that Dak is ******** the bed and there you- go the rout is on.

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