Were You "Abused" at School?

Route 66

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I was thinking about the issue of teachers in my past that used to do some questionable things that in today's world wouldn't cut it and was wondering if anybody else has dealt with the same thing growing up. Have any of you ever experienced questionable physical "confrontation" with another teacher in your childhood? I've had a couple of instances growing up that I thought were just normal behaviour from teachers until I reached adulthood and realized that especially today, would be an issue.

I have two instances. In the 4th grade at Madison School in Phoenix, I had a teacher that would go up to each of his students and grab them and shake them quite violenty if they did not do their homework from the previous day. He got quite angry and would do this to all of us.

The second time was when I was in the 1st grade and the class was to complete a multi-page Thanksgiving folder that consisted of various coloring pages as well as other activities. If you didn't complete it, you would be sent to the front of the class to receive swats in front of everybody. Also, this was not in school but in YMCA Summer camp in Prescott-the camp counselor would get mad at certain kids and make them stand in an actual line to receive a swift kick in the rear from his boot. These experiences didn't screw me up in my childhood whatsoever and they seem relatively harmless. But I find it amazing how society has changed so much in 30 plus years. Back then, I never thought twice about all those actions.

They need to bring back caning. I guarantee it will reduce punks from vandalizing my equipment.:mad::mad::mad:

/Rant off
ELDudearino;2092436 said:

They need to bring back caning. I guarantee it will reduce punks from vandalizing my equipment.:mad::mad::mad:

/Rant off

I don't think a teacher should be left to make the decision on spanking a child. However, I do believe corpral punishment should be brought back to some extent.

I don't think a child should be spanked without the parent being present.
heavyg;2092450 said:
I don't think a child should be spanked without the parent being present.

And then at that point he should receive 2 whoopins:D
I wonder how student violence has increased or decreased since

1. Prayer was removed from school.

2. Corpral punishment was removed from school.

I know when I was a kid we'd get our butts busted in school for misbehaving, now days there is no consequence for misbehaving. you never saw or heard of kids shooting kids and such but it's normal today... I think we have screwed up by removing these items from school...
We had mandatory Physical Education classes in junior high. All of the boys changed into gym clothes, worked out, showered, and changed back into their school clothes.

The boys coach didn't give us a sufficient amount of time to shower, and so boys were often late for their next classes. There were complaints.

Because of the complaints, and instead of giving the boys more time to shower, the coach instituted a policy ... the last boy out of the shower got "a lick" (i.e., corporal punishment ... hit on the butt with a wooden paddle).

And so there were a bunch of naked teenage boys frantically running around on wet concrete floors trying not to be the last guy out.

It was absurd; it made me angry. After about of week of this, in front of all of my classmates, I called the coach a pervert to his face and told him that his policy was unfair and didn't make any sense. Naturally, I was the guy who got hit with the paddle on that particular day. But he was a jerk and it was worth it to call him on it publicly.

Not long after, he dropped his policy. I don't know why. I'd guess parent complaints.
I had a yardstick broken over my head in the 1st grade. I was not hit with the flat edge either. It caused a rather nasty scalp cut that bled like head wounds do. The teacher got fired.

Nothing else even came close to being abusive. I had very good teachers.
Its strange how society thinks it has evolved over the years in believing that they are somehow shaping up laws and standards to protecting our kids all the meanwhile destroying the very fabric that made them into productive and upstanding people. You have a school dismantling corporal punishment then turning around and sending people home for the color of shirt they wear.
I was swatted pretty regularly in elementary school. This was when I lived in Oklahoma. I would not get spanked in front of the class but I would be taken outside by the teacher and given a few firm swats to the A.

Sometimes I had to go see Mr. Barnes our principle if I were real bad. He had this paddle that was about a half inch thick and had holes drilled into it to make it more menacing and sting much worse. I would get a few smacks to the A from him also.

My teacher had a name for her paddle.

Mr. Jack.

This was when I was in the first grade. I am 37 years old. Now why on earth do you think I remember that paddle so clearly? :p:

Kids need more discipline in school these days, bottom line, but I am not a fan of today's teachers doing this to my son.

I prefer the teacher call me and let me handle my child when he arrives home to an angry father.
Dallas;2092540 said:
I was swatted pretty regularly in elementary school. This was when I lived in Oklahoma. I would not get spanked in front of the class but I would be taken outside by the teacher and given a few firm swats to the A.

Sometimes I had to go see Mr. Barnes our principle if I were real bad. He had this paddle that was about a half inch thick and had holes drilled into it to make it more menacing and sting much worse. I would get a few smacks to the A from him also.

My teacher had a name for her paddle.

Mr. Jack.

This was when I was in the first grade. I am 37 years old. Now why on earth do you think I remember that paddle so clearly? :p:

Kids need more discipline in school these days, bottom line, but I am not a fan of today's teachers doing this to my son.

I prefer the teacher call me and let me handle my child when he arrives home to an angry father.

The problem is it has gotten so bad we as parents aren't really allowed to spank our children at home. They are taught in school if thier parents spank them they should call DHS and report it as child abuse. There is a difference in spanking a child and child abuse. I teach a class at my church for kids K-2. And some of the kids in my class have absolutely no respect for fellow students or the teacher and assistants. Its very sad
I got a lot of licks but wouldn't call it abuse.

A good paddling is almost a necessity for these little demon spawns, hahaha.

I deserved the paddlings I got and wouldn't have it any other way.
I was a K-8 Catholic school student but never got hit. That was dad's job. Once upon a time, police officers would cuff truants around the ears to keep them on the "straight and narrow," and nobody would bat an eye. In fact, most parents sided with the cops for doling out "discipline" in their absence. Similar actions would invite a thousand lawsuits today.
Dallas;2092540 said:
I was swatted pretty regularly in elementary school. This was when I lived in Oklahoma. I would not get spanked in front of the class but I would be taken outside by the teacher and given a few firm swats to the A.

Sometimes I had to go see Mr. Barnes our principle if I were real bad. He had this paddle that was about a half inch thick and had holes drilled into it to make it more menacing and sting much worse. I would get a few smacks to the A from him also.

My teacher had a name for her paddle.

Mr. Jack.

This was when I was in the first grade. I am 37 years old. Now why on earth do you think I remember that paddle so clearly? :p:

Kids need more discipline in school these days, bottom line, but I am not a fan of today's teachers doing this to my son.

I prefer the teacher call me and let me handle my child when he arrives home to an angry father.

My elementary school principal also had a paddle with holes. It left red circles on my butt.

One time it got me extra spankings because my mom saw my red circled butt then found out I had been bad at school so she reddened it all evenly:(

My story is a little different, and I not sure it rises to the level of abuse. Perhaps just unsettling.

In the third grade teachers in all their wisdom decided that my twin sister and I had to be separated. It was determined we were not interacting or socializing with others to their satisfaction, I guess. So they made sure we had no common classes. This upset me and I decided to launch a little rebellion by not speaking. There was one teacher, a black lady named Mrs Moore with the foulest, most overbearing perfume that I can still recall today, who'd sometimes pull me into a dark closet to talk to me about why I was upset. This closet was normally reserved for the troublemakers so i was fairly intimidated by the whole affair. Anyway, this tactic never worked-- I just listened to her tell me how great I was and that I needed to talk more or sum such and stare endlessly at me...she even called my mother to express her concern about me being "too perfect." Really.

Looking back it's even more creepy than it seemed as it unfolded and, believe me, I recognized it was pretty weird at the time. Her intentions may have been noble or not but she sure gave me the willies and a few nightmares.
Bob Sacamano;2092643 said:
maybe you blocked out what she really did to you in that closet

I'm just messin lol

She never laid a hand on me. This would occur smack in the middle of class. Closest to that I'd say was assaulting me with her perfume. BLAHH

Were you abused as a child, scared to smile, they called you ugly?
Well life is hard, hug me, don't reject me
Or make records to disrespect me, blatent or indirectly
PosterChild;2092630 said:
In the third grade teachers in all their wisdom decided that my twin sister and I had to be separated. It was determined we were not interacting or socializing with others to their satisfaction, I guess. So they made sure we had no common classes. This upset me and I decided to launch a little rebellion by not speaking. There was one teacher, a black lady named Mrs Moore with the foulest, most overbearing perfume that I can still recall today, who'd sometimes pull me into a dark closet to talk to me about why I was upset. This closet was normally reserved for the troublemakers so i was fairly intimidated by the whole affair. Anyway, this tactic never worked-- I just listened to her tell me how great I was and that I needed to talk more or sum such and stare endlessly at me...she even called my mother to express her concern about me being "too perfect." Really.

You do look a bit upset.


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