Were You "Abused" at School?

heavyg;2092450 said:
I don't think a teacher should be left to make the decision on spanking a child. However, I do believe corpral punishment should be brought back to some extent.

I don't think a child should be spanked without the parent being present.

I agree.
Just curious, where is it not allowed. Its perfectly acceptable at my school, maybe cause we are a small 1A in Texas. But we call them "licks". I got 6 throughout school.

2 for climbing on the school roof in the 3rd grade, ha deserved.

2 for throwing a pencil in the air and sticking in someone's shoulder, ha dumb luck.

2 for just slapping a guy on the back, ha complete BS.

But seriously, I think spankings should be allowed in school.

I also agree about the TAKS test, completly useless, doesn't prepare you for college or anything. I was completly clueless walking to college because all we ever did was prepare for the TAKS, ACT, and SATs.
cowboyeric8;2093859 said:
Just curious, where is it not allowed. Its perfectly acceptable at my school, maybe cause we are a small 1A in Texas. But we call them "licks". I got 6 throughout school.

2 for climbing on the school roof in the 3rd grade, ha deserved.

2 for throwing a pencil in the air and sticking in someone's shoulder, ha dumb luck.

2 for just slapping a guy on the back, ha complete BS.

But seriously, I think spankings should be allowed in school.

I also agree about the TAKS test, completly useless, doesn't prepare you for college or anything. I was completly clueless walking to college because all we ever did was prepare for the TAKS, ACT, and SATs.

I only took the ACT when trying to get into college. I was completely lost when taking the ACT because we were taught the CATS test. What we learned (the math) for the CATS test was only a few things that I came across when I took my ACTs. I took the ACT twice; got a 17 the first time and an 18 the second.:(
Being small for my age, I got some crap from the bigger kid's, but not much.

The worst I got was a drill sargeant of a b@stard Gym teacher, who used to try to embarass me into doing what he wanted.

He used to give out assignments - a friggin' gym teacher handing out homework - have us read the paper and talk about a headline. Naturally, I ignored this directive and when called upon, gave nothing more than a shrug.

He'd go off on some tirade about how I probably had to follow someone to find my way home from school everyday.

Looking back, I have to laugh at that; at the time, he might as well have been yelling at a wall, for all that it effected me.

As I got older, he softened a little and was cooler with me. I don't think he was a bad guy, just not very understanding of the differences that do exist from kid to kid.
I'm sort of a student advocate. You always hear about how bad students are and how selfless and innocent teachers are but I endured a lot of bad teachers as well. I had some amazing teachers but the majority of my teachers fit into either one of two categories

a.) Wannabe coaches who were forced to teaching history or science
b.) Individuals with self-esteem issues who went into teaching for the power trip

It's sad to say but a field that only pay 19-20K a year is not going to recruit the most talented and sane individuals. I'm sorry but there are some really *** people teaching in public schools today. Whether you are talking about teachers sleeping with their students or the OCD teachers who cite you for having a rubberband around your fingers, the lack of quality teaching has a lot to do with the kids today. And the teachers that complain about kids are also these same totalitarian meatheads who take a sick fascination enforcing petty rules at the expense of common sense. I look back on some of middle school and high school professors and half of them were bi-polar and should have been placed on some type of mood stabilizer.

I was an excellent student in high school (4.0) and worked incredibly hard. I felt my teachers were a road block to my success as opposed to an asset. I learned more from my parents than from teachers. I may be a jerk here but I was a nice kid in high school and I never smarted off or did anything to bug my teachers. However, a lot of them had issues outside the classroom and brought it to class. They also couldn't teach. For example, we spent a year learning how to write a term paper and we used index cards to cite our sources. The previous summer, I wrote 10 papers attending summer school at a local college. Did the teacher really think we were going to write all of our sources on notecards or did they think we would maybe type them out in a Works Cited page at the end of our paper like all college kids? No one talks about the normal kids who get abused by horrible teachers. The movies only show these kids in the ghetto who bully a mild-mannered and ambitious teacher like Michelle Pfeiffer but they never show the cruel teacher who takes a sick fascination enforcing petty rules on stable college pursuing students who are not trying to cause any trouble. The problem is there is no recourse to punish bad teachers in todays public school system unless they do something outright criminal.

I agree that teachers should be paid more. In fact, they should be paid 3 to 4 times what they are earning today. Hopefully, that will also attract more high quality talent to the field instead of the degenerates with psychological issues that go into the field today. This is why I'm sending my kids to private schools because the public schools have also employed some of the worst people I've ever encountered.
DallasFanSince86;2093864 said:
I only took the ACT when trying to get into college. I was completely lost when taking the ACT because we were taught the CATS test. What we learned (the math) for the CATS test was only a few things that I came across when I took my ACTs. I took the ACT twice; got a 17 the first time and an 18 the second.:(

In Arizona, they have AIMS. I disagree with you about this issue. The AIMS test is a joke and much easier than the ACT and the SAT to say the least. If you can't pass that exam then there is something seriously wrong with the teaching. I for one am glad they have these exams. In the past, a teacher could get lazy and teach whatever they felt was important. Now teachers are required to maintain some standards. A lot of teachers don't like this because they are held accountable and can't coast like they could in the past. They blame the format of the exam when the truth is they and their students struggle to instill those very basic concepts.

The problem is this country has low standards. Schools in India and China are teaching higher level math and science in grade school but we baby our students in this country with the exception of the private, and magnate schools. This is a cultural issue. We tolerate mediocrity. And it starts at the parental level. The whole: "It's okay Jimmy for getting a C as long as you tried your best" is what is killing this country. An Asian or Jewish kid would be terrified of brining home anything less than an A. We don't adopt that complacent attitude in regards to sports but for whatever reason, that attitude is okay in academics. It shows you how misguided we are. I see parents working on their kids golf game so that he can be the next Tiger Woods. Instead, he should be sitting down with him and working on his math skills. Sure, it's not sexy but guess what's going to pay the bills in 20 years...hint it's not sports.
It's sad to say but a field that only pay 19-20K a year is not going to recruit the most talented and sane individuals.

Uh, I don't know where you live, but here in Houston, the starting pay for teachers in many districts in the area is $44,000/year. As I said, you hit the right stipends, coach, etc. you're making over $50,000/year. I agree teachers need to be paid more, but the idea that many are getting by at $20,000/year is flat not true.

a.) Wannabe coaches who were forced to teaching history or science
b.) Individuals with self-esteem issues who went into teaching for the power trip

"Wannabe coaches?" Please. I coached for 18 years at both the HS and JH level and certainly wasn't a "wannabe coach." I was a coach and taught history because I loved it -- not because I was "forced" into it. And that is the case for most, not your assertation.

In 19 years, most of the teachers I've came across got into teaching because they cared and wanted to make a difference. Are there some that fit into your stereotype, sure, but they're a small minority.

With all due respect, I think your outlook on teaching and teachers is way, WAY off. It's a shame because I bet many have that same false belief.
My wife told me about this story last night. If it was my kid, I would have choked the teacher to within an inch of her life. There is no doubt I would have been in jail if this teacher would have done this to my kids or grandkids.

5 yr old boy with special needs is made to stand up in front of a class and the teacher made the other kids say why they hated this little boy. after a vote, the teacher said he was voted out of the class 14-2.

How is this teacher still employed? Oh that's right! Tenure. Bleh

FloridaRob;2096561 said:
My wife told me about this story last night. If it was my kid, I would have choked the teacher to within an inch of her life. There is no doubt I would have been in jail if this teacher would have done this to my kids or grandkids.

5 yr old boy with special needs is made to stand up in front of a class and the teacher made the other kids say why they hated this little boy. after a vote, the teacher said he was voted out of the class 14-2.

How is this teacher still employed? Oh that's right! Tenure. Bleh


I heard about this, the kid has Autism, I think.
If there was ever a time for revenge, it is this case. Dip****, reality show watching clown, masquerading as a teacher.

The parents should be able to vote her out of a job.
Vintage;2092685 said:
Were you abused as a child, scared to smile, they called you ugly?
Well life is hard, hug me, don't reject me
Or make records to disrespect me, blatent or indirectly

I rock pros yall, yall rock fellas
I got three licks on a couple of occassions in Jr. High, but they were well deserved. I took it like a man and learned from it... actually I just learned not to get caught again. But nothing I would consider abuse.

Yes! I was a serious repeat offender.:eek:: :D
Hostile;2092514 said:
I had a yardstick broken over my head in the 1st grade. I was not hit with the flat edge either. It caused a rather nasty scalp cut that bled like head wounds do. The teacher got fired.

Nothing else even came close to being abusive. I had very good teachers.


I know I should not laugh, but since it is in the past, I think it is safe.

Also, I think a better question is, "Were you abused by your parents?".

I remember the days of tree switches, extension cords and plastic hangers.

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