Were You "Abused" at School?

I had a third grade teacher that used to wack our palms with a ruler. Hater that lady. She would make up reasons to wack you.

Junior High School we had a coach that loved his paddle. Bend over and grab your ankles. Looking back on it now, he even did that to the girls. Maybe he had a fetish he was covering up.

Now the kids have some kind of system where they have to pull a card for mis-behaving. Pulling green card means one thing, pulling a orange card, another and so on until you get to the dreaded red card. Grandson has not told me what happens when he get to a red card. I don't think he knows.

Hos, what did you do to get you wacked on the head with the side of a ruler???
ZeroClub;2092508 said:
And so there were a bunch of naked teenage boys frantically running around on wet concrete floors trying not to be the last guy out.

Careful. Bob's getting aroused.
DallasCowpoke;2092898 said:
You do look a bit upset.


Oh, I have darker hair and besides I wouldn't
be caught dead in a vest/tie combo.

The eyes are captured just perfectly, though, I must say.
ZeroClub;2092930 said:
Actually, that's exactly what I thought about that Junior High School coach.

I hated that feeling, the floor of the school showerroom

ugh, I get jitters just talking about it, I can't go into public showers w/o sandals
Rowdy;2092414 said:
I was thinking about the issue of teachers in my past that used to do some questionable things that in today's world wouldn't cut it and was wondering if anybody else has dealt with the same thing growing up. Have any of you ever experienced questionable physical "confrontation" with another teacher in your childhood? I've had a couple of instances growing up that I thought were just normal behaviour from teachers until I reached adulthood and realized that especially today, would be an issue.

I have two instances. In the 4th grade at Madison School in Phoenix, I had a teacher that would go up to each of his students and grab them and shake them quite violenty if they did not do their homework from the previous day. He got quite angry and would do this to all of us.

The second time was when I was in the 1st grade and the class was to complete a multi-page Thanksgiving folder that consisted of various coloring pages as well as other activities. If you didn't complete it, you would be sent to the front of the class to receive swats in front of everybody. Also, this was not in school but in YMCA Summer camp in Prescott-the camp counselor would get mad at certain kids and make them stand in an actual line to receive a swift kick in the rear from his boot. These experiences didn't screw me up in my childhood whatsoever and they seem relatively harmless. But I find it amazing how society has changed so much in 30 plus years. Back then, I never thought twice about all those actions.
If my World History teacher who was also an asst. football coach/head basketball coach caught you sleeping in his class he would walk up to your desk and bust you in the ribs with his fist. He only got me once. He was one of the coaches from the black school in town that stayed on after integration. He was a good coach and great teacher and no parent complained. How times have changed.
Wow, being a kid of the 80's, I'm glad as hell that when I was in school teachers weren't allowed to hit their students. I don't know how I would have reacted to getting hit by someone one who wasn't one of my parents. I most likely would have went crazy and got myself thrown out of school. My parents would have then beat my butt for getting kicked out and then they would have went to my school and beat the crap out of the teacher who hit me.

I do remember in kindergarten I got dragged on the floor by my feet out of the school by two teachers because I tried to leapfrog over this chubby kid...but landed on his head. This wasn't in the school yard or anything ether, I did it right in the middle of class for no reason whatsoever.

Hmm...Maybe I should have been beaten by my teachers :laugh1:
Rowdy;2092414 said:
I was thinking about the issue of teachers in my past that used to do some questionable things that in today's world wouldn't cut it and was wondering if anybody else has dealt with the same thing growing up. Have any of you ever experienced questionable physical "confrontation" with another teacher in your childhood?

I had some problems with my sixth grade teacher, but they were a result of a lack of communication... I wasn't aware that my eyes were going bad, that I needed glasses, so when he'd write something on the blackboard, I'd get up to move close enough to read what he'd written... this annoyed him...

The problem was solved when I was given an eye exam, and the guy felt so bad when he realized what was going on that he was my staunchest defender the rest of the year... he'd thought I was just being defiant, showing him a rotten 'tude... which proves he didn't know who my daddy was, or how I'd get my butt kicked at home if I tried such a thing...

That teacher was also the assistant principal, and he DID have to paddle me a coupla times the rest of the school year, but I deserved them, I started fights with a coupla bullies (I was real small) out on the playground...
bbgun;2092568 said:
I was a K-8 Catholic school student but never got hit. That was dad's job. Once upon a time, police officers would cuff truants around the ears to keep them on the "straight and narrow," and nobody would bat an eye. In fact, most parents sided with the cops for doling out "discipline" in their absence. Similar actions would invite a thousand lawsuits today.

You just reminded me of a funny story I tell my friends... when I was a senior in high school, Dad had just retired from the Army, and we'd moved home from Heidelberg, Germany... while in Germany, no teen was allowed to drive (even if he had a driver's license when he came over from the states, he was not allowed to drive until he turned 18)... as a result, there were no driver's ed course at Heidelberg American High School...

So when I got back home, I was just about the only one of my peer group who didn't drive, and naturally I signed up for driver's ed... the instructor was the basketball coach, a crusty ol' guy name of Joe Proksa... one of my first time behind the wheel, he judged that I'd come too close to a parked car, barked at me, and when I didn't act sufficiently chagrined, he reached over and slapped me pretty good on the wrist...

He then realized what he'd done, and said "now you can go home and tell your momma I hit you"...

To which I responded "why would I do that?? She'd just applaud, and tell Dad when he got home, at which point I'd catch REAL hell"... Coach Proksa looked at me, startled by my response, then just roared with laughter, and I was a "coach's pet" the rest of the school year...
jterrell;2092571 said:
My elementary school principal also had a paddle with holes. It left red circles on my butt.

One time it got me extra spankings because my mom saw my red circled butt then found out I had been bad at school so she reddened it all evenly:(


That's how my folks would have reacted too... their first question would be "so what did you do to deserve that??"
Vintage;2092685 said:
Were you abused as a child, scared to smile, they called you ugly?

Naw, I've always been incredibly good-looking...

It's a curse, really... but I try to bear that cross with stoicism, accept my dismal lot in life...
There was nothing physical from teachers, the worst was a teacher consistently denied me the right to a bathroom and forced me to piss my pants in 3rd grade. It only happened once, but it was still ridiculous. If I knew then what I know now, I would have just walked out of class to take care of business. There's no reason to be that totalitarian.
hairic;2093243 said:
There was nothing physical from teachers, the worst was a teacher consistently denied me the right to a bathroom and forced me to piss my pants in 3rd grade. It only happened once, but it was still ridiculous. If I knew then what I know now, I would have just walked out of class to take care of business. There's no reason to be that totalitarian.

I would have stood up, unzipped my pants, and urinated on the floor, right in front of that teacher...
As someone who coached and taught in the classroom for 19 years, schools are in the worst shape I've ever seen them. Students are held accountable for ZERO. They are not accountable for their grades (thanks to TAKS here in Texas) or their behavior. School districts run scared of litigation and bad press.

I've got to the point that my business is successful enough that I don't have to teach or coach any longer. I see very few young kids going into education anymore -- not because of the pay. Hell, a first year teacher today in most of the big urban districts can make over $50,000 a year if they hit the right stipends, etc. -- mid $40s at least. But lots of them are done by their 3rd year due to burnout -- too much BS outside of teaching to deal with.

All that matters in Texas is TAKS. Trust me, if you have a child in public school in Texas, their teacher is teaching them how to do well on the TAKS test and they are not getting a good all-around education.
I dont know anymore......I work for a school board and when I first started I was amazed at the lack of accountablility from the students and parents.

Back in the old days when I was a kid......the strap was common at our schools and parents spanking their kids was acceptable.

When I mentioned the punishments I took when I was a kid to others now....most think it was some kind of abuse...The fact is....I never even to this day think it was.....it was dicipline....with 3 boys in the house....we caused some trouble and deserved most of our beatings.

It kept us straight.....if we got in trouble at school......we received more of a punishment at home.

I remember being in the back seat of a cop car.....and my twin brother and I were thinking....."do what you please" "just dont tell our parents"

Now......as I work in elem schools and a high school.......I feel sorry for the teachers and administration......kids are not accountable.......pathetic excuses are acceptable and IMHO some parents baby their kids too much.

I never expected to see so many kids....have trouble reading and writing...and with the restrictions schools have now.....alot of teachers IMHO...gave up caring.....its sad......
HTownCowboysFan;2093312 said:
As someone who coached and taught in the classroom for 19 years, schools are in the worst shape I've ever seen them. Students are held accountable for ZERO. They are not accountable for their grades (thanks to TAKS here in Texas) or their behavior. School districts run scared of litigation and bad press.

I've got to the point that my business is successful enough that I don't have to teach or coach any longer. I see very few young kids going into education anymore -- not because of the pay. Hell, a first year teacher today in most of the big urban districts can make over $50,000 a year if they hit the right stipends, etc. -- mid $40s at least. But lots of them are done by their 3rd year due to burnout -- too much BS outside of teaching to deal with.

All that matters in Texas is TAKS. Trust me, if you have a child in public school in Texas, their teacher is teaching them how to do well on the TAKS test and they are not getting a good all-around education.

Yeah, here in Kentucky the students have to take the CATS test during April. The teachers only teach what is going to be on the test. I don't know how it is set up in Texas or any where else, but here the higher the average score on the CATS test of the students at a school, the more money that school will receive for the following school year. Right after I graduated the school board decided to make student's achive a certain score on the CATS in order to graduate. For Seniors that is harder because it is an all written test. So if the person is a bad writer they could have a hard time meeting that requirement.

But this test will go away soon, because the school board announced that in a few years the state is going back to Standardized Testing and dropping the CATS test. Why they can't go back to standardized testing sooner I have no idea.

Mash;2093340 said:
I dont know anymore......I work for a school board and when I first started I was amazed at the lack of accountablility from the students and parents.

Back in the old days when I was a kid......the strap was common at our schools and parents spanking their kids was acceptable.

When I mentioned the punishments I took when I was a kid to others now....most think it was some kind of abuse...The fact is....I never even to this day think it was.....it was dicipline....with 3 boys in the house....we caused some trouble and deserved most of our beatings.

It kept us straight.....if we got in trouble at school......we received more of a punishment at home.

I remember being in the back seat of a cop car.....and my twin brother and I were thinking....."do what you please" "just dont tell our parents"

Now......as I work in elem schools and a high school.......I feel sorry for the teachers and administration......kids are not accountable.......pathetic excuses are acceptable and IMHO some parents baby their kids too much.

I never expected to see so many kids....have trouble reading and writing...and with the restrictions schools have now.....alot of teachers IMHO...gave up caring.....its sad......

That is true, unfortuantly. This is one of the reasons, I think, today's society is the way it is, the kids grow up thinking they are not accountable for anything because their parents didn't hold them accountable for anything.
I'm shocked that a state hasn't sued the federal gov't over "No Child Left Behind" yet. That was one of the worst policies of the Bush admin. Yes, every child can learn, but they certainly all can't learn the same thing on the same level. It's policial blackmail for all intents and purposes -- NCLB that is.

And as far as the TAKS goes, teachers are teaching for the test and I don't blame them one bit. For example, kids get no social studies until basically the 7th grade because they are never tested on it until the 8th here in Texas.

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