What a difference a year makes....

Nors said:
Miller over Burnett - I only wanted him if he fell. Imagine having TWO Wittens.....

I think Burnett will be a good player for us and getting this defense back to elite status was more important than another TE. Again I have nothing against Miller but I also feel very comfortable with out current TE's who still have a lot of football left in their careers.
Nors said:
Bulletproof bro

Bring it!

And if I did, what would you do with it? Deny it, change the subject by throwing in all sorts of peripherals? Disapear for a few days to another board claiming your tired of this plays until you get tossed and slink back with your Johnson in your hand?

Lets not shall we. Suffice to say that you too have made predicitons that have gone nowhere. It is no secret that Hos likes Henson and he is not alone. I too liked Henson. The point being, nothing will be settled until next year at the earliest. Why don't you just let sleeping dogs lye till then?
Charles said:
Sorry bro your right. You didn't say perfect.....http://cowboyszone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1084&page=3&pp=15&highlight=Hensons+mechanics

You said he had textbook mechanics in that one picture of Henson that LTN posted after a DallasCowboys mini-camp in 2004. It was even compared to 8-balls..........assesment striking similarities :lmao:
Right, 1 picture. In subsequent pictures I said he was off. In fact Adam disagreed with me and posted pics of several high profile QBs doing the exact same thing Henson was doing that I hated. In other words I was fair and balanced.

Don't faint.

Anyway..........we all know Parcells took that text book and threw out the window or maybe Quincy needed the paper to wrap his herbs and stole it on his way out..........
The big difference between you an me on Q is that now you will bash him for stuff like that and I won't. I want the guy to beat his demons.

Funny how that works out isn't it?

I never said Henson wasn't throwing it like a baseball and needed to work on that. Not once. I have said he has a big time arm and no one disputes that.

You get the last word...........Or better yet props on your boy Lousaka Polite. Very smart guy, took advantage of the reps in camp and never looked back.
I have no idea what this has to do with this. I preferred Polite over Barnes and adopted him. It's that simple.

Heath Miller @ the TE position is getting OROY blurbs left and right. :lmao:
You want a cookie? Again, no idea what this pertains to unless it is an attempt at payback for me pointing out that you said "no one can predict how a player will turn out" while at the same time having a sig line predicting how a player would turn out.

Not my fault you contradicted yourself.

I remember you were high on him. I was high on Mike Williams. He's been injured. So what? We didn't take either guy. I'm happy with who we did take. In fact if you go back and look you'll find I said we wouldn't get Williams and that Hitzges, Sapgs, and Galloway all said if Ware was there we'd take him.

Not my words, theirs. The "mediots" knew of what they spoke.
Well back to the original point.. what a diff a year makes indeed!

I mean who could've thought that but for a tie-breaker (2 conference losses vs 1), at the half way point we'd be doing just as good recordwise as the Bears! ;)
Glass houses Nors.
Let him rant.

I have no doubt which kid will turn out to be better.

He's got nothing but this to hang a hat on.

Funny thing is, the next game people reported the same thing. Never brings that up though does he?

Funny thing, someone he knows told him the same thing. Never brings that up either.

Funny thing, a reporter who has seen more of both of them than all of us said the same thing. Never brings that up.

If he needs to imagine 3 guys who had never met each other before, plus 3 guys from another site all saw the same thing.

Yet all of us were in conspiracy just to stick it to his opinion? Hey, paranoia is hilarious.

Hos what you and the pundits you are attaching your wagons to missed......

Is that a 1st preseason game is NOTHING. Its a joke, 40 guys on the field who can't play. Means nothing. But you had your fun!

In retrospect you were a "tad off" on your evaluations of our QB's :) Its ok - I missed on Law trade! Happens!

ABQ - You were dead *** wrong on Bleedmore. Carry on.
Nors said:
Hos what you and the pundits you are attaching your wagons to missed......

Is that a 1st preseason game is NOTHING. Its a joke, 40 guys on the field who can't play. Means nothing. But you had your fun!

In retrospect you were a "tad off" on your evaluations of our QB's :) Its ok - I missed on Law trade! Happens!

ABQ - You were dead *** wrong on Bleedmore. Carry on.
I wasn't off. I said long before the season started that we needed Bledsoe to lead us.

I'm the one who said I didn't care who won the backup job. You and your shadow BnA are the ones who care what order they are. I could give a flying crap.

I'm focused on Bledsoe playing well.

In case you didn't notice when we blew the Eagles and Cardinals out I said I wished Romo had got some playing time. Go back and look.

I don't have your stupid need to beat an agenda to death and bore people to tears.
I won't get into who wanted Bledsoe in February.....
We agree - its all behind Bledsoe forward- dude has earned his props

And we are in the playoff hunt. Sweet
Nors said:
I won't get into who wanted Bledsoe in February.....
We agree - its all behind Bledsoe forward- dude has earned his props

And we are in the playoff hunt. Sweet
Fact, I have NEVER been opposed to Bledsoe being here. So take February and put it wherever the hell you want it. That is despite the fact I want to get younger and hungrier.

You need to drop the childish Nors against the world BS because no one gives a crap. It's old, it's a friggin joke, and you're the punchline.

If you don't want to be taken seriously, by all means keep up the good work.
Hos angry = Hos not wanting to talk facts on QB in offseason- eh?

Doesn't change your opinions at the time. Not one bit at all candidly.
Nors said:
Hos angry = Hos not wanting to talk facts on QB in offseason- eh?

Doesn't change your opinions at the time. Not one bit at all candidly.
I'm not angry, but you whine like a girl if people call you out, then have the temerity to constantly call me out and when I respond you accuse me of "attacking" you.

I told you before you don't have the stones to withstand an "attack" from me if I ever wanted to do so. I've never "attacked" you. I've shown some of your theories to be pretty narrow.

You don't want to get harpooned stop spouting off. It's that freaking simple.

I'll talk football with you any time you want to give it a shot Nors. Wow me with something other than a replay of your predictions. So far, when I've actually tried to gauge the depth of what you do know you run and hide then scream attack.

Bring it or drop it. The ball is in your court. You called me out. Not the other way around.
Hostile said:
I'm not angry, but you whine like a girl if people call you out, then have the temerity to constantly call me out and when I respond you accuse me of "attacking" you.

I told you before you don't have the stones to withstand an "attack" from me if I ever wanted to do so. I've never "attacked" you. I've shown some of your theories to be pretty narrow.

You don't want to get harpooned stop spouting off. It's that freaking simple.

I'll talk football with you any time you want to give it a shot Nors. Wow me with something other than a replay of your predictions. So far, when I've actually tried to gauge the depth of what you do know you run and hide then scream attack.

Bring it or drop it. The ball is in your court. You called me out. Not the other way around.



Hostile said:
I'm not angry, but you whine like a girl if people call you out, then have the temerity to constantly call me out and when I respond you accuse me of "attacking" you.

I told you before you don't have the stones to withstand an "attack" from me if I ever wanted to do so. I've never "attacked" you. I've shown some of your theories to be pretty narrow.

You don't want to get harpooned stop spouting off. It's that freaking simple.

I'll talk football with you any time you want to give it a shot Nors. Wow me with something other than a replay of your predictions. So far, when I've actually tried to gauge the depth of what you do know you run and hide then scream attack.

Bring it or drop it. The ball is in your court. You called me out. Not the other way around.

You publicly outed yourself. Your Pro Henson saviour antics were called. See Romo beating Henson out. Don't act as a Bledsoe advocate here as you never were in offseason. After the "fact" you went right on that fence of yours!

Want to flame and attack that? Tho dost protest too much.....
You have no leg to stand on - carry on. :cool:

Hos - you want to debate after your challenge on Bledsoe?Bledsoe/Henson/Romo you are charging the wrong mountain....


I wouldn't be surprised or angry if he was back in 2005. Not at all. I would be angry if he (VT) was the starter. Probably not at him though, and probably not at the coaching staff either.

I am a Henson fan and I think he will be ready by the end of this year. I've heard some rumblings to that effect from a friend. Articles say he's just a sponge for learning this stuff. There's no doubting his physical tools.

If he hasn't earned the job by 2005 then I am going to be angry, most likely at him. You simply do not piss away talent and opportunity.

From all we read about him, he's not doing that.

I have a strange feeling that Vinny will hang them up after this year and another former Parcells guy (Bledsoe) will be the backup to Henson in 2005.

I really don't see Romo as anything other than a 3rd string guy. Maybe he will surprise me but I have my doubts same as I did with Stoerner.
I feel like an idiot for even being "staunchly neutral" about Quincy Carter after hearing that interview. After looking at what we did/had to do in order to improve, it makes you wonder how Jones and Parcells willingly went to battle with that team last year. This season is a dream, even if they are the "Reverse Cardiac Cowboys" sometimes....
Hos - direct your anger at Henson - and don't dare get on the Bledsoe wagon as if you were there at any point pre March 05. :lmao2:
Nors said:
You publicly outed yourself. Your Pro Henson saviour antics were called. See Romo beating Henson out. Don't act as a Bledsoe advocate here as you never were in offseason. After the "fact" you went right on that fence of yours!

Want to flame and attack that? Tho dost protest too much.....
You have no leg to stand on - carry on. :cool:
I knew you didn't have the stones to accept the invitation to talk football. Wow me I said. This doesn't wow me. This is just more lame attempts at chest thumping. No one hears you drummer boy. Bang louder.

I'll publicly say again that I think Henson will have a better career than Romo. Big frickin deal. I don't care which one of them is the backup. I care about this year. What part of that don't you understand? The part in English?

Flame and attack what? I've never flamed or attacked you at all. Just because you do the lip sucking pout thing when you wittle feelings get hurt doesn't mean you've been attacked.

Let's revisit the truth. You called me out in this thread when I hadn't said word one to you or about you. I respond, you cry. That how it works? Simple solution for you then. Don't call me out. If you continue to call me out then brace yourself to look stupid. It's that simple. I don't even have to work hard at it. I say one thing at all you go into "woe is me mode" and people laugh at you.

Go on, invite some more.
Read my next post - your words skew yourself.

Carry on - You were about 1000% wrong on anything Bledsoe starting, Henson starting, Romo #3. Silly me but you are batting ZERO at this.


Nors said:
Hos - direct your anger at Henson - and don't dare get on the Bledsoe wagon as if you were there at any point pre March 05. :lmao2:
I'm not on the Bledsoe Bandwagon Nors. I have no anger.

What you don't seem to have the synapses to understand is that I root for the Dallas Cowboys. Not the Drew Bledsoe's, Drew Henson's, or whatever player I may like. I don't give a damn which player gets the job done as long as it gets done.

If they can't get it done I speak up.

I ride no bandwagons. My agenda is the team. That's why you'll never catch me in one of your little prediction games Nors. I don't play them.

They're boring. Great to make fun of though. I appreciate it.

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