What are the odds of Jimmy Johnson coming back


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cowboyjoe;2368420 said:
no jimmy johnson is done coaching, he is paid too much by fox sports, etc doing his feature on sundays and he is basking in the miami sun in florida too much

now dont get me wrong i would love jimmy here, even if it was just as psych coach, i think this is what this team a psych coach that can see what players arent putting 110 percent into the game effort.

also jimmy could see what coaches arent doing their job either,

and if jerry jones hires another head coach like good ole boy wade, jimmy johnson could have the title of being the turk, the guy that fires players, hires players, cuts players and trades players along with the approval of jerry jones of course

Yah, hire Jimmy in a consultant role. One with authority to get up in peoples faces. Make Jimmy GM come to think of it. Let Jimmy pick his coach.


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McCordsville Cowboy;2369070 said:
Live in the now.... Youll never afford it Wayne....


give me the pig faced devil!!!!


Junior College Transfer
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bbgun;2368427 said:
Better odds than me becoming a mod.

I was offered that position.


Free parking.

Long weekends with Woody's girl.

The the Farmers Branch Square Dancers next door woke me up with their wild fiddling music.


Mr. Fixit
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Probably not going to happen but he would be just the tonic for this current team.

As I and some have mentioned, Jimmy does not even have to come in as HC, simply someone with power over the coaching staff, a "consultant". Jimmy does not need to acquire any personnel or any coaches, he can make do with what he has.

This team needs leadership and swagger, they need someone who will make them accountable. As for the excuses about Jimmy's age (Wade is 61 & Parcells is 67), his lack of drive, his lack of knowledge about the game, the salary cap, blah, blah, blah. Ridiculous. Unlike Wade, and Parcells, Jimmy is a Cowboy, he still cares, it is personal.

Jimmy can lead this team, and I think Wade, Garrett and the players respond, not next year, but this season. The conditions are right, talented team & truncated season, it all depends on Jerry.

Is Jerry able to share the spotlight again w/Jimmy for another chance at a ring, and football immortality. It all depends on Jerry, if he asks sweetly enough and extends his hand, Jimmy will do it_especially if he has $5 million in the other hand. :)


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How about Barry?:D

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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DStaub;2369927 said:
How about Barry?:D

:laugh2: Good ole Barry!

The chances of Johnson coming back to work with Jerry......
The same chance a snowball has in hades........
Jessica Simpson has a better chance to be the head coach:lmao:


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As much as I would love it- as much as I think Jerry would love it- as much as I think Jimmy would even consider it- I think just as highly that he wouldn't in the end just simply due to it being a potential disaster of him ruining his legacy. Jimmy's football coaching legacy basically hinges on him never coaching again and holding on to his time here in Dallas with everything he's got. Another Miami debacle and his name gets erased off most alltime greatest coaching lists and his first time in the NFL (with us) gets pushed back as a quite possibly distant memory that nobody ever cares to remember again. Jimmy is not stupid, and I believe also very superstitious. He won't risk jinxing his legacy. Not here. Not anywhere ever again.

But this thought sure is a dream, I will admit that. Nothing would thrill me more than him coming back and actually being that long term successor to Tom that we've always needed since Jerry took over this team. He would be perfect and I would love to see him grow extremely old along out sidelines!