What Are the other Sites Saying About Irvin Speech?

BigDFan5;1576391 said:
Thats a classic Commander fans line right there, much less effective from a Saints fan when we can just say "win a superbowl umm .............ever"

rise above it twyst, dont be that guy
Oh we will this year.

Anyway, didnt mean to get all bent out of shape and bash the cowboys so sorry for that, just wanted to say Irvin did a great job despite the fact Ive never liked him and it got all stupid quick. Sorry for all the smack except to those of you that badmouthed the city of new orleans (dont mind if you bash the saints), that made me fly off the handle a little. Anyway karma is a b^%^& so Im sure they will get theirs. Anywho here are more saints iopinions on the irvin speech, all with the same sentiment as mine. Great speech from a guy that was less than loved by most.
Twyst;1576331 said:

Congrats on winning your superbowl, that's the closest you will ever get to a real one :rolleyes:
bigbadroy;1576381 said:
i love saints fans were no where to be found for a long time. the saints have a good year and all of a sudden the fans are popping out of nowhere claiming they are the new america's team and other bs. i pray that dallas meets the aints in the playoffs this year.

And they still have no :lombardi: to show for it..
Don't need to go to other message boards...after the things I heard last night at the ceremony I can probably assume correctly what is being said.

I posted last night I wouldn't say what I heard as to not give them the satisfaction...but I'm still steaming about it today, and now have chosen to vent a bit and put on display the immaturity and ignorance (as displayed here) of these other 'fans'....mostly Buffalo.
  • For every male Irvin thanked and expressed his love and gratitude toward...it was an assumed gay relationship.
  • For every female Irvin thanked and expressed his love and gratitude toward...it was an assumed sexual relationship...including Jerry Jones' wife.
  • For every indiscretion Irvin openly admitted to...it was assumed he is still involved in.
  • For every religious remark Irvin alluded to...it was an insincere attempt to use God as his cover.
  • For his comments regarding his children...it was also an insincere attempt to use his kids as his cover.
  • For every on field accomplishment...it was a result from cheating.
  • Jerry Jones didn't go unmentioned...plastic face...buyer of championships...long winded ego maniac.
  • When Berman gave us our 'how 'bout them Cowboys' reference...and we responded loudly...we were told to get over it...move on, nothing to see here.
Gee, did I miss any?

I sat in front of some Bills fans while they cheered their record 4 consecutive Super Bowl appearences. Did I mention to them it was also a record 4 consecutive Super Bowl losses, 2 of them to our Cowboys? No.

I sat behind 2 Browns' fans...one older fella wearing a Hickerson jersey. Did I mention their choke championship games or 43 years of futility? No...as a matter of fact...I patted the guy on the back when they rolled his hero on stage leading Brown, Kelly, and Mitchell one last time. He was overwhelmed by it....I understood...I gave him some solace.

I applauded each and every member, standing....my wife and I gave them their due...let them and their fans enjoy their moment.

Did we receive the same consideration? No. It was a pitiful display, total lack of class.

Screw all of them.
Twyst;1576419 said:

Ohhhh. So you didn't flunk history class. You just had a selective memory. Did you sleep through the Lombardi portion?
jackrussell;1576418 said:
I applauded each and every member, standing....my wife and I gave them their due...let them and their fans enjoy their moment.

That's how you show class -- regardless of what was going on around you, you stood above it and did what you know is right. Hats off.
jackrussell;1576418 said:
I applauded each and every member, standing....my wife and I gave them their due...let them and their fans enjoy their moment.

You represented well. Thank you.
sago1;1576384 said:
By around 69 we improved enough to face the Packers in the SB forever more called the "Ice Ball" which we lost but won lots of fans for our efforts.

this is wrong this game was to go to the superbowl and I believe the year is wrong also

We made it to 4 SBs in the 70s winning 2 (Denver & Miami) but losing twice to the Steelers.

This is also wrong we went to 5 SB losing to the Colts and the stealers twice

We had great players and a great organization which almost instantly attracted media coverage and generated a significant group of fans--not only in Texas--but across the country. We were down in the 80s but the lure of our former great players & Landry & Schramm ingenuity ensured we remained a very visible team.

Sorry but this is also wrong the team was close to being bankrupt and there were many empty seats

still the gist of your post I agree with... as far as those that don't like Irvin well it shows just how stupid they are :)
So let me get this straigh, that saints have 2 playoff wins since forever? :laugh2:
Twyst;1576419 said:

"My favorite day was Monday, September the 25th, 2006. New Orleans, Louisiana, site of the Superdome. I watched our people who had suffered so grievously through Hurricane Katrina fill a stadium hours before a game and stay hours after the game. I witnessed those fans as they looked for each other, hugged one another and just be thankful to be in that stadium.
You see the game flexed its greatest muscle that day: the ability to heal. I experienced a football game that contributed to the healing of a city. So don’t tell me it’s just a game." - quote from #88

I had no idea, Twyst, that you would start using RedStink troll tactics! The above was said by Irvin...yeah, he's total trash, huh?

Not that it matters to you, but you just lost alot of respect from me. I hope your life never has to endure any hardships, ever. I really hope you live a perfect and happy life.
Ren;1576446 said:
So let me get this straigh, that saints have 2 playoff wins since forever? :laugh2:
yep, hopefully changing that soon though. It sure wasnt easy being a saints fan for all these years. At least we have won a couple of playoff games in the last decade though.
5Stars;1576447 said:
"My favorite day was Monday, September the 25th, 2006. New Orleans, Louisiana, site of the Superdome. I watched our people who had suffered so grievously through Hurricane Katrina fill a stadium hours before a game and stay hours after the game. I witnessed those fans as they looked for each other, hugged one another and just be thankful to be in that stadium.
You see the game flexed its greatest muscle that day: the ability to heal. I experienced a football game that contributed to the healing of a city. So don’t tell me it’s just a game." - quote from #88

I had no idea, Twyst, that you would start using RedStink troll tactics! The above was said by Irvin...yeah, he's total trash, huh?

Not that it matters to you, but you just lost alot of respect from me. I hope your life never has to endure any hardships, ever. I really hope you live a perfect and happy life.
I gave him props on the speech. I dont think there is anyhing wrong with not liking a loudmouthed cocky player with several arrests. Im sure you guys badmouth shockey here and their personalities are very similar. They both act like they played at "the U"

EDIT now that I think about it, its definately not cowboy hate, its miami hate.
Twyst;1576454 said:
I gave him props on the speech. I dont think there is anyhing wrong with not liking a loudmouthed cocky player with several arrests. Im sure you guys badmouth shockey here and there personalities are very similar. They both act like they played at "the U"

EDIT now that I think about it, its definately not cowboy hate, its miami hate.

You sure do throw alot of stones. Guess you've never made any mistakes in life. If you only knew how RIDICULOUS all your post sound. You're really embarrassing yourself and don't even know it. You sound silly!!!
Twyst;1576449 said:
yep, hopefully changing that soon though. It sure wasnt easy being a saints fan for all these years. At least we have won a couple of playoff games in the last decade though.

I'm sure every cowboys fan would trade all the superbowls for 2 playoff wins the last decade :lmao2:

you sure told us :laugh2:
Mansta54;1576459 said:
You sure do throw alot of stones. Guess you've never made any mistakes in life. If you only knew how RIDICULOUS all your post sound. You're really embarrassing yourself and don't even know it. You sound silly!!!
You cant argue the statement though. Hes been in legal trouble several times and was always very cocky. He puts his foot in his mouth constantly in the broadcast booth . If he wasnt a cowboy you wouldnt be defending him and you know it. If he was some guy off the street with his attitude who had been busted with a mountain of cocaine you wouldnt be so quick to say "lets not judge him"
Ren;1576460 said:
I'm sure every cowboys fan would trade all the superbowls for 2 playoff wins the last decade :lmao2:

you sure told us :laugh2:

The guy is clueless!! A "Ain'ts fan" coming to a Cowboys board to talk about winning. C'mon man. just think about that. It's RIDICULOUS!! :lmao2:

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