What Are the other Sites Saying About Irvin Speech?

YoMick;1576295 said:
Irvin was great would have been greater if it was all about him.... he never made it about him... so SALUTE
One of the best to ever play the position and from everything Ive ever heard a very hard worker in practice and great teammate. So hats off for that
Twyst;1576286 said:
Lol yeah just like the falcons fans rip anyone who disaproves of vicks dogfighting. Funny how people stick up for scumbags when they are on/played for their team. There is a reason so many people hate michael irvin, and its not because he is a cowboy. Ive always been an emmit and aikman fan as have lots of other people I know. Everyone who isnt a cowboys fan hates irvin.

How many on this board have crucified vick and pacman but take up for this guy?
To me, it's not about taking up for Irvin. It's about someone doing whatever it takes to redeem himself. Loud, brash personality aside, he's worked really hard to overcome his demons. And outside of that incident, he hasn't done anything remotely like the "White house" days. I appreciate that.

I don't get into the Vick bashing, but he's been indicted of something very, very cruel and inhuman. Just the idea that his name is linked is pretty bad. If he's found guilty, we're talking hard prison time. It's nothing something I compare to Mike's self-destructive behavior.

Pacman is someone you could compare to Mike, but Pac isn't really trying to turn his life around. Right now, he's all talk and little action.
Twyst;1576260 said:
Yeah well at least I havent been arrested for crack/cocaine a few times. Anyway my poinyt with the original post was to give him props. I hate him but think he did a very good job.

Hate is a strong word for a person you don't even know. Move on, you sound ridiculous...
a Saints fan bashing Irvin for his shortcomings off the field.......that is awesome.

nevermind the sesspool that was New Orleans.....the sewage and crime infested city that it was.....all Hurricane Katrina did was send your trash and criminals elsewhere.....the real tragedy was that all those people that fled New Orleans went to Mississippi, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio.......and instantly the crime rates in those areas sky rocketed.

Please get your criminals out of our cities and send them back to the swamp.

Wow, so Irvin did drugs and cheated on his wife. I never liked him for it. However, his wife forgave him and stood by him. He has asked his Lord for forgiveness. He uses everyday to tell others of his struggles and to help them not have the same struggles. He makes no excuses for his actions, blames himself, and merely apologizes for not living up to the idea he has of his father.

BTW, Irvin was the only entertaining member of the ESPN crew....Steve Young was boring as hell. Jaws is boring as hell. Steak is boring as hell. Berman is cool, but his act is kind of tired already.

I would love to see Irvin join Fox again. I know that the Best Damn Sports Show went to crap the minute Irvin and Kruk left. Those two guys made the show. Without them, the show had little to no personality.

Bash Irvin all you want Saints fan......but he is a winner unlike your pathetic team. You know you would take him in a heartbeat on your team over any other receiver you have ever had. You know you would ride his jock through good or bad, cause he would be helping your team win.

notice you had to come to a Cowboys board to be heard......cause no one in their right mind, from any other team, would waste their time going to the Saints board....on saints fans, swamp rats, roaches, and crickets reside there.

Twyst;1576286 said:
How many on this board have crucified vick and pacman but take up for this guy?
I have, because all his wife all his actions were done to himself, with the exception of infedility affecting his marriage. Pacman was responsible for injuring a bouncer and Vick brutally tortured dogs.

I'll take 100 guys who use drugs before I accept one who hits his wife.
Regar the Bold;1576251 said:
Hateful rival teams with no history will always say ignorant things.

(see above)

Sad and true.
That's what one winning season does for the victory starved.
Give a starving mutt a steak and he'll walk around thinking he's a Doberman.
WoodysGirl;1576300 said:
To me, it's not about taking up for Irvin. It's about someone doing whatever it takes to redeem himself. Loud, brash personality aside, he's worked really hard to overcome his demons. And outside of that incident, he hasn't done anything remotely like the "White house" days. I appreciate that.

I don't get into the Vick bashing, but he's been indicted of something very, very cruel and inhuman. Just the idea that his name is linked is pretty bad. If he's found guilty, we're talking hard prison time. It's nothing something I compare to Mike's self-destructive behavior.

Pacman is someone you could compare to Mike, but Pac isn't really trying to turn his life around. Right now, he's all talk and little action.

You can't compare Pac Man to Mike.....Mike only did it a few times and he never involved guns or violence....just drugs and sex. Pac Man is a violent thug. Not only that, he is a coward too. He can't stand on his own, so he always has his entourage there to have his back.....he is a trouble maker and when the poop hits the fan, out come the guns and the teeth.

Vick is an idiot. First was the whole Ron Mexico thing. Then there was the water bottle thing. Now there is the dog fighting thing. Honestly, I defended Vick at first, at least off the field, but then if you look at his brother also, the Vick name is very tainted by these two. I have always bashed Vick on the field, calling him overhyped and overrated. It's no wonder his teams have been losing more the last few years...and also, if he is so elusive, why does he get sacked a lot more than pure pocket passers? Anyway....the FBI has tons of dirt on him, so he is royally screwed. I don't like pit bulls and I feel they should all be exterminated (for the well being of all those innocent humans that get attacked year after year)....however, I don't believe any living thing should be treated so cruelly. It sickened me to hear what was happening to these dogs, and while I think they are monsters bred for killing only, it is not right to abuse those dogs. What Vick and his crew did was downright evil.

The kicker in all of this, is why? the dude is worth well over 100 million dollars. He didn't need to do this small time hustle.....what a freakin idiot. He threw away his career, his endorsement, his fans, his freedom over small time hustle.
Biggems;1576315 said:
You can't compare Pac Man to Mike.....Mike only did it a few times and he never involved guns or violence....just drugs and sex. Pac Man is a violent thug. Not only that, he is a coward too. He can't stand on his own, so he always has his entourage there to have his back.....he is a trouble maker and when the poop hits the fan, out come the guns and the teeth.
Yeah I can compare Pacman to Mike. What is the common denominator in all this... Sex and drugs (I'm sure Pac has been indulging). And then for you to say a few times? Please. A few times that you know of and was reported about. I can't imagine the number of untold stories from the "White House"

I applaud Mike for trying to redeem himself and continuing to do so, but he did alot of dirt, nevermind that it was non-violent. Due to the nature of the the lifestyle, they could've turned violent at any time.
Twyst;1576297 said:
One of the best to ever play the position and from everything Ive ever heard a very hard worker in practice and great teammate. So hats off for that

And if you werent so jealous... your first post would have read like this last one.

Jealousy and envy - be careful
Biggems;1576310 said:
Bash Irvin all you want Saints fan......but he is a winner unlike your pathetic team.
Careful, your superstar team hasn't beaten my pathetic team in well over a decade. 5 straight losses I believe

You people are hilarious thinking its jealousy, Ive stated there are other cowboys I love. Irvin is universally despised because he is a typical thug from "the U"
I consider PacMan more of a "thug" than Irvin . . . .

But what's important here (for me, at least) is that Michael took responsiblity for his actions (who does than now a days?) and has tried/is trying to become a better man.

Irrespective that he played for the Cowboys, that's something to pay tribute to in any human being.

Not sure if I really see that quality in Vick or PacMan to-date.
YoMick;1576321 said:
And if you werent so jealous... your first post would have read like this last one.

Jealousy and envy - be careful

He's just hatin cause his franchise sucks and has done absolutely nothing compared to AMERICAS TEAM. Our franchise is known for RINGS, his franchise is known for "bagheads". Nuff said!!!
Mansta54;1576327 said:
He's just hatin cause his franchise sucks and has done absolutely nothing compared to AMERICAS TEAM.
The whole state of Louisiana is one big Micheal Irvin x 2 (when he was bad).

It is just hilarious that one of LA's "finest" comes over here and talking trash. I have about 200,000 of LA's finest living in my city now and man it sucks.

Continue digging your hole dude.
Twyst;1576331 said:

And your point is? Show me some RINGS, not a score from one ball game. You gotta do better then that son.. That's really weak... RINGS, show me so RINGS...
I imagine other sites have those who enjoyed what he said, and plenty who (because they never liked Irvin in the first place) are bagging on him being there.

It is to be expected.
Twyst;1576331 said:

Was that a Super Bowl victory? Oh wait.. Nevermind. :p:
Mansta54;1576337 said:
And your point is? Show me some RINGS, not a score from one ball game. You gotta do better then that son.. That's really weak... RINGS, show me so RINGS...
Yes I admit, the cowboys were a good football team 15 years ago. Congrats
Twyst;1576340 said:
Yes I admit, the cowboys were a good football team 15 years ago. Congrats

I bet you flunked history class because it was boring. :p:
Twyst;1576322 said:
Careful, your superstar team hasn't beaten my pathetic team in well over a decade. 5 straight losses I believe

You people are hilarious thinking its jealousy, Ive stated there are other cowboys I love. Irvin is universally despised because he is a typical thug from "the U"

trust me i know how bad we have played the saints the last 5 or 6 times we have played them....in fact i counted it as a loss last year at the beginning of the season, cause you guys seem to have our number. however, beating us 5-6 consecutive times has gotten you where? up until last year you were still the laughing stock of the league.

If I had to rank the bottom 5 NFL franchises in any order I would have to say New Orleans, Detroit, Arizona, Houston and the new Cleveland Browns. Even TB was able to shed their loser ways.

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