a Saints fan bashing Irvin for his shortcomings off the field.......that is awesome.
nevermind the sesspool that was New Orleans.....the sewage and crime infested city that it was.....all Hurricane Katrina did was send your trash and criminals elsewhere.....the real tragedy was that all those people that fled New Orleans went to Mississippi, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio.......and instantly the crime rates in those areas sky rocketed.
Please get your criminals out of our cities and send them back to the swamp.
Wow, so Irvin did drugs and cheated on his wife. I never liked him for it. However, his wife forgave him and stood by him. He has asked his Lord for forgiveness. He uses everyday to tell others of his struggles and to help them not have the same struggles. He makes no excuses for his actions, blames himself, and merely apologizes for not living up to the idea he has of his father.
BTW, Irvin was the only entertaining member of the ESPN crew....Steve Young was boring as hell. Jaws is boring as hell. Steak is boring as hell. Berman is cool, but his act is kind of tired already.
I would love to see Irvin join Fox again. I know that the Best Damn Sports Show went to crap the minute Irvin and Kruk left. Those two guys made the show. Without them, the show had little to no personality.
Bash Irvin all you want Saints fan......but he is a winner unlike your pathetic team. You know you would take him in a heartbeat on your team over any other receiver you have ever had. You know you would ride his jock through good or bad, cause he would be helping your team win.
notice you had to come to a Cowboys board to be heard......cause no one in their right mind, from any other team, would waste their time going to the Saints board....on saints fans, swamp rats, roaches, and crickets reside there.