What are you listening to?

sweet dreams by beyonce. the lyrics kind of remind me of romo: "you can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare". i hope i don't get into any trouble for posting this because of beyonce wearing a low cut dress.

On a country kick this week, been listening to a lot of KKYX 680 AM that still plays the same exact songs that I grew up with.

chasing pavements by adele

Decided to listen to these guys again.....
need you now by lady antebellum

ethiostar;4133979 said:
I love this band and i have fallen in love with the girl.


Not my cup of tea, but a cool song. Girls got some pipes.
Here is one that mentioned in a thread i started. I've listened to it several times since a friend showed me the clip

Its a cover of Runaway by Kanye's . I can't post the link due to language but copy and paste this on youtube..."Runaway ft. Pusha by Alex Taimanao, J. Jury & Travis Stine".... and it should be the first clip. I'm not a big fan of Kanye and to be honest you don't have to be in order to appreciate this version. I would, however, recommend checking out Kanye's version because its actually pretty good and it will help you appreciate the cover better.

Not sure why this version of it is so quiet compared to the American video version.


Song starts around the 1:30 mark.
I was actually at this show - just to the right of the guy that recorded this.
What's her name.....

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