What are your looking forward to hearing from Jerry in his press conference?

Honestly, not looking forward to hearing him say the same ole stuff year after year. Also, you got to take anything he says with a "grain of salt".
Announcing that he's going to hire a GM would renew my faith in mankind.
Of course, everyone knows that definitely won't happen! Sigh . . .:thumbdown:
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Hopefully it'll be something that makes sense, and we can get some clarity on some issues. Hoping the media presses him a bit, and Mike.

What are you looking forward to hearing, please give your thoughts
We feel this is a championship caliber team we have built. We are working hard on getting CD and Daks contracts done but ah ah ah ah it’s hard with the cap. We are in a good position to win it all and I am doing everything I can to make it happen, it’s just bad luck the last 28 years with the great teams I have fielded and I truly believe Dak can lead us where we need to go.
Jerry’s excuses for doing nothing in the offseason. I want him to man up and say something like these players/coaches didn’t deserve extensions after that embarrassment against Green Bay. I think the fans would actually support him if he said that.
Post of the morning!!!!
We feel this is a championship caliber team we have built. We are working hard on getting CD and Daks contracts done but ah ah ah ah it’s hard with the cap. We are in a good position to win it all and I am doing everything I can to make it happen, it’s just bad luck the last 28 years with the great teams I have fielded and I truly believe Dak can lead us where we need to go.
Sounds spot on
Looking forward to hearing? Nothing, we won't get anything real or of substance.

Now what do I want to hear-

1 - were not resigning dak. Period. If he wins a few playoff games there's a big deal waiting for him, otherwise see ya

2 - were going to try and resign ceedee but at a price that makes sense for the future of the team, he doesn't want to play ball then we will tag him twice after this year while we work to trade him.

3- same for micha

4- MM better win 2 playoff games or he's gone too

5- I have added to my will that upon passing the team moves to xxxx family members only if they hire a gm and never run the fo again...
You guys are on fire!!!!!
"Holistically watching the leaves fall being all in this training camp action".
I'd love to hear all about the free agent RB's and DT's that did not sign but did a ton of due diligence on! That always gets me revved up!
Announcing that he's going to hire a GM would renew my faith in mankind.
Of course, everyone knows that definitely won't happen! Sigh . . .:thumbdown:
Naw, (Jerry, just) I'll just defer to the sound of pads popping...(Mike drop):clap:
No matter how much I dislike what Jerry has done to the team in the last 20 years I will never hope or wish ill will or health- I don't need that bad juju ...
Yep. Too many people treat life for granted. Unfortunately, some people find out just how fleeting life can be for them in the most unexpected moments.

I have my issues with Jerry Jones but also understand karma is a <expletive>. He will either outlive me or will not. I would rather karma not slap the 'aww crap' out my mouth that fateful last second if it ends up being the former.
"I'm no longer GM of the Cowboys."

That's it, not interested in anything else. Everything else is just spew.
The best we can hope for is that he does nothing to embarrass the team really badly. He is going to say some really dumb and silly stuff but just pray it is nothing too major.
Announcing that he's going to hire a GM would renew my faith in mankind.
Of course, everyone knows that definitely won't happen! Sigh . . .:thumbdown:
People are already in trouble if Jerry Jones' actions shake their faith in humanity. The rest of us are not responsible for Jones not making that particular smart football management decision. That fault is solely his. And he has never considered his poor personal conviction as a burden.

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