What does Jerry Jones as owner and GM owe you as a fan? And why?


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Fo me as a fan, Jerry owes me jack squat. Nothing. Maybe that is why I do not fixate and obsess on him and blame him for everything like some people here do. I simply analyze his decisions. Criticize when warranted, praise when warranted. I don't get carried away with hate as an emotion when I judge.

I do not buy tickets to the game. I do not buy any Cowboy or NFL merchandise. I do not watch any games on live tv. I quit watching tv altogether in Nov 2020, so I don't even watch sports talk shows or commercials. After the game is over, I watch the game wherever I find the game for free online with no commercials. I directly spend $0.00 on the Cowboys and the NFL. I read free articles and forums online.

I have been a Cowboys fan a long time. Since the day my favorite college player, Tony Dorsett, became a Cowboy.

I often read here from commenters that Jerry 'owes' them something? A competitive team? A super bowl every so many years? A playoff appearance? A winning record? FA signings? A firing of a coach if things don't go well? I am curious as to why people think they are entitled or owed anything as a fan? Because you buy season tickets? Because you watch on tv? Because you have been a fan a long time?


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Jerry doesn't owe me anything. It's his team and he can run it how he wants. How much time, energy, and money I'm willing to commit to his team is up to me.

Let's just say that my level of commitment in all three of those things is lower than it has ever been in 50 years. I'm mostly here just to vent at this point.

I don't think he and sonny boy are gonna crack the code even if they keep at it for another 30 years. They have shown us their ceiling, multiple times.


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I choose not to have a toxic relationship with an 81 year old billionaire that doesn't know that I exist. Jerry bought the Cowboys fair and square and he can do whatever he wants with them.

It doesn't bother me nearly as much as it did when I was younger, but I'll probably never understand how content he is with the failure on the field.


Well-Known Member
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He owes the fans an honest effort at a championship.

He owes us everything because without the already built in fan base of the Dallas Cowboys this franchise never becomes as big a cash cow as it is now.


Well-Known Member
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He owes me nothing because I literally have not spent one penny on this team in fifteen years. It's his prerogative to continue his epic failing streak.


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The fans are why it all exists and why he gets his billions. Any great entertainer would understand this, as they fade out to obscurity and their fans disappear…their star fades.

The Cowboys brand is more and more tied to Jerry’s ego in his mind and others. Something I am getting sick of in my 50 years as a fan, hence my interest in the NFL and Cowboys is fading. For those that say I don’t give him my money, I guess you do not value your time. Guess what, TV ratings matter where part of the that big money comes from.

People have a hard time seeing the NFL as anything but wildly successful, while others are becoming more and more less interested in it or their teams. Hence, the NFL and the Cowboys star is fading as well, if slowly.

There was a time when Baseball ruled America as well, and has diminished over time. Things change. Fans matter and they do have an impact.
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Well-Known Member
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Fo me as a fan, Jerry owes me jack squat. Nothing. Maybe that is why I do not fixate and obsess on him and blame him for everything like some people here do. I simply analyze his decisions. Criticize when warranted, praise when warranted. I don't get carried away with hate as an emotion when I judge.

I do not buy tickets to the game. I do not buy any Cowboy or NFL merchandise. I do not watch any games on live tv. I quit watching tv altogether in Nov 2020, so I don't even watch sports talk shows or commercials. After the game is over, I watch the game wherever I find the game for free online with no commercials. I directly spend $0.00 on the Cowboys and the NFL. I read free articles and forums online.

I have been a Cowboys fan a long time. Since the day my favorite college player, Tony Dorsett, became a Cowboy.

I often read here from commenters that Jerry 'owes' them something? A competitive team? A super bowl every so many years? A playoff appearance? A winning record? FA signings? A firing of a coach if things don't go well? I am curious as to why people think they are entitled or owed anything as a fan? Because you buy season tickets? Because you watch on tv? Because you have been a fan a long time?
Jerry doesn’t owe us anything, just as we don’t owe him anything. He provides an entertainment product which we may or may not choose to consume, and even if we do choose to consume, we are in control of how much, if any, of his product we consume.

It is a 100% voluntary relationship


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Jerry owes the fans a competent GM.

He owes me a ton for my extreme loyalty in the face of incompetence. He owes me a true GM so we don't go into the season counting on injury prone players and draft reaches.

If others don't feel as if he owes them anything, that is their perogative!!!!


Well-Known Member
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The fans are why it all exists and why he gets his billions. Any great entertainer would understand this, as they fade out to obscurity and their fans disappear…their star fades.

The Cowboys brand is more and more tied to Jerry’s ego in his mind and others. Something I am getting sick of in my 50 years as a fan, hence my interest in the NFL and Cowboys is fading. For those that say I don’t give him my money, I guess you do not value your time. Guess what, TV ratings matter where part of the that big money comes from.

People have a hard time seeing the NFL as anything but wildly successful, while others are becoming more and more less interested in it or their teams. Hence, the NFL and the Cowboys star is fading as well, if slowly.

There was a time when Baseball ruled America as well, and has diminished over time. Things change. Fans matter and they do have an impact.
You’re on the right track about not supporting this team in order for the franchise value to diminish and force the FO to make changes.

However, someone replied to one of my posts and stated quite honestly that nothing will change.
The stadium will still be filled, the merchandise will all be bought up and the majority of cowboys fans will still keep believing that this will be the year.

The Fonz

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I don't buy shirts I don't go to games and I only watch as a form of distraction I could care less what he and son do with the team. There is more to life than worrying about their circus..... obladi oblada life goes on


Well-Known Member
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Football is entertainment. The only thing they owe the paying patrons (season ticket holders) is good entertainment value, win or lose. The Packers game was the antithesis of that.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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Jerry thanks you for your support of his entertainment business.
Yep and different people like different types of entertainment.

Personally my value I put on the entertainment he provides has gone down considerably over the last 25 years or so.

If there was better competition for my (and others) entertainment of the Cowboys/NFL that might make him change his game, but alas there isn't, for me, at least at this time.


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Amazes me how many people confuse not being able to win with not trying or caring.

They TRY. They CARE….they just can’t get it done.

Their grand plan is ideal if things go perfectly, but what NFL team in history has drafted as well as they would need to in order to make it all work? Zero.

They worry about cap space to retain their own draft picks while they still walking to the stage to fake hug Roger.