What does Jerry Jones as owner and GM owe you as a fan? And why?


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Fo me as a fan, Jerry owes me jack squat. Nothing. Maybe that is why I do not fixate and obsess on him and blame him for everything like some people here do. I simply analyze his decisions. Criticize when warranted, praise when warranted. I don't get carried away with hate as an emotion when I judge.

I do not buy tickets to the game. I do not buy any Cowboy or NFL merchandise. I do not watch any games on live tv. I quit watching tv altogether in Nov 2020, so I don't even watch sports talk shows or commercials. After the game is over, I watch the game wherever I find the game for free online with no commercials. I directly spend $0.00 on the Cowboys and the NFL. I read free articles and forums online.

I have been a Cowboys fan a long time. Since the day my favorite college player, Tony Dorsett, became a Cowboy.

I often read here from commenters that Jerry 'owes' them something? A competitive team? A super bowl every so many years? A playoff appearance? A winning record? FA signings? A firing of a coach if things don't go well? I am curious as to why people think they are entitled or owed anything as a fan? Because you buy season tickets? Because you watch on tv? Because you have been a fan a long time?
He owes me nothing, like I owe him nothing. Fans obviously love the drama of the Cowboys. We are more likely talking about them now,
than we would be if they had actually won.


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All that TV money says hello. Some people here tell me that teams make a killing on broadcast rights and don’t even need butts in the seats. Nothing but gravy.
Yep. Another thing that has killed the NFL as far as teams needing to win. But empty seats shows just as well on TV as they do live. Knowing ole Skelctor he'd get some sort of AI imager to add fake fans into the broadcast.


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He owes me nothing, like I owe him nothing. Fans obviously love the drama of the Cowboys. We are more likely talking about them now,
than we would be if they had actually won.
Get rid of the Ringleader. The drama will end immediately...


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Legally owners owe fan's nothing...whether they spend money on tickets or merchandise or not.

Morally, the NFL is so huge to so many people's lives...and they follow teams and invest so much emotional energy in their team, that I think owners should almost be like politicians: they are there to serve, not to be served. Generations of families grow up rooting for their team...father bonding with son, etc.

Owners should take on the role of caretakers and stewards...not dictators.

Why should ONE man...be able to take a city's team away....like the Browns owner, or Colts in Baltimore, or Oilers, etc...just take them away because HE wanted to. One person...taking something from tens of millions? So that he can make 250 million a year instead of 220 million a year.

Legally...he can...but I wish cities owned their team....and the head of each franchise was elected by registered fans of that team. WHOSE WITH ME? FREEEEEEEE-DOOOOOOMMMMM !!!!


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I'll give you guys another example. Can't stand Stephen A. Who does Jerry do a cameo with-while showing off his helicopter? Stephen A. Bet he's paying Stephen A. to keep the attacks going on the fanbase. Keep the interest going, Buddy... I'll give you a cut..... :facepalm:


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Legally owners owe fan's nothing...whether they spend money on tickets or merchandise or not.

Morally, the NFL is so huge to so many people's lives...and they follow teams and invest so much emotional energy in their team, that I think owners should almost be like politicians: they are there to serve, not to be served. Generations of families grow up rooting for their team...father bonding with son, etc.

Owners should take on the role of caretakers and stewards...not dictators.

Why should ONE man...be able to take a city's team away....like the Browns owner, or Colts in Baltimore, or Oilers, etc...just take them away because HE wanted to. One person...taking something from tens of millions? So that he can make 250 million a year instead of 220 million a year.

Legally...he can...but I wish cities owned their team....and the head of each franchise was elected by registered fans of that team. WHOSE WITH ME? FREEEEEEEE-DOOOOOOMMMMM !!!!
Jerry moved the team I'd come help pack. Just as long as the NFL puts a new team in Dallas with the same name and different owner...Done deal:flagwave::flagwave::flagwave:


Maple Leaf
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A person with means and in control of resources that others desire, the Cowboys, he owes me nothing, but he might heed the words of this fellow American.

"A person of means should strive to live modestly, provide for his dependents (I would include customers here who are attached to the results of his decisions.), administer wealth and resources in a manner beneficial for the community." Dale Carnegie

Does anyone feel that this is Jerry's north star on his compass?


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Yep. Another thing that has killed the NFL as far as teams needing to win. But empty seats shows just as well on TV as they do live. Knowing ole Skelctor he'd get some sort of AI imager to add fake fans into the broadcast.
Do you think the other 31 owners would not do the same?


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Jerry doesn't owe me anything. It's his team and he can run it how he wants. How much time, energy, and money I'm willing to commit to his team is up to me.

Let's just say that my level of commitment in all three of those things is lower than it has ever been in 50 years. I'm mostly here just to vent at this point.

I don't think he and sonny boy are gonna crack the code even if they keep at it for another 30 years. They have shown us their ceiling, multiple times.
Right. Jerry paid to own this team and can run it how he wants. If I don't like the way he runs it, it's my choice whether to keep following it or not. That doesn't mean I can't be frustrated by his choices and voice that frustration, especially among fellow fans.

I don't get into all the what-ifs or worry about players' contracts because I have no control over those things. But that doesn't mean that I can't say what I feel the team is doing wrong. or what it is doing right.


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Fo me as a fan, Jerry owes me jack squat. Nothing. Maybe that is why I do not fixate and obsess on him and blame him for everything like some people here do. I simply analyze his decisions. Criticize when warranted, praise when warranted. I don't get carried away with hate as an emotion when I judge.

I do not buy tickets to the game. I do not buy any Cowboy or NFL merchandise. I do not watch any games on live tv. I quit watching tv altogether in Nov 2020, so I don't even watch sports talk shows or commercials. After the game is over, I watch the game wherever I find the game for free online with no commercials. I directly spend $0.00 on the Cowboys and the NFL. I read free articles and forums online.

I have been a Cowboys fan a long time. Since the day my favorite college player, Tony Dorsett, became a Cowboy.

I often read here from commenters that Jerry 'owes' them something? A competitive team? A super bowl every so many years? A playoff appearance? A winning record? FA signings? A firing of a coach if things don't go well? I am curious as to why people think they are entitled or owed anything as a fan? Because you buy season tickets? Because you watch on tv? Because you have been a fan a long time?
Jerry owes EVERYONE WHO IS A FAN the duty to put the best team on the field. He owes everyone the duty to put away his fetishes and run the Cowboys the way he represents them to the fans- as elite, committed to being their best.
That's what everyone has a right to demand from the Cowboys, because Jerry sells them every year with his hype.
It's how he got the money to build AT&T stadium into the place it is. Its how he gets concessions from the local, state, federal governments.
Jerry doesn't have the right to run the team any way he sees fit. He is licensed and advertised as a professional sports team, and if he does not operate in good faith to be the best team possible, he has committed fraud against every person and entity he represented them to as professional.


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Not a damn thing. He gets to make his choices. And so do we.


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I could care less about Jerry and I'm doing just fine without him. But had Jerry listened to the free advice I have been posting he might of won a NFC Championship by now.


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Fo me as a fan, Jerry owes me jack squat. Nothing. Maybe that is why I do not fixate and obsess on him and blame him for everything like some people here do. I simply analyze his decisions. Criticize when warranted, praise when warranted. I don't get carried away with hate as an emotion when I judge.

I do not buy tickets to the game. I do not buy any Cowboy or NFL merchandise. I do not watch any games on live tv. I quit watching tv altogether in Nov 2020, so I don't even watch sports talk shows or commercials. After the game is over, I watch the game wherever I find the game for free online with no commercials. I directly spend $0.00 on the Cowboys and the NFL. I read free articles and forums online.

I have been a Cowboys fan a long time. Since the day my favorite college player, Tony Dorsett, became a Cowboy.

I often read here from commenters that Jerry 'owes' them something? A competitive team? A super bowl every so many years? A playoff appearance? A winning record? FA signings? A firing of a coach if things don't go well? I am curious as to why people think they are entitled or owed anything as a fan? Because you buy season tickets? Because you watch on tv? Because you have been a fan a long time?
you may go and spend nothing, but many other fans do. they spend money on cowboys jerseys, watch live TV, pay for redzone to get cowboys games anywhere, anytime and go to the games. so those are the fans that also demand a better team. its true, that he owes nothing, but there is the conundrum. Jerry and the rest of the owners, are in it for money. football is not life or death. its entertainment. in order for them to maximize their money, they need to have successful teams. cowboys are the anamoly. they haven't had success in 30 years. yet their value keeps increasing faster than any other team. in fact cowboys have been one of the absolute worst post season teams in any sport over the past 30 years. yet here we are. they are worth almost twice as much as the average of the rest of NFL teams. the most valued franchise in any sport anywhere.

so all owners, "owe" their fans. the fans support the team in many ways. even you as a fan spending zero dollars (anamoly), support the team/directly or indirectly (you are on this site, there is ads every where, so your eyes on ads is worth money to the industry). but with sports, if you ever played there is emotional investment. even you have emotional investment. so fans get frustrated. angry. upset. disappointed. let down. yet the anamoly of cowboys is that they grow, they increase in value, yet they are least successful. how is that even possible?