What does Jerry Jones as owner and GM owe you as a fan? And why?


Cowboys 24/7/365
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What does Jerry Jones as owner owe you as a fan?​

Answer: 1. The best sports venue for his team to play in. He went overboard with extras like cage dancers :rolleyes: but he succeeded overall. 2. Being financially solvent to not rely totally on league revenue sharing in optimally utilizing the salary cap to pay his players, which he also succeed at many times over.

What does Jerry Jones as GM owe you as a fan?​

A general manager oversees a) hiring the most qualifed head coach; b) helping assemble a scouting staff to evaluate roster talent; c) allowing the coaching staff to evaluate and recommend all player acquisition options; d) handle contract negotiations to secure said recommendations; e) follow performance improvement plan for head coach; and f) fire or support head coach based on performance improvement plan. The performance improvement plan goal should be winning championships.

Jerry Jones a) has not consistently conducted proper head coaching interviews and hirings; b) immersed himself into the coaching staff selection process; c) taken personal initiatives in acquiring players who may not have been jointly approved by the coaching staff; and d) follows a self-flawed head coaching performance improvement plan.

Answer: Stepping down as GM in 2002 for poor job performance. He is 22 years delinquent in that regard.

And why?​

Jerry Jones produces a product or service for customers to buy or use like any other business owner. As an owner, he has met his obligation to the consumer for providing a sports venue and financial backing of securing players and coaches alike but has constantly failed as a general manager to meet his own stated goals long ago. His annual product, regardless of seasonal record, has been and continues to be substandard.

Answer: His franchise's fans deserve a better commodity representative of the best, professional American football entertainment, just as much as any other consumer is owed involving all forms of products or services.


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You’re on the right track about not supporting this team in order for the franchise value to diminish and force the FO to make changes.

However, someone replied to one of my posts and stated quite honestly that nothing will change.
The stadium will still be filled, the merchandise will all be bought up and the majority of cowboys fans will still keep believing that this will be the year.
I cant disagree, you are right I suspect. And the Jones boys are good enough to keep us competing so we don’t turn into the Jets.

I do talk to more and more NFL fans, and they either love it or like myself find that their interest is declining along with their passion for the sport.


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I think Jones owes the fans only one thing. If he is going to continue to rely on the fans which he does, then he owes them the truth. The end of season song and dance of being mad when he knows he’s bringing the coach back again is a lie two straight years. He only pauses to try to con the fans in thinking that he’s really considering other options and that he was as mad as the fans were.

His statement after beating the commanders that is was as great a moment as any other including super bowls. That kind of hype-selling is just a slap in fans faces and every one of the fans knows he was full of it.

The whole Jimmy ROH deal was him doing everything else but telling the truth about why Jimmy wasn’t in the ring.

The Jerry/Mac Kellen Moore scapegoating dismissal charade with the laughable rhetoric around needing to run better and more was asinine on its face. It proved out as moronic messaging this season.

How he communicate to fans is an exercise in manipulating the fans to contribute to his pocket by having hope in the face of obvious mismanagement and team building. He’ll do anything but be straight with fans about the things the fans are most eager to hear about.

I just think he owes the truth for as long as he needs the fans.


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Honestly, what does Jerry owe anyone? To put a competitive team on the field every year? Lately, he has done that. No one can guarantee a Super Bowl trophy. The Eagles had an all-star team last year and didn't win. It is really hard to get to the Super Bow and win it. 2 teams get there out of 32 and 1 team wins it.

Jerry owes it to the league to try to put a competitive team on the field every week. This is why the league has a minimum CAP spend.

I don't believe Jerry doesn't care about winning. I absolutely believe he cares. But I also believe he is stubborn, and in need of a lot of attention. His philosophy about team building starts with his need for attention.


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Fo me as a fan, Jerry owes me jack squat. Nothing. Maybe that is why I do not fixate and obsess on him and blame him for everything like some people here do. I simply analyze his decisions. Criticize when warranted, praise when warranted. I don't get carried away with hate as an emotion when I judge.

I do not buy tickets to the game. I do not buy any Cowboy or NFL merchandise. I do not watch any games on live tv. I quit watching tv altogether in Nov 2020, so I don't even watch sports talk shows or commercials. After the game is over, I watch the game wherever I find the game for free online with no commercials. I directly spend $0.00 on the Cowboys and the NFL. I read free articles and forums online.

I have been a Cowboys fan a long time. Since the day my favorite college player, Tony Dorsett, became a Cowboy.

I often read here from commenters that Jerry 'owes' them something? A competitive team? A super bowl every so many years? A playoff appearance? A winning record? FA signings? A firing of a coach if things don't go well? I am curious as to why people think they are entitled or owed anything as a fan? Because you buy season tickets? Because you watch on tv? Because you have been a fan a long time?
Jerry owes every fan that he attempt to build the best football team possible. Every CEO of every company owes the same.


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I get it that Jerry can do what he wants with his team. That is his “right”. He certainly has done that. But that does not automatically make whatever he does ”right”.

Saying Jerry doesn’t owe his fan base anything is crazy. I think even he would admit that. Aren‘t Cowboys fans his customers? - Doesn’t every business owner recognize that the customer is one of the keys to the company’s formula for success? Aren’t they due some kind of respect? Imagine a customer of any business saying, “Yeah I give this owner my money and support but the owner owes me nothing”? That is crazy.

Owning an NFL team is nothing like owning a family restaurant or lumber company. When you own a sports team that benefits from a city (like Arlington and Irving before that) literally paying for a portion of your home stadium and making the building of that stadium sail through with every advantage the city can provide…you owe something.

Final point: Jerry bought “America’s Team” in 1989, NOT the Cleveland Browns. Without the already rabid “America’s Team” fan base which was built many years before anyone had ever heard of Jerry Jones, he would not have had the level of success he has now.

So IMO for any NFL owner to act like they owe nothing to their paying customers is insane. What does a fan base rightly expect from its favorite team’s owner? An honest attempt to win a championship and a willingness to do anything within their power to do that. I don’t think this owner has done the last part of that statement. The results speak for themselves.


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Answer: 1. The best sports venue for his team to play in. He went overboard with extras like cage dancers :rolleyes: but he succeeded overall. 2. Being financially solvent to not rely totally on league revenue sharing in optimally utilizing the salary cap to pay his players, which he also succeed at many times over.

A general manager oversees a) hiring the most qualifed head coach; b) helping assemble a scouting staff to evaluate roster talent; c) allowing the coaching staff to evaluate and recommend all player acquisition options; d) handle contract negotiations to secure said recommendations; e) follow performance improvement plan for head coach; and f) fire or support head coach based on performance improvement plan. The performance improvement plan goal should be winning championships.

Jerry Jones a) has not consistently conducted proper head coaching interviews and hirings; b) immersed himself into the coaching staff selection process; c) taken personal initiatives in acquiring players who may not have been jointly approved by the coaching staff; and d) follows a self-flawed head coaching performance improvement plan.

Answer: Stepping down as GM in 2002 for poor job performance. He is 22 years delinquent in that regard.

Jerry Jones produces a product or service for customers to buy or use like any other business owner. As an owner, he has met his obligation to the consumer for providing a sports venue and financial backing of securing players and coaches alike but has constantly failed as a general manager to meet his own stated goals long ago. His annual product, regardless of seasonal record, has been and continues to be substandard.

Answer: His franchise's fans deserve a better commodity representative of the best, professional American football entertainment, just as much as any other consumer is owed involving all forms of products or services.
Dang! Some of you moderators must have been business professors, managers, or CEOs.

Jerry truly wants to win and has given his best effort to do so. IMO, what goes wrong is: his best isn't enough in regards to personal goals interfering with company goals.

While I don't personally believe Jones owes me anything, I do believe that some of the Cowboys fans could benefit from the Buddhist notion that desire is the cause of suffering. At least in terms of expectations.



Cowboys 24/7/365
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While I don't personally believe Jones owes me anything, I do believe that some of the Cowboys fans could benefit from the Buddhist notion that desire is the cause of suffering.
~looks at avatar~ That does read like something Budd would say. :muttley::thumbup:


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Weird question.

He's the owner of a team I like. He doesn't owe me anything. I don't owe him anything. End of story.


The Funcooker
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I'd settle for 3-4 years of sub-500 ball (like 2-3 win seasons) where they can load up on 1st round talent.


The Cook
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He doesn't owe us ****. At the end of the day, if he is making money, he is good. However, at some point he is going to lose some audience.

For example, I haven't gone to a game or bought a jersey in 5 years. Almost 30 years weighs on folks.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Jerry doesn't owe me anything. It's his team and he can run it how he wants. How much time, energy, and money I'm willing to commit to his team is up to me.

Let's just say that my level of commitment in all three of those things is lower than it has ever been in 50 years. I'm mostly here just to vent at this point.

I don't think he and sonny boy are gonna crack the code even if they keep at it for another 30 years. They have shown us their ceiling, multiple times.
Well said!
I will add that the Cowboys are a business, selling to us fans the consumer a product.
So in as much that Jerry needs to sell us a quality product to make it appealing to spend money on, he has failed miserable compared to his competitors.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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He doesn't owe us ****. At the end of the day, if he is making money, he is good. However, at some point he is going to lose some audience.

For example, I haven't gone to a game or bought a jersey in 5 years.
Jones has already lost some audience. He has lost some of his franchise's audience every year since Super Bowl XXX. The likelihood he will lose a significant share of the club's audience to matter, to both him and anyone who thinks it will make a difference, is exceptionally remote.

Additionally, the audience is replenished yearly, easily offsetting the relatively concurring tiny exodus. It could be debated that the audience has steadily increased over time for that reason.


The Cook
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Jones has already lost some audience. He has lost some of his franchise's audience every year since Super Bowl XXX. The likelihood he will lose a significant share of the club's audience to matter, to both him and anyone who thinks it will make a difference, is exceptionally remote.

Additionally, the audience is replenished yearly, easily offsetting the relatively concurring tiny exodus. It could be debated that the audience has steadily increased over time for that reason.
Ok, fair, but he is losing the cool ones. This new crowd is generic. :laugh:


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Dang! Some of you moderators must have been business professors, managers, or CEOs.

Jerry truly wants to win and has given his best effort to do so. IMO, what goes wrong is: his best isn't enough in regards to personal goals interfering with company goals.

While I don't personally believe Jones owes me anything, I do believe that some of the Cowboys fans could benefit from the Buddhist notion that desire is the cause of suffering. At least in terms of expectations.

Man, I used that same gif and some mod deleted it within 20 minutes. Good to see it used!


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Fo me as a fan, Jerry owes me jack squat. Nothing. Maybe that is why I do not fixate and obsess on him and blame him for everything like some people here do. I simply analyze his decisions. Criticize when warranted, praise when warranted. I don't get carried away with hate as an emotion when I judge.

I do not buy tickets to the game. I do not buy any Cowboy or NFL merchandise. I do not watch any games on live tv. I quit watching tv altogether in Nov 2020, so I don't even watch sports talk shows or commercials. After the game is over, I watch the game wherever I find the game for free online with no commercials. I directly spend $0.00 on the Cowboys and the NFL. I read free articles and forums online.

I have been a Cowboys fan a long time. Since the day my favorite college player, Tony Dorsett, became a Cowboy.

I often read here from commenters that Jerry 'owes' them something? A competitive team? A super bowl every so many years? A playoff appearance? A winning record? FA signings? A firing of a coach if things don't go well? I am curious as to why people think they are entitled or owed anything as a fan? Because you buy season tickets? Because you watch on tv? Because you have been a fan a long time?
Owes me nothing, haven't bought anything cowboys or NFL related merchandise in years,but he could break down and buy me a couple bottles of Pepto, cause his team is messing up my stomach...lol


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He owes us nothing-including a winner. We owe him nothing-including being pissed we don't have a winner or showing up at games. "All Square" Quit buying stuff and stop going to the games. See how that all works out for Jerry!! Fans aren't in it for the money. Ole Skelector would have to sell it then.


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He owes us nothing-including a winner. We owe him nothing-including being pissed we don't have a winner or showing up at games. "All Square" Quit buying stuff and stop going to the games. See how that all works out for Jerry!! Fans aren't in it for the money. Ole Skelector would have to sell it then.
All that TV money says hello. Some people here tell me that teams make a killing on broadcast rights and don’t even need butts in the seats. Nothing but gravy.


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I'll let him tell you............

That was Jerry of the past. He had to win then to make the brand work... Now he's just living off the interest of those early 90's and could careless about winning. The monies rolling in now. He bought the Cowboys then at a loss. Of course he needed to win quickly to save the ship from sinking.