What does your username mean?

used to watch pokemon back when me and my mates were students. one drunken night my name went from duncan to duncachoo as in pikachu. didn't exactly become a nickname but my mates referred to me as choo from time to time. a few months later we were playing nagano winter olympics on the n64 and as i love germany and refuse to go britain in anything due to the fact i don't believe in it (i'm very pro scottish independance) i went germany. i was struggling to come up with a name to enter for storing records etc and kind of absent mindedly entered das and paused at which point my mate shouted something along the lines of you can't call yourself daschoo. that was about 8 years or so ago i think and the name has stuck ever since.

by the way i'm sure their was another thread about this on here a few months ago or i guess that could have been on the celtic forum i use
Yeagermeister;3004404 said:
Jason Garrett????? :eek:
SSSSHHHHHHHHHH. If people find out, they will ban me from the zone. How else am I going to get my game plans for Sunday.
I think this is enough .....
I do agree with you. Those are the most effective way
my username started from aol instant messenger, i used to get IM's from people that got my screenname(used to be whiplash2287) from a friend of a friend, wanting to race and i would always say sure, so i just changed it to sureletsrace and it stuck.

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