What does your username mean?

Impossible to capture the beauty of Colorado in a pic, but...

Colo;1460952 said:
Impossible to capture the beauty of Colorado in a pic, but...

If you were to look very, very closely at the base of the tree second from the left, you can barely see the outline of Philo Beddoe's head...
Phoenix-Talon;1460937 said:
Phoenix-Talon ...
Phoenix is a mythological bird, half dragon, and half Eagle; reborn ever 500 years from the ashes of fire. The Phoenix symbolizes immortality, resurrection, and life after death. In that aspect it was often placed on sarcophagi. It is associated with the Egyptian Benu, the Garuda of the Hindus, and the Chinese Feng-huang. It is also associated with both beauty and strength.


Phoenix is a mythological turd, half pigeon, and half brain-dead; reborn from the fantasy mind 500 years from the ashes of fire. The Phoenix symbolizes impotence, confusion, and life after playoff losses. In that aspect it was often placed on Sarcophagi, PA. It is associated with the Egyptian blah ... blah ... blah ... blah. It is also associated with both beauty and strength, not unlike Hillary and Rosie O'Donnell.

:laugh1: :laugh2: :lmao: :laugh1: :laugh2: :lmao:
WV Cowboy;1460939 said:
Not what you may think. :shades:

WV Cowboy;1455899 said:
My grandfather, my dad and myself were fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time, and we shook hands with Chuck Howley after what must have been the alumni game. I actually don't remember what game it was, .. I just remember looking at him in awe as my Pop and my dad spoke with him.

Anyway, being 6 or 7 yrs old, I quickly forgot that encounter. A few years later, my dad was watching a football game on TV when I came into the room. He said, see that guy there wearing #54, .. do you remember him? I said no. He said that is Chuck Howley, .. remember meeting him? I said yes, I do remember meeting him.

Back in the early 60's thing were different, you just didn't see people on TV that you had seen in person, it was two different worlds, it just didn't happen, especially in Podunk, WV.

As I watched him, I was mesmorized. And he had a beautiful :star: on his helmet. Instantly that was my favorite team.

Whenever the team with the star on their helmet was on TV, my Dad would call me to come and see.

The Cowboys were immediately my favorite team and Howley was my favorite player.

Since he played at WVU & then for the Cowboys, Chuck Howley is the original WV Cowboy, I am just privileged to share the moniker.(see avatar)

Hmmmm.... ;) :cool:
I am a fan of THE Star (Blue).

On a side note. I really like the "rest of the story" for several of the Zoners like: Hostile's name, back when it was "Too Hostile" and also "Asthma Field" , there are others. ...:bow:
superpunk;1460983 said:
Translation? /looks to his panel of nerd lingo experts/


Nice G string to go with the orange jump suit but I think he has it on backwards. :laugh1:
superpunk;1460983 said:
Translation? /looks to his panel of nerd lingo experts/

Seriously, that girdle thing looks painful. One wrong move and he better he better already have children.
WoodysGirl;1460988 said:
Seriously, that girdle thing looks painful. One wrong move and he better already have children.
Girdle? I thought that it looked like a chasity belt...
superpunk;1460983 said:
Translation? /looks to his panel of nerd lingo experts/


:lmao2: :lmao: :lmao2: :laugh1: :laugh2: :laugh1: ahahahaahahah funny pic.

About my name...it means what it means...
I'm a huge music fan more so than a Jimmy Buffett fan . I had just got back from New Orleans where I had seen Buffett play the week that I signed up on the Dallas Morning News . He was still fresh in my head . If I had it to do over again I'd probably be Jim Morrison , Bob Dylan , or maybe Hendrix .
superpunk;1460983 said:
Translation? /looks to his panel of nerd lingo experts/

Oh yea! well ...... "Hab SoSLI' Quch" ........ thats Klingon for ......."Your mother has a smooth forehead"

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