What does your username mean?

Hostile;1461041 said:

eludes = evades, misses, etc.

alludes = symbolizes, compares to, etc.

Psst...old tired hillbilly.:lmao2:
Hostile;1461036 said:
On the old site I tried to register as Hostile and couldn't. So, I added the "Too" as I had to for e-bay. On all other forums it has always been Hostile, dating all the way back to a chat room on DC.com where I used to chat with TwoDeep and others.

I still like the story... :D
Hostile;1461051 said:
Cactus jumper...........out.


Well if there is ever a cactus and cattle gate jumping contest I will call you as a partner. :p:
BrAinPaiNt;1461055 said:
Well if there is ever a cactus and cattle gate jumping contest I will call you as a partner. :p:
The best jump I ever made was over a rattlesnake. I think I told you that story.

I wonder if anyone ever found my underwear after I left them out there. :p:
Hostile;1461060 said:
The best jump I ever made was over a rattlesnake. I think I told you that story.

I wonder if anyone ever found my underwear after I left them out there. :p:

Yes...It is amazing how one can jump with the help of a rattlesnake or a swarm of bees after you.
BrAinPaiNt;1461061 said:
Yes...It is amazing how one can jump with the help of a rattlesnake or a swarm of bees after you.
Fear is inspiring.
Hostile;1461060 said:
The best jump I ever made was over a rattlesnake. I think I told you that story.

I wonder if anyone ever found my underwear after I left them out there. :p:
If the rattlesnake had anything to say about it, I'm guessing no.
BrAinPaiNt;1461008 said:
Out of curiosity...

What does the G in G-String stand for?

good god

as "shady Grady" on Sanford and Son would say...... Good-gooobily-goo.........:eek: :laugh2:
SteveOS;1460818 said:
I've seen some strange ones and was just curious.

Mine? Well, my name is Steve and I run a website called Operation Sports. :D

I have always had a nervous habit of bouncing my leg when I sit (doing it right now) so I was called Thumper when I was a kid after the rabbit in Bambi. When I got into High School and was bigger than most people as well as having a somewhat violent nature it was changed to THUMPER (all caps) and it has stuck.
Russian for, "Likes to run naked through the park like a feral mongoose."
theogt;1461081 said:
Russian for, "Likes to run naked through the park like a feral mongoose."


So are you looking for snakes while you are running naked through the park?:laugh2:
People used to call me dallasfaniac back in 89 because I used to get so animated about the Cowboys. I would tell them that we were turning the corner and would be back in the Superbowl before you knew it. At the time I lived in an area where they didn't really want you to be a Cowboys fan. This was one of the good names they called me, it kind of morphed from idiot to fanatic, maniac, etc. until dallasfaniac stuck.

Now I'm just an old fart who gets more animated at his sons football game than he does watching the Cowboys on TV. Perhaps I should change my name. Maybe posterformerlyknownasdallasfaniac.
BrAinPaiNt;1461084 said:

So are you looking for snakes while you are running naked through the park?:laugh2:

He brings his own.
Phoenix-Talon;1460937 said:
Phoenix-Talon ...
Phoenix is a mythological bird, half dragon, and half Eagle; reborn ever 500 years from the ashes of fire. The Phoenix symbolizes immortality, resurrection, and life after death. In that aspect it was often placed on sarcophagi. It is associated with the Egyptian Benu, the Garuda of the Hindus, and the Chinese Feng-huang. It is also associated with both beauty and strength.

What level Dungeon Master are you?