What GB and SF has that DAL doesn't


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They don’t seem to get tired of watching this D get run over. It’s disturbing at this point.
Well, everyone else fixes it by getting dominant DT's and hard hitting agile LB's. Nooooooooooooooo, not Jerry, he wants to find his own way. Jerry has been getting LB's hurt for decades now w/ his screwball ideas about the DLine.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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What GB and SF has that DAL doesn't​

Answer: Brian Gutekunst and John Lynch, respectively.

Dallas has Will McClay. He has one hand filled with bills. The other hand is tied behind his back. McClay's career is a real life parody of an old 1982 Richard Pryor movie.


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They operate as a team. They didn't have individual egos and monikers like Hot Boyz, The Lion, and Here-Ws-Go.

They don't have players making more money in endorsements than they make in salary.

Same culture, same outcome next year.
I agree but will add a HUGE ingredient. If you are watching the Lions/TB game, you see what a running attack can do. The Packer, Lions or the 49ers do NOT put all their offense on the passing game. Look at the Cowboys of the 70s/90s, both had a running game. What else? Thanks for asking. All three, for the most part, STOP THE RUN also. Sure, there are a play here or there, they don't but teams gash the Dallas run D for the past three years.
Since Week 13 ( and this happens season after season following Thanksgiving) this franchise collapses collapses. Dallas was second to LAST stopping the run. Cowboys were 31st stopping the run. Impossible to win like this. Did we see many runs over 20+ yard this season for the Cowboys? Hardly. In the playoffs, you need to run the ball. And the teams that can do this have a good chance of winning the game. Dallas wants to win fancy instead of tough running and STOPPING the run.


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A team has what, 11-12 drives and the penalties, interceptions, and sacks kill 3-5 of them. Just how easy is it really to win?


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You mean off his chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When his chair gets full or urine, where do you think it spills?

Some onto the suits of his Yes Men groveling at his feet of course...but some lands on the carpet!

Stephen tried to clean it once with a carpet cleaner...but he couldn't figure out how to turn it on.


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They operate as a team. They didn't have individual egos and monikers like Hot Boyz, The Lion, and Here-Ws-Go.

They don't have players making more money in endorsements than they make in salary.

Same culture, same outcome next year.
Fellow Cowboys fans, isn't it crystal clear? The blueprint for success in the NFL is no secret—it's about solid coaching, football-savvy execs, and unwavering commitment to excellence year in, year out.

Our QB? He's got what it takes. Our coaching staff? On point. The real issue lies at the top—Jerry and his reactionary approach to management. He and Stephen are always playing catch-up, never proactive. Understanding the cap and player contracts is one thing, but actually building a cohesive, championship-caliber team? That's not in their playbook.

Look at franchises like the 49ers and Ravens. Consistency is their game. They pinpoint their weaknesses and aggressively pursue the talent needed to fortify those areas. Meanwhile, we missed prime opportunities to snag impact players like Roquan Smith and Christian McCaffrey. It's maddening to hear "we like our guys" as a refrain to any critique of the roster.

It's high time for a change, because loyal as we are, we're fed up with seeing potential squandered and the same old mistakes. We deserve better than waiting until it's too late to address glaring issues. Enough is enough!


The Funcooker
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they score more points than their opponents?

they also have legit run games to rely on and base the offense off of.

If Dallas could have run the ball with any consistency, play action would have taken pressure off Dak to carry the load and opened up the passing game


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this is right. The Cowboys do NOT play physical football like the Niners and Packers.

The cowboys need more physical players. That need some LB’s with size and strength and speed that will smack some people in the mouth all game long.

Cowboys fold against physically tough teams.
Historically we don't draft physical positions early, we don't pick them up in free agency and we don't trade for them either.

Then when we do, they have an injury issue, drug problem or criminal record. Which always seems to work in our favor.