What GB and SF has that DAL doesn't


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That GB/49er game was what playoff football is supposed to look like.

Very refreshing.

Even when the Cowboys win in the playoffs (which is exceedingly rare) they don't look like THAT.

If fact. I can't remember the last time I saw a Cowboy team that did.

Maybe the 90s?
The #1 D that drug Quincy the Duck Carter to the playoffs. The D looked like THAT, O was terrible because Quincy was terrible.


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And that's why teams like SF or Philly can "right the ship" quickly once they realize things are going south.

Philly literally won a Superbowl, signed a HUGE franchise QB (wentz) to mega deal, got out of that deal, rebuilt whole team and coaching staff and got the NEW team back to the Superbowl in FIVE SEASONS.

It takes Jerruh 5 years just to find a janitorial company willing to clean all the urine stains off his office floor.
You mean off his chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I think the biggest issue with the Cowboys organization is how overblown the talent level is year in and year out. Because they are on the national broadcast every week, and get more prime time games than any other team, the fans of other teams are as familiar with the Dallas players as they are with their own home team. And the general assumption is this must be one helluva talented squad, otherwise they wouldn’t be on TV as much. The reality comes crashing home when they play the good or elite teams in this league and get crushed. Personally, I think JJ is fine with a 1st round exit in the playoffs every year as long as it doesn’t affect his bottom line or the brand.


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They don't have players making more money in endorsements than they make in salary.
That *should* be an advantage that Jerry leverages into cheaper contracts.
Jerry should explain this in player interviews.
If you don't value the endorsement deals being a Cowboy opens up for you, we're the wrong team for you. We expect some consideration for that value *we* bring as an organization to *you* when we're negotiating contracts. The Star is *mine*, and it makes my players money. If you can't understand that, go play somewhere else.


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They operate as a team. They didn't have individual egos and monikers like Hot Boyz, The Lion, and Here-Ws-Go.

They don't have players making more money in endorsements than they make in salary.

Same culture, same outcome next year.
I want to say it so bad, but I just got back!!


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They operate as a team. They didn't have individual egos and monikers like Hot Boyz, The Lion, and Here-Ws-Go.

They don't have players making more money in endorsements than they make in salary.

Same culture, same outcome next year.
They don't have Jerry.


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Here we g

Here we goooo doesn't fit with yogurt and mattresses I guess

Guys that win titles can do whatever they want. That's what goes with being in elite territory

Shameless self promoting when you're a serial gag artist is a bad look. JMHO
So Baker, Cousins and Romo shouldn't have ever took deals to be in commercials lmao. OK. What about Jefferson and Jamar Chase? Its hilarious that people really pocket watch another man. These are the Dallas Cowboys, the most popular team in all of sports. Of course sponsors are gonna want players to advertise for them, please elaborate on how this affects what goes on in the field?


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They operate as a team. They didn't have individual egos and monikers like Hot Boyz, The Lion, and Here-Ws-Go.

They don't have players making more money in endorsements than they make in salary.

Same culture, same outcome next year.
The Cowboys need dtackles,linebackers, a big physical receiver, a center, and a running game.


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What do they have that we don't?? Where do I start :laugh: Front office-Coaches-better players at spots. Defense...did I mention GM. Yet some wonder why they still playing and we aren't.:facepalm:


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So Baker, Cousins and Romo shouldn't have ever took deals to be in commercials lmao. OK. What about Jefferson and Jamar Chase? Its hilarious that people really pocket watch another man. These are the Dallas Cowboys, the most popular team in all of sports. Of course sponsors are gonna want players to advertise for them, please elaborate on how this affects what goes on in the field?
LMAO...same guys as sorrybutt fans gets these same commercials. Bet they'd be tearing the door down to sign a contract with number bed. Very hypercritical I say.....


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Jerry shows his hand in it for marketing...some owners have made billions and won like Kraft

...but owner stays out of the way

of coaches and rather spend his time at tug massage parlors?....and has money and influence to make

it all go away even when Prosecuters get involved....would we all hate Jerry if he did that verses

meddling and keeping us average and cupcake like???? i think probably not?


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So Baker, Cousins and Romo shouldn't have ever took deals to be in commercials lmao. OK. What about Jefferson and Jamar Chase? Its hilarious that people really pocket watch another man. These are the Dallas Cowboys, the most popular team in all of sports. Of course sponsors are gonna want players to advertise for them, please elaborate on how this affects what goes on in the field?
Promoting your own "brand" based on your cadence when you haven't won Jack crap is a bad look.

Endorsements are endorsements. You're right everyone does those. No issues with that

My point was that you're trying to draw some comparison between Manning repping "Omaha" and Dak repping a "here we gooo" hat

Dak acting like he's earned his own "brand" is more evidence of Dak being about Dak. Acting like he's "arrived" shortly before getting dog walked by Jordan Love. Guy's either delusional or arrogant or both. Probably both.


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Jerry shows his hand in it for marketing...some owners have made billions and won like Kraft

...but owner stays out of the way

of coaches and rather spend his time at tug massage parlors?....and has money and influence to make

it all go away even when Prosecuters get involved....would we all hate Jerry if he did that verses

meddling and keeping us average and cupcake like???? i think probably not?
Jerry Jones is a narcist. It's all about him and anybody that will take that spotlight away from him will never be hired or gone. Jerry could careless about winning. All about being in the spotlight. When he does die they'll still have his mummified corpse in the owners box waiting to be interviewed after another loss :facepalm:


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They operate as a team. They didn't have individual egos and monikers like Hot Boyz, The Lion, and Here-Ws-Go.

They don't have players making more money in endorsements than they make in salary.

Same culture, same outcome next year.
No jones family