Image: What is Jaylon Smith doing on this play?


The Labeled One
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Watch Jaylon. It looks like he diagnoses the play, realizes Hunt has the ball, he runs towards Hunt to make the tackle, then when Hunt stumbles around the 9-yard line, Jaylon inexplicably peaks back at the backfield instead of making the tackle.


Guy has ZERO instincts.....Sadly after watching every single player in our front 7 in this clip....not one of them won their match up. Not one. :(


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Is this what it is? I initially thought he was just dumb and slow to diagnose plays. But I'm starting to think something more nefarious is going on here. Which is shocking considering how much he was lauded coming out of Notre Dame for his character. I remember Mike Mayock gushing over him during the pre-draft process and saying he was legit hurt and sickened when Jaylon got injured because of how good a kid he was.

No one is sayin he's not a good kid. My neighbor is a hell of a kid. Couldn't tell his *** from his elbow, but great kid. Probably wouldn't sign him.


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Ty Crawford got tossed like a ragdoll. Xavier missed the tackle. The TE took A Woods out with a beautiful little clean up block- @xwalker. Joe Thomas got blocked 5 yards deep instead of taking the blocker on near the LoS. Jaylon looks like he thought it was a pass or something.

Yep. Team's got some problems.


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Is this what it is? I initially thought he was just dumb and slow to diagnose plays. But I'm starting to think something more nefarious is going on here. Which is shocking considering how much he was lauded coming out of Notre Dame for his character. I remember Mike Mayock gushing over him during the pre-draft process and saying he was legit hurt and sickened when Jaylon got injured because of how good a kid he was.

I don’t care if he’s a choir boy....the dude can’t play. Give me Gifford or Bernard. I want someone that will lay it on the line and has some natural instincts. He’s never had that. He might have all the physical tools, and look like Tarzan, but he’s not even Jane. He’s awful and a huge liability


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Stealing money from Jerry just like the rest of them. He simply can not play the game of football at an NFL level. There are more plays than I can count each game just like that where he looks like someone put a uniform on a deaf and blind person and stuck him on the field. He plays like he is hoping and waiting for someone else to make the play.


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He is 100% more concerned about his own health than playing football. What happens here is Jaylon reads the play and knows there should be someone assigned to block him. Then, he realizes he's in the wide open so if he just holds his ground, he won't be blindsided.

This is Jaylon Smith in a nutshell. A human flesh rocket without a fuse and a limp detonator. His game is built on physicality and he's Charmin soft.
Man you set a record for metaphors in that post. But I agree completely, he useless. What good is it to have a gun with no bullets? I also think he didn't want to mess up his hair. I mean it takes a while at the salon to get hair like that. You don't expect him to risk his hair for a tackle. I think we expect too much of these players. The defense feels it has done it's job for the day after they get dressed, anything after that is a bonus.


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Watch Jaylon. It looks like he diagnoses the play, realizes Hunt has the ball, he runs towards Hunt to make the tackle, then when Hunt stumbles around the 9-yard line, Jaylon inexplicably peaks back at the backfield instead of making the tackle.

Which way did he go.. which way did he


Well-Known Member
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Watch Jaylon. It looks like he diagnoses the play, realizes Hunt has the ball, he runs towards Hunt to make the tackle, then when Hunt stumbles around the 9-yard line, Jaylon inexplicably peaks back at the backfield instead of making the tackle.

Okay all jokes aside. What is he doing on that play? That play reminds me of the Alfred Haynesworth play on Monday night football a couple years back were he just laid on the ground. That's just horrible effort. Wow, he seriously does need to get benched cuz I'm sure we can find someone that will play harder than that. That play also reminds me of Cam Newton in the super bowl when Cam didn't dive on the ball.


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He's clearly playing zone on his side of the field. If there was a chance the runner cuts left and then doubles backward Jaylon is in prime position to make a play. Coaching staff must have told him to stay there no matter what, haha.

Boom mystery solved.


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I watched it like 10 times. He either had no clue where the ball was or he is more concerned about getting hit than making the play. He literally took 3 steps in the wrong direction and just stood there. If you watch closely, you can see him turn his head back towards the two Browns players that were getting close to him and then start jogging towards the ball carrier with zero urgency or desire to tackle him as quickly as possible. He is worried about contact that he doesn’t initiate. Anyone else notice when he blitzes, he just run right to someone so they can block him straight on?