What is the dumbest/worst song of all time IYO?

Okay, haven't even read the thread yet, but let me put Blondie's "Rapture" in the running here for worst song. When she starts her "rapping" part about the alien "eating cars"...makes no sense. Never did. Still doesn't today. Stupid, stupid song, just for that.
Phoenix;3458845 said:
Okay, haven't even read the thread yet, but let me put Blondie's "Rapture" in the running here for worst song. When she starts her "rapping" part about the alien "eating cars"...makes no sense. Never did. Still doesn't today. Stupid, stupid song, just for that.

KRS-1 made that song into a gold one.
Maikeru-sama;3458811 said:
Man, my older sister use to jam that song all the time :laugh2: .

The name of the dance they are doing escapes me at the moment, it's either the wop or the shiek.

Gotta love the "Randall Cunningham" box haircut at 48 seconds. The Box is actually making a comeback :laugh2: .
It was the wop.. They were doing it kinda weak, but yes, it was the wop.

One of the other dances was Freddie Kruger

Edit: Rewatched the vid.. they were doing the robocop and the prep, too.

Albeit weakly, but they were doing it.
Let me thow my hat in the ring.´

WoodysGirl;3458480 said:
Got you beat, Mike


Maybe that is a bad one but this one is a classic!

AmarilloCowboyFan;3458938 said:
Maybe that is a bad one but this one is a classic!


Thanks for that. Had not hear that in a long time and it still makes me laugh.
tecolote;3458866 said:
Let me thow my hat in the ring.´


damn, I was going to put that one in. Instead...

Joe Realist;3458950 said:


there it is. This is just so terrible, its beyond words.

Rico suave is right behind it. I remember when rico suave was on mtv all the time, it used to make me crazy!

I used to watch mtv all the time ironically I now watch vh1 classic all the time. and I still hate that don johnson song!!!!
theebs;3458731 said:
dude no way. This song doesnt belong on here with the other stuff.

That is a great 80s tune.

Now I would like to nominate that horrendous song by don johnson.

We generally like a lot of the same things musically but I can't stand that song.
I can interject football into this topic.

The "Super Bowl Shuffle" by the 1985 Chicago Bears
Stautner;3458965 said:
I can interject football into this topic.

The "Super Bowl Shuffle" by the 1985 Chicago Bears

Yes, that was bad. Worse than that were all the copy cats it spawned. Even the Cowboys tried to do one. Horrible. Deion and the rest of the FSU team did one as well and it was terrible.
casmith07;3458738 said:
Wayne is garbage, man. Auto-tuning, pop singer.
I agree...if he's the best rapper (like he likes to claim) this millenium can produce then the game is in bad shape!

As for my worst song ever...just pick anything by Soulja Boy Tell Em!! I cannot believe they actually pay that kid to record the crap he puts out!

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