What the franchise has consistently given us


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
1, An opportunity, to win every single game we play.
Some franchises go to the playoffs, the Super Bowl. And then they’re not heard from again for 10 seasons. And possibly more, example Atlanta Falcons.
As a fan sometimes you have to decide what’s right for you .
A championship. Nothing else we’ll do.
Or being consistently competitive.
For me, it’s always knowing you can win every single game, every challenge, every opportunity , when we step on the football field.
Now we know that’s not possible, but it’s nice to know it’s probable.
Some people might think that’s my moral victory.
I think it’s just being the best you can be .
Cowboy fan forever ,
For some, this might be hard to wrap your head around. For me. it’s something I can say. I’m proud of being a cowboy fan.
What this franchise has given us
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I love the cowboys and hate them at the same time. With every disappointment comes a never again but as time passes so does the pain and I’m back at it again. Right now I’m hopeful for another good season and will enjoy the ride just like I have my whole life.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I love the cowboys and hate them at the same time. With every disappointment comes a never again but as time passes so does the pain and I’m back at it again. Right now I’m hopeful for another good season and will enjoy the ride just like I have my whole life.
I totally understand that. I’m positive there’s many more feel exactly the same.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
1, An opportunity, to win every single game we play.
Some franchises go to the playoffs, the Super Bowl. And then they’re not heard from again for 10 seasons. And possibly more, example Atlanta Falcons.
As a fan sometimes you have to decide what’s right for you .
A championship. Nothing else we’ll do.
Or being consistently competitive.
For me, it’s always knowing you can win every single game, every challenge, every opportunity , when we step on the football field.
Now we know that’s not possible, but it’s nice to know it’s probable.
Some people might think that’s my moral victory.
I think it’s just being the best you can be .
Cowboy fan forever ,
For some, this might be hard to wrap your head around. For me. it’s something I can say. I’m proud of being a cowboy fan.
What this franchise has given us
lol, you dog...we all have our Cross to bare as Cowboys fans. It's a phenomena know as hope.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
lol, you dog...we all have our Cross to bare as Cowboys fans. It's a phenomena know as hope.
Lol. Let’s hope we win, that’s been the issue the last two seasons lol. The sad thing is we know we can win. It’s just not everyone on the same page issue. Goodbye, Kellen.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Falcons are the exception. Most Super Bowl teams maintain relevance. Look at the current teams in it, recent champions.

Cowboys have made the playoffs less than half the time in the last 20 years.

But woohoo they're not the Browns or the Lions
No, in the course of the NFL. Teams go to the Super Bowl and they’re not heard from again. The only exception has been the Chiefs, and Tom Brady. That’s the 50-50 I’m talking about, always competitive cowboys. We don’t lose enough games to get higher draft picks. So you stay average.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Falcons are the exception. Most Super Bowl teams maintain relevance. Look at the current teams in it, recent champions.

Cowboys have made the playoffs less than half the time in the last 20 years.

But woohoo they're not the Browns or the Lions
That's completely false.
Bills are going backwards. Cincinnati, they don’t have an offense line they’ll be going backwards. It’s exactly true.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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1, An opportunity, to win every single game we play.
Some franchises go to the playoffs, the Super Bowl. And then they’re not heard from again for 10 seasons. And possibly more, example Atlanta Falcons.
As a fan sometimes you have to decide what’s right for you .
A championship. Nothing else we’ll do.
Or being consistently competitive.
For me, it’s always knowing you can win every single game, every challenge, every opportunity , when we step on the football field.
Now we know that’s not possible, but it’s nice to know it’s probable.
Some people might think that’s my moral victory.
I think it’s just being the best you can be .
Cowboy fan forever ,
For some, this might be hard to wrap your head around. For me. it’s something I can say. I’m proud of being a cowboy fan.
What this franchise has given us
You sound like Jerry - making excuses and settling for regular season success.

"Who needs to win championships? Just staying relevant and competitive is enough."

What's next, are you going to try to convince us that Dak is having a hall of fame career deserving of breaking the bank at 100 mil a season?
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It speaks to the kind of person you are. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be miserable. I'm happy.

I don't work for the Cowboys. Their success or failure doesn't make or break me.

I've seen my team win 3 Super Bowls. Yeah, they were awhile ago, but they don't expire. How many people can say they've seen their team win 3 rings?

Of course I'd love a 4th, but it's not easy to be the last team standing. That's why the '90s run was so special.

And it's not like we've been a bottom-feeder since that run. We got to the final 8 this year. Consecutive 12-win seasons. Not super far off from contending for a title, hopefully.

My Warriors have won 4 NBA titles since 2015, so that's 7 total rings I've seen my 2 favorite teams win. I'll take that all day, every day.


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You sound like Jerry - making excuses and settling for regular season success.

"Who needs to win championships? Just staying relevant and competitive is enough."
You say you're a deranged individual. So maybe stop following your instincts.

Be like George Costanza and do/say the exact opposite of what you'd normally do/say.


Well-Known Member
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1, An opportunity, to win every single game we play.
Some franchises go to the playoffs, the Super Bowl. And then they’re not heard from again for 10 seasons. And possibly more, example Atlanta Falcons.
As a fan sometimes you have to decide what’s right for you .
A championship. Nothing else we’ll do.
Or being consistently competitive.
For me, it’s always knowing you can win every single game, every challenge, every opportunity , when we step on the football field.
Now we know that’s not possible, but it’s nice to know it’s probable.
Some people might think that’s my moral victory.
I think it’s just being the best you can be .
Cowboy fan forever ,
For some, this might be hard to wrap your head around. For me. it’s something I can say. I’m proud of being a cowboy fan.
What this franchise has given us
This is called the acceptance stage. This team has not sniffed an NFC championship game never mind Super Bowl in 27 years that is hardly competing. 4 wild card playoff wins in 27 years is hardly competing. If they have had similar results as the 49ers then I would agree with you. That would mean 2 Super Bowl appearances and a handful of NFC championship games in the last 37 years, not 4 wild card wins.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
1, An opportunity, to win every single game we play.
Some franchises go to the playoffs, the Super Bowl. And then they’re not heard from again for 10 seasons. And possibly more, example Atlanta Falcons.
As a fan sometimes you have to decide what’s right for you .
A championship. Nothing else we’ll do.
Or being consistently competitive.
For me, it’s always knowing you can win every single game, every challenge, every opportunity , when we step on the football field.
Now we know that’s not possible, but it’s nice to know it’s probable.
Some people might think that’s my moral victory.
I think it’s just being the best you can be .
Cowboy fan forever ,
For some, this might be hard to wrap your head around. For me. it’s something I can say. I’m proud of being a cowboy fan.
What this franchise has given us



Well-Known Member
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This is called the acceptance stage. This team has not sniffed an NFC championship game never mind Super Bowl in 27 years that is hardly competing. 4 wild card playoff wins in 27 years is hardly competing. If they have had similar results as the 49ers then I would agree with you. That would mean 2 Super Bowl appearances and a handful of NFC championship games in the last 37 years, not 4 wild card wins.
Meh. One winner, 31 losers.

I wouldn't have felt much better about losing at Philly in the NFC Championship Game this year. That would suck too.

Of course it's better to get further, but the 49ers run without closing the deal is a special hell of its own.


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The cowboys annoy the hell out of me and upset me virtually every year. That said I know certain things will never be the way we may want them in regards to how the team is managed etc.

I’ve learned a long time ago to accept this (not be happy with it but not be in denial) and just try to enjoy the seasons as much as I can. Wasting so much negative energy on it will just drive me nuts.

It is what it is. This is my team.