What ticks you off?

Someone that puts a buggy on a median in the middle of the parking lot because they're too lazy to return it. Then the wind blows it into my car while I'm shopping.:(:mad::mad:
Do not get me started on table manners, I see someone chewing with their mouth wide open and I just want to go over slam them in the face with a chair, "there, smack on that you scum sucking beaver".

People who load their mouth with food and then start talking. They didn't know they were going to talk? What have they created, a new multi task, chewalking?

When I would take my wife out to dinner, she was almost as bad as me but if she saw that "I know why they kill entire families" look on my face, she knew I had spied a family of mouth breathing smackers and she'd make me face the other direction. Smackers beget smackers and my dogs have better table manners than they do. I saw a family so bad one time they looked like a tribe of monkeys trying to eat peanut butter. My wife suggested we find another, and darker, restaurant.
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Driver's that tailgate... Makes me want to pump the brakes and fire a photon torpedo.
Buddy of mine, about 30 years ago, got so mad at one that he slammed on his brakes only they didn't see that in time and plowed into the back of his car. That was bad enough but they had gramma riding in the back seat and the impact threw her from the back seat onto the dashboard and she was lucky she didn't go through the windshield. They had to take her away in an ambulance and he felt just horrible.

To make matters worse, as he's describing this l'il ole lady wedged between the windshield and the dashboard and just how discombobulated she was, I lost it and became hysterical with laughter. The visual was just too much for my weak mind so he didn't get the commiseration he was looking for but I do think about that when tailgatin' and make sure my seat belt is snug.
Buddy of mine, about 30 years ago, got so mad at one that he slammed on his brakes only they didn't see that in time and plowed into the back of his car. That was bad enough but they had gramma riding in the back seat and the impact threw her from the back seat onto the dashboard and she was lucky she didn't go through the windshield. They had to take her away in an ambulance and he felt just horrible.

To make matters worse, as he's describing this l'il ole lady wedged between the windshield and the dashboard and just how discombobulated she was, I lost it and became hysterical with laughter. The visual was just too much for my weak mind so he didn't get the commiseration he was looking for but I do think about that when tailgatin' and make sure my seat belt is snug.
And it's not necessarily such an easy blame. If the person in front slammed on their brakes for no reason, it's not a clear cut case as to who is at fault.
And it's not necessarily such an easy blame. If the person in front slammed on their brakes for no reason, it's not a clear cut case as to who is at fault.
I got back to work one Monday afternoon, and one of the guys who works in the mill came over and asked, "Is this your truck?"
I said it was, and he proceeded to gripe at me the I almost killed him and his family Friday morning. I told him I went to NYC on Friday, so if it was me, it had to be very early.
He said it happened right before the New York state line, so asked what happened.

He said, "I was right behind you in the center lane, and you moved over to the right lane,so I moved over behind you. As soon as I did, you slammed on your brakes!"
I said, "So you almost crashed into the back of a lumber truck...and that's my fault??"
He said it was, because he's clearly an idiot who doesn't know better than to tailgate a truck he can't see around.
After thinking back to Friday, I remembered that as soon as I'd moved into the right lane, a truck pulled out onto the highway in front of me from the shoulder. That's why I slammed on my brakes....but oh yeah, it was my fault the idiot almost killed his family.
People that follow me so close I can see up their nose. I want to hit the brakes SSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad!! I just don't want to do the paperwork!:laugh:;):(:mad:

this also drives me crazy, I do jam on my brakes. Have them skidding out. Hate tailgaters. Even when it’s not behind me and I see it happening to someone else. Definitely irks the crap out of me!
this also drives me crazy, I do jam on my brakes. Have them skidding out. Hate tailgaters. Even when it’s not behind me and I see it happening to someone else. Definitely irks the crap out of me!
I'll usually just figure, "Well, the closer they get, the slower I have to go to be safe.", and if they back off, I'll speed back up again. If not, they're in for a long commute.

But sometimes I'm just not in the mood to be gentle, and I'll brake check the Hell out of 'em.
People that actually believe actors when they give you some BS workout routine and diet “chicken, broccoli, and rice” as to how they got “shredded” for some super hero movie when the real answer is PED’s lol
No the real answer is they get paid to workout and hire someone to cook all their meals for them.

And PEDs...
I'll usually just figure, "Well, the closer they get, the slower I have to go to be safe.", and if they back off, I'll speed back up again. If not, they're in for a long commute.

But sometimes I'm just not in the mood to be gentle, and I'll brake check the Hell out of 'em.
I go into coast mode also if they do not back off brake check time so far their brakes have worked pirdy well I like it when they have to swerve into the emergency lane to miss hitting ya and get passed by 10-12 vehicles

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