What ticks you off?

Here's one.....
The other day driving down Wilshire blvd a car a couple cars in front of me stops right in the middle of traffic to let a car out that was turning right. Mind you there was no stop sign, yield sign or anything. They just did a complete stop in moving traffic to let a car out. I felt like yanking them out of their vehicle and beating them.
Wilshire blvd ? La La Land?
Have customer who has a rescue. She constantly drops little signals that she wants to be complimented at taking a rescue and making her look good.
Have you tried pointing out her altruism to everyone, every time you're near her? Maybe you can make her sick of hearing it too.
98 % of Greyhound passengers are good people but 2% idiots ruin the trip for everyone. I will let you in on a secret. You notice Greyhound bus stations are near homeless shelters? Homeless aggravate that Shelter enough and they buy them a bus ticket out of state to get rid of them. These BUMS yes I mean BUMS bounce all over the Country and know exactly where the shelters are at every stop...You stop call the cops to get this idiot off the bus and the Cops try to convince you to take them. You know why? They know they are nothing but trouble for their town

Well, that 98% rule applies for just about everything I think. But its the squeaky wheel thing. It's the 98% that stays quiet that is the problem. That 98% could stop a lot of this madness in a week if they just stopped being quiet and spoke up.

I'm not surprised about the Greyhound/homesless stuff. The problem is not hard to figure out really. It was caused by those who said that mental healthcare hospitals were cruel and unusual and immoral. They closed them down as if that were the fix. What did they expect would happen and what's worse, there were many who said that it was a mistake and would only make things worse. Well, now they are worse and those same people are complaining but this is a result of what they did. It sucks to be mentally ill but it doesn't make it better to simply send them to prison and then just let them lose on the streets. But that's exactly what we've done. Science hasn't caught mental health yet and until it does, long term mental healthcare facilities are probably about as good as we can do to protect all parties. These are the kinds of things that 98% of the people need to stand up and put their foot down on. Simple, get it fixed or get voted out. Simple.

Maybe it's some kind of messed up herd instinct. It drives me batty too and that's all I can come up with on the why.
Well, that 98% rule applies for just about everything I think. But its the squeaky wheel thing. It's the 98% that stays quiet that is the problem. That 98% could stop a lot of this madness in a week if they just stopped being quiet and spoke up.

I'm not surprised about the Greyhound/homesless stuff. The problem is not hard to figure out really. It was caused by those who said that mental healthcare hospitals were cruel and unusual and immoral. They closed them down as if that were the fix. What did they expect would happen and what's worse, there were many who said that it was a mistake and would only make things worse. Well, now they are worse and those same people are complaining but this is a result of what they did. It sucks to be mentally ill but it doesn't make it better to simply send them to prison and then just let them lose on the streets. But that's exactly what we've done. Science hasn't caught mental health yet and until it does, long term mental healthcare facilities are probably about as good as we can do to protect all parties. These are the kinds of things that 98% of the people need to stand up and put their foot down on. Simple, get it fixed or get voted out. Simple.
Yeah, I saw that first hand in the early 90's. I was working in a govt office in Kerrville, Tx, when the deluge hit. We had whackos walking in left and right. Yeah, I know, not politically correct, but you should've seen it. One even pulled a gun on us. Very scary, but funny too as he had a lazy eye(Might've had 2 of 'em) and you really couldn't tell if he was actually aiming, or checking out the dragonfly outside the window.

This was a horrid idea, someone should be prosecuted.
What really ticks me off is all the mysophobia going around. Everyone is Adrian Monk, just not genius.
Know what ticks me off? Getting ticked off.

I lose my cool over something that really is insignificant and am then pissed at myself for me allowing myself to do that. If I witnessed someone else doing that, I would think 'what an idiot, that ain't nuthin'.

Don't sweat the small stuff. If there ever was anything in the eye of the beholder, it is the small stuff. One person's molehill is another's mountain.

Sometimes I feel like an Instant Pot, have you seen those vent? Only I don't let it out in one long steam stream, I let mine out in short bursts and am quickly prepared for another short burst. Anger is a drug and I know that and still can't get straight.
Yeah, I saw that first hand in the early 90's. I was working in a govt office in Kerrville, Tx, when the deluge hit. We had whackos walking in left and right. Yeah, I know, not politically correct, but you should've seen it. One even pulled a gun on us. Very scary, but funny too as he had a lazy eye(Might've had 2 of 'em) and you really couldn't tell if he was actually aiming, or checking out the dragonfly outside the window.

This was a horrid idea, someone should be prosecuted.

Makes you wonder why people are allowed to do these kinds of things. I don't get it.
Have you tried pointing out her altruism to everyone, every time you're near her? Maybe you can make her sick of hearing it too.

In essence, rescuing her from herself.

I worked for a bit, in an environment full of dog mom's. Our mutual love of dogs would often be a great ice breaker. Right up to the point they found out I had gotten my purebred dogs from a breeder instead of a rescue organization. Hero to zero, in less than a second.

"Dog mom's" with their "fur babies" tick me off.
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In essence, rescuing her from herself.

I worked for a bit. in an environment full of dog mom's. Our mutual love of dogs would often be a great ice breaker. Right up to the point they found out I had gotten my purebred dogs from a breeder instead of a rescue organization. Hero to zero, in less than a second.

"Dog mom's" with their "fur babies" tick me off.
I am not a dog mom but I do feel a little like Furboy is my "fur baby".
Idiots who stick their nose into others business where it doesn't belong. Mind your own business Karen.
Hey! I gave you a self-control compliment. It upsets me when idiots cuss in front of kids, but I keep my cool. Because I have seen a dad fight with a guy for cussing in front of his kids. And I thought, him getting into a fight in front of his kids was worse than the guy cussing in front of his kids. So despite your response to my post, I'm still glad to hear that you don't get into it with guys behind cussing.
Hey! I gave you a self-control compliment. It upsets me when idiots cuss in front of kids, but I keep my cool. Because I have seen a dad fight with a guy for cussing in front of his kids. And I thought, him getting into a fight in front of his kids was worse than the guy cussing in front of his kids. So despite your response to my post, I'm still glad to hear that you don't get into it with guys behind cussing.
I cover all the bases and cuss at the kids.

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