What ticks you off?

There was some driver whose exhaust put out such think, black smoke, that it literally caused a hazard. I was totally blinded by the smoke for a moment. It was like being in a white-out blizzard. I was wishing a cop would arrest the jerk because I think he rigged his truck to do that on purpose. What an immature kid. It could have caused an accident.
A diesel pickup, I assume? They pretty much all do that when they foot the pedal down.
People who call ME and when I answer they're still having a conversation with someone on their end. I'm like "hello, hello!" and they are still talking to someone on their end. Why call me if you're not ready to talk to me?
If someone continues to cuss after being asked politely to refrain from doing it while children are present, then they are being low-brow (and rude) and pointing it out to the kids is instructional to both.
Sure pointing it out to them is fine, just don't call the low brow idiots. Because then you're being low brow yourself.
They'll learn that with or without you. At least this way they learn how not to earn ridicule.
Listen, if you think calling someone a low brow idiot, for whatever reason, in front of your young children is ok, then I have nothing left to say except that it isn’t.
What ticks you off? Its a lot different for all of us. just asking.

I'll start. some one that passes me and makes me slow down so they can turn. THATS MY MAX TICK!!!!
Posters being straight jerks to others here for zero reason.
Y'all know at least one here that I hunt.

Dude cut me off when I circumfixed him and he couldn't handle it.
Posters being straight jerks to others here for zero reason.
Y'all know at least one here that I hunt.

Dude cut me off when I circumfixed him and he couldn't handle it.
Well hell, did you ask him if he wanted to be circumfixed? Too late for me as I wasn't asked either but I hear it's a different sensation and I dig sensations. That would have been the name of my Motown group, if I had any musical talent.

Sometimes, we do get caught up in the minutia, it's like circumfixing a mosquito.
Well hell, did you ask him if he wanted to be circumfixed? Too late for me as I wasn't asked either but I hear it's a different sensation and I dig sensations. That would have been the name of my Motown group, if I had any musical talent.

Sometimes, we do get caught up in the minutia, it's like circumfixing a mosquito.
Would that be "unbiting" it?