What ticks you off?

Idiots who stick their nose into others business where it doesn't belong. Mind your own business Karen.
I like those people that police everyone else's business and snitch when they find something wrong. We need those people to keep everyone honest. I don't like it when people think they look tough by calling others, "Karen". That is the surest sign of a weasel that has much to hide.
Hey! I gave you a self-control compliment. It upsets me when idiots cuss in front of kids, but I keep my cool. Because I have seen a dad fight with a guy for cussing in front of his kids. And I thought, him getting into a fight in front of his kids was worse than the guy cussing in front of his kids. So despite your response to my post, I'm still glad to hear that you don't get into it with guys behind cussing.

When my kids were younger and someone cussed in front of them, I politely asked them to stop. If they continued, I would tell my kids that people like that were low-brow idiots with no consideration for others and they were part of what was wrong with the world. I would say it just loud enough that the person in question could hear. Strangely, none got confrontational about it.
So I stopped at the supermarket on my way home today. In the first row of parking spaces (the one farthest from the store entrances) there were 8 empty spaces, then one car, then 7 more empty spaces, then 3 or 4 cars parked in the end of the row closest to the building. I parked so there was an empty space between me and the lone car in the center. When I came out of the store, in which of the remaining 14 spaces do you think the one new shopper to arrive parked?....and assuming you got that brain teaser correct, here's a follow up question: How close do you think she parked to my car?

I hate people.
So I stopped at the supermarket on my way home today. In the first row of parking spaces (the one farthest from the store entrances) there were 8 empty spaces, then one car, then 7 more empty spaces, then 3 or 4 cars parked in the end of the row closest to the building. I parked so there was an empty space between me and the lone car in the center. When I came out of the store, in which of the remaining 14 spaces do you think the one new shopper to arrive parked?....and assuming you got that brain teaser correct, here's a follow up question: How close do you think she parked to my car?

I hate people.
Please don't tell me you had to get in the Passengers side. :muttley::angry:
When my kids were younger and someone cussed in front of them, I politely asked them to stop. If they continued, I would tell my kids that people like that were low-brow idiots with no consideration for others and they were part of what was wrong with the world. I would say it just loud enough that the person in question could hear. Strangely, none got confrontational about it.
I wanted to but there was a cop around the corner.
Maybe you're just that transparent. ;)
well, could be true but, more likely they have already formed an opinion and thrown the commission salesman's factor in there and then its just one brick at a time. I always get there, they just make it hard. Not beating me at my game at this point. especially when what spuming out of their mouth is uneducated correct worded Bull pucky.

At this point I can file them in about 2 minutes of conversation. Really don't make any sense I don't make commision and are truly just trying to find a way to get them the most for their dollar..

But I digress..
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Teenagers working at Fast Food places who have little courtesy. I went to Papa John's drive thru window. Little pipsqweak girl at the window doesn't even say " Hi" she says " You gonna have to wait a minute" . She closes the window about 3-5 minutes pass. She reopens the window and just looks at me. Not " Sorry for the wait or Can I help you". I said" Can I have a $5 hot n ready". She says " You gonna have to wait". Not sorry it will be a few minutes. I just said " No thanks" and drove off even though I felt like dragging her out the window and teach her manners and a *** clue about customer service.
Teenagers working at Fast Food places who have little courtesy. I went to Papa John's drive thru window. Little pipsqweak girl at the window doesn't even say " Hi" she says " You gonna have to wait a minute" . She closes the window about 3-5 minutes pass. She reopens the window and just looks at me. Not " Sorry for the wait or Can I help you". I said" Can I have a $5 hot n ready". She says " You gonna have to wait". Not sorry it will be a few minutes. I just said " No thanks" and drove off even though I felt like dragging her out the window and teach her manners and a *** clue about customer service.
Probably just what she wanted you to do,drive away,so she could finish texting.
Having to repeat my self 2 or 3 times while helping folks is a bummer. I've been in sales for over 30 years. They come in and put the
on and it's down hill from there. Thank God I have a sense of humor. Most days..:lmao2::angry::):thumbup::grin:
When my kids were younger and someone cussed in front of them, I politely asked them to stop. If they continued, I would tell my kids that people like that were low-brow idiots with no consideration for others and they were part of what was wrong with the world. I would say it just loud enough that the person in question could hear. Strangely, none got confrontational about it.
That's not a good resolution calling someone a low-brow idiot in front of your kids. Just saying.
Teenagers working at Fast Food places who have little courtesy. I went to Papa John's drive thru window. Little pipsqweak girl at the window doesn't even say " Hi" she says " You gonna have to wait a minute" . She closes the window about 3-5 minutes pass. She reopens the window and just looks at me. Not " Sorry for the wait or Can I help you". I said" Can I have a $5 hot n ready". She says " You gonna have to wait". Not sorry it will be a few minutes. I just said " No thanks" and drove off even though I felt like dragging her out the window and teach her manners and a *** clue about customer service.
Lots of angry folks these days.
There was some driver whose exhaust put out such think, black smoke, that it literally caused a hazard. I was totally blinded by the smoke for a moment. It was like being in a white-out blizzard. I was wishing a cop would arrest the jerk because I think he rigged his truck to do that on purpose. What an immature kid. It could have caused an accident.

people who hold their conversations in public on speaker.....i don't want nor need to hear it.

people who are too lazy to lift the toilet lid and piss all over the top of it.

people who blow boogers onto the bathroom mirror.

people who throw their used toilet paper onto the floor instead of flushing it.

people who hauck a lugi into the bathroom sink.....or on the floor....or on a trash can.
not in the can....but on the lid.

people who can't keep their gum in their mouth.

people who throw their crap on the floor and are too ignorant and lazy to pick it up.

people who throw up in a trash can instead of a toilet.....they passed by at least 2 in order to throw up in the trash can.
(excluded from this are people who are home...sick...and keep the trash can close by...or the trash can was closer to them than the toilet.)

people who pass up throwing up in a toilet to throw up in a sink....when the toilet was actually closer.
im refering mainly to public restrooms.
and automatic sinks.

people who are sick but decide to play ball or work-out any way....thinking they are going to sweat it out.
they don't.
they throw it up.(see previous 2 examples)

people who put their baby's diaper under the bleacher seat.

people who put their baby's diaper in the womens reseptical in the stall...instead of one of the 3 trash cans in the ladies room.




people who dump their dipping tobacco into the stand-up johnny instead of the trash can.

people who dump their dip in the toilet instead of the trash can.

people who dump their dip into the sink instead of the trash can.

people who throw their food away thru the push flap on the trash can lid instead of just lifting the lid.....and not getting your cake icing or ketchup or bbq sauce all over the flap.

people who throw away their coffee cup with the coffee still in it instead of pouring it out first.

people who can't walk all over the building and drink their coffee w/out dripping it like hanzel and gretel.

people who leave their trash in their parking spot instead of walking over to the trash can and throwing it away.

people who take a piss in the shower...who aren't taking a shower...and pass by 8 toilets to do that.

people who hauck a lugi in the shower they arent using...passing by 8 toilets to do that.

people who take a dump in the shower...regardless if they are using it...passing by 8 toilets to do it.

people who stuff their napkins and coffe cups into the couch...when they have access to a trash can just a few feet away.

people who sit in church and shred paper.

people who take everything out of the pew racks in front of them.....and don't put it back after the service.

donut crumbs.

donut icing.


I hate public restrooms. They're basically a war zone.
If the bank would stop sending me so many refinance offers, they could afford to just go ahead and knock a couple points off my interest rate.

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