What ticks you off?

History pisses me off because I can no longer put faith in it.

For some crazy reason, we gave passes to those who wrote our history as not being agenda, and possibly biased, driven to record history as they wanted it to be. Or worse, just omit it.

The same thing has happened to me with history that happened with the media, I don't trust it. Any of it.

I was born and raised in Arkansas and with that comes the agenda to pass on ignorance to the next generation so they can keep the lies alive. Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana aren't any better.

The greatest shock to my belief system came the first night I watched "Watchmen" on HBO. I sat their in disbelief at what I was seeing. Can you imagine my disbelief when I went to the internet and began researching this? I spent the first 24 years of my life in the neighboring state and knew nothing of this. Two of my closest friends, husband and wife, grew up in Holden, OK and they'd only heard rumors of this and when they had asked as kids were told it was all made up by a certain faction of the community. That it never happened.

As a kid, I heard all kinds of things had happened in part of Little Rock and while I was raised in the west, w for white, part of Little Rock, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents in east Little Rock and I would hear things and now I wonder could those things have been true? Horrible things like lynching's and men being set on fire.

Sins of commission with history are one thing but sins of omission cause me to doubt what I've actually believed all of my life. What else don't I know? Do I even really know?

Why has the truth about the founding fathers and framers of the Constitution been kept from us and them painted as Apostles? George Washington was damned near deified when I went to school and not only was he a slave owner, he was a particularly harsh one. Seems there were two streams of history about him and Jefferson.

These are not good times for a guy on Skeptic Street headed for Cynic's Cove. Believe nothing and doubt everything is no way to travel.
History pisses me off because I can no longer put faith in it.

For some crazy reason, we gave passes to those who wrote our history as not being agenda, and possibly biased, driven to record history as they wanted it to be. Or worse, just omit it.

The same thing has happened to me with history that happened with the media, I don't trust it. Any of it.

I was born and raised in Arkansas and with that comes the agenda to pass on ignorance to the next generation so they can keep the lies alive. Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana aren't any better.

The greatest shock to my belief system came the first night I watched "Watchmen" on HBO. I sat their in disbelief at what I was seeing. Can you imagine my disbelief when I went to the internet and began researching this? I spent the first 24 years of my life in the neighboring state and knew nothing of this. Two of my closest friends, husband and wife, grew up in Holden, OK and they'd only heard rumors of this and when they had asked as kids were told it was all made up by a certain faction of the community. That it never happened.

As a kid, I heard all kinds of things had happened in part of Little Rock and while I was raised in the west, w for white, part of Little Rock, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents in east Little Rock and I would hear things and now I wonder could those things have been true? Horrible things like lynching's and men being set on fire.

Sins of commission with history are one thing but sins of omission cause me to doubt what I've actually believed all of my life. What else don't I know? Do I even really know?

Why has the truth about the founding fathers and framers of the Constitution been kept from us and them painted as Apostles? George Washington was damned near deified when I went to school and not only was he a slave owner, he was a particularly harsh one. Seems there were two streams of history about him and Jefferson.

These are not good times for a guy on Skeptic Street headed for Cynic's Cove. Believe nothing and doubt everything is no way to travel.
Unfortunately, the revelations being realized may be perpetuating the problem. (The alliteration was purely incidental, but you're welcome.) If nobody at all had known the ugly truth, the bliss of ignorance might have been a good thing, but if even a handful of people are aware, the truth needs to be known and dealt with. Sadly, that usually leads to a degree of overcompensation and hard feelings toward people who shouldn't be held accountable, IMO, but the sins of the fathers and all that.

I was disappointed to learn that Jefferson refused executorship of Thaddeus Kosciusko's will and..........Actually, that may be a discussion that's against the rules, but if anyone's interested, I highly recommend learning about Kosciusko. He was an integral part of this country's independence, yet was a Polish citizen, and an ardent proponent of equal rights.
History pisses me off because I can no longer put faith in it.

For some crazy reason, we gave passes to those who wrote our history as not being agenda, and possibly biased, driven to record history as they wanted it to be. Or worse, just omit it.

The same thing has happened to me with history that happened with the media, I don't trust it. Any of it.

I was born and raised in Arkansas and with that comes the agenda to pass on ignorance to the next generation so they can keep the lies alive. Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana aren't any better.

The greatest shock to my belief system came the first night I watched "Watchmen" on HBO. I sat their in disbelief at what I was seeing. Can you imagine my disbelief when I went to the internet and began researching this? I spent the first 24 years of my life in the neighboring state and knew nothing of this. Two of my closest friends, husband and wife, grew up in Holden, OK and they'd only heard rumors of this and when they had asked as kids were told it was all made up by a certain faction of the community. That it never happened.

As a kid, I heard all kinds of things had happened in part of Little Rock and while I was raised in the west, w for white, part of Little Rock, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents in east Little Rock and I would hear things and now I wonder could those things have been true? Horrible things like lynching's and men being set on fire.

Sins of commission with history are one thing but sins of omission cause me to doubt what I've actually believed all of my life. What else don't I know? Do I even really know?

Why has the truth about the founding fathers and framers of the Constitution been kept from us and them painted as Apostles? George Washington was damned near deified when I went to school and not only was he a slave owner, he was a particularly harsh one. Seems there were two streams of history about him and Jefferson.

These are not good times for a guy on Skeptic Street headed for Cynic's Cove. Believe nothing and doubt everything is no way to travel.
A different time period. Like George Washington one of his best spies was a freed black man who worked for Britain's General Cornwallis as a servant. He overheard Cornwallis militsry strategies and gave them to Washington. Blacks also owned Black slaves in early USA also. Also the Irish came over in chains also. Indentured servitude a contract for so many years but they we cheated extended years of servitude as punishment,beaten ,and raped also. John Hansen was a Colonial and black and in charge of the Continental Congress.
The person on your flight putting their bag in the overhead that has no awareness other passengers are waiting on them. They place their bag slowly on the overhead than shift it a few times. Then they begin to rummage through it as if they are the only passenger on the flight. It annoys me but I'm also impressed. How can someone be so disconnected of their surroundings and circumstances. They will probably live 10 years longer than me.
I miss people dressing up to fly. I think they should have a dress code.
Dont know what the name for this is, but I hate it.

In my wifes hometown, there are a group of people who are on every committee, community group board etc. I'm a great fan of volunteerism and do it myself, but its the way these people act in this particular town that I hate.

They see themselves as being better than everyone else and everyone should be grateful to them. Anytime anyone in the town looks like they might do well and achieve something e.g. the kid from a poor background who gets an academic scholarship to college or the person who works hard and gets promoted, these people club together and try and "knock the person down a peg or two......put them in their place". They can be very nasty about it.

Completely infuriates me. People who work hard to improve their circumstances should be encouraged and held up as role models.
Dont know what the name for this is, but I hate it.

In my wifes hometown, there are a group of people who are on every committee, community group board etc. I'm a great fan of volunteerism and do it myself, but its the way these people act in this particular town that I hate.

They see themselves as being better than everyone else and everyone should be grateful to them. Anytime anyone in the town looks like they might do well and achieve something e.g. the kid from a poor background who gets an academic scholarship to college or the person who works hard and gets promoted, these people club together and try and "knock the person down a peg or two......put them in their place". They can be very nasty about it.

Completely infuriates me. People who work hard to improve their circumstances should be encouraged and held up as role models.
It borders on elitism, but what it really is, is insecurity. They need to squash others in order to make themselves feel better about what they've accomplished, however much or little that may be.
People that are afraid to be real and say what they think -- oh wait that could be a sign of emotional intelligence, but still being real is a lost art in the social media world we have now - the perception is greater than what's real. Ticks me off.
It borders on elitism, but what it really is, is insecurity. They need to squash others in order to make themselves feel better about what they've accomplished, however much or little that may be.

Yes, I think its more insecurity than elitism. None of them have done anything big with their own lives. If they didnt squash others, the normal progression of things would mean many people would overtake them in terms of achievement. How nasty they are and the debts they pluge to is unreal.
Dont know what the name for this is, but I hate it.

In my wifes hometown, there are a group of people who are on every committee, community group board etc. I'm a great fan of volunteerism and do it myself, but its the way these people act in this particular town that I hate.

They see themselves as being better than everyone else and everyone should be grateful to them. Anytime anyone in the town looks like they might do well and achieve something e.g. the kid from a poor background who gets an academic scholarship to college or the person who works hard and gets promoted, these people club together and try and "knock the person down a peg or two......put them in their place". They can be very nasty about it.

Completely infuriates me. People who work hard to improve their circumstances should be encouraged and held up as role models.
That is nothing more than the "clique" all grown up. That's where they learn that and they flock together.

When I went back for my 20th, the same people that hadn't moved away from Little Rock were in the same clique they were in high school because we attended the high falootin' high school and when my wife talked me into that short sentence on Facebook, they kept that going. She went to the other high school so once I showed her what I was seeing, she understood why I was outta there like a scalded dog.

I wanted to start all of my replies to most of those people with "yes, I remember you. I didn't like you then, why would I like you now?" or for the others "no, I do not remember you but that doesn't mean we can't be besties and tell everyone else".

That popularity contest didn't end at high school for some. I was a cool kid, in the right clique and I look back on that now and am ashamed of how I felt and some of the things I did and said to remain "cool'. It seemed we had to put others down to lift ourselves up but I was fearful of not belonging back then. Now, I am that guy that wouldn't join any club that would want me.

Took me a while to develop "true sight". To look beyond the wrapper and see the person inside. The problem with that is it works both ways and too often resulted in my preferring my dogs to people. I am a skeptic, borderline cynic, and I do not like that in myself. But I need more people to prove me wrong
Fake bravado. Clowns trying to be all swag and the stupid girls who fall for this crap. I mean really I never would have joined the Marines ,firing multiple weapons,hand to hand combat,going to war. When all I needed to do was put my hat on sideways,put on a pair of sunglasses ,and mumble my words incoherently
Fake bravado. Clowns trying to be all swag and the stupid girls who fall for this crap. I mean really I never would have joined the Marines ,firing multiple weapons,hand to hand combat,going to war. When all I needed to do was put my hat on sideways,put on a pair of sunglasses ,and mumble my words incoherently
Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but if you joined the Marines for the girls, someone steered you in the wrong direction.

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