What ticks you off?

So many people have used "irregardless" that it's been added to the dictionary. That's yet another sign that we're headed toward an Idiocracy.:mad:
My stepfather used to go off whenever someone said irregardless. I never used it myself, until it officially became a word. Now I use it every chance I get, in his presence.
My stepfather used to go off whenever someone said irregardless. I never used it myself, until it officially became a word. Now I use it every chance I get, in his presence.
Just because it's in the dictionary doesn't make it right!...Oh wait.
Right now Verizon is ticking me off. We had a power outage last night from a storm and when the power came back up it apparently fried my ONT which means not internet or cable. Dealing with their support people is enough to tick anyone off. If they worked as hard at fixing my problem as selling me upgrades, or trying, I would have my problem fixed already. They're telling me they can't get anyone out here for 4 days! We work from home so not having internet is a big problem. We are attempting to use our phone hot spot functionality but the cell reception inside my house is pretty awful. I think it has something to do with the wire mesh they used to support the stucco on my house. It probably create a shield. In any case, I am so pissed off right now I can spit nails.
The douchebag with his hat on backwards in the next booth at a fast food place has his phone volume up so that me and the other guy in the next booth have to hear this garbage. I'm not in the mood to fight this loser.
Douchebag left looked upset that he couldn't aggravate anyone. No one cared about this stooge
Heres a good one...
People that think they know everything. There is someone like this at work, you can't have discussion with them about anything{plumbing/auto mechanics/HVAC/working on the lawn mower/etc because they apparently a expert about everything when in reality they are quite the opposite.
People that take forever in the ATM.
People that call the Restaurant to place an order and have to be guided along placing the order as if they were 8 years old.
The person on your flight putting their bag in the overhead that has no awareness other passengers are waiting on them. They place their bag slowly on the overhead than shift it a few times. Then they begin to rummage through it as if they are the only passenger on the flight. It annoys me but I'm also impressed. How can someone be so disconnected of their surroundings and circumstances. They will probably live 10 years longer than me.

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