What was Drew Henson statistics today?

Bledsoe4MVP said:
All the optimism in the world can't hide the fact that Henson isn't a starting calibur QB in the NFL. I have analyzed game film every week and really don't see anything to get excited over....the negatives still outweigh the positives with Henstud. :confused:

Hopefully this debate will simmer down next week if JJ drafts a young QB in the late rounds.

Also I believe Kurt Warner came from the Arena league...wouldn't have even played if it wasn't for Trent Green going down in preseason. Nobody thought Delhomme was the answer in carolina either, that's why 45 year old rodney peete was starting back in 2003

Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

Fact is they did play and they turned out to be good.

Second, of course Henson isn't going to be starting. That's Bledsoe's territory for now. But he's being groomed to play and eventually be a starter. We won't know until he gets the opportunity, just like Warner and Delhomme got their opportunity. :D
HeavyHitta31 said:
So forst I'm Nors, now Bledsoe4MVP is

Make up your damn mind already :)

We are both nors, as is any other user on this board who:

1.) speaks the truth about henson
2.) is happy that we have bledsoe as our starting qb
3.) says anything negative about this team
4.) wishes Ty Law could become a cowboy and realizes FS is still a glaring hole
5.) makes a prediction about the upcoming season

As far as I know Nors has at least 20+ different aliases on this board
:laugh1: :laugh2:
Bledsoe4MVP said:
We are both nors, as is any other user on this board who:

1.) speaks the truth about henson
2.) is happy that we have bledsoe as our starting qb
3.) says anything negative about this team
4.) wishes Ty Law could become a cowboy and realizes FS is still a glaring hole
5.) makes a prediction about the upcoming season

As far as I know Nors has at least 20+ different aliases on this board
:laugh1: :laugh2:

I despise Ty Law with a passion
HeavyHitta31 said:
I highly doubt it, unless Nors installed that program that changes your IP address ecery 10 seconds or so.

Well he did talk about doing that very thing when someone accused him of having multiple usernames.

He also denied doing it...on the forum that is, in PMs...well.
Hostile said:
It's called "Invisible" mode and any user can use it.

Look at my light. I promise you I'm still online.

Nors didn't pop in and out. Trust me I know because I can see when they use this mode.

Yes Hos, I choose to use invisible mode to help prevent other users from violating message board guidelines against me, particularly this one:

14) Users are not allowed to consistently harass other users even if it falls within the guidelines. Following a user from thread to thread chastising, disagreeing or otherwise harassing another user with the sole purpose of irritating the user is not allowed. This also includes replying in such manner to the instigating user. If a user is consistently harassing you, we highly recommend you put the user on your Ignore list using the User Control Panel. If you have done this and are still being harassed, click on the Feedback link at the top of the page to let the staff know. Violating this guideline can result in your posts being deleted and/or your account being suspended or banned.

Just doing my part to be a good user, the last thing I want to do is get people banned especially since I have quite the following on this message board and my popularity has risen in recent weeks. :bow:
HeavyHitta31 said:
I despise Ty Law with a passion

Good answer, if we take different opinions it will throw everybody else off and they won't realize we are the same person.....BRB have to go post under a different username again on my other computer. :D
Bledsoe4MVP said:
Yes Hos, I choose to use invisible mode to help prevent other users from violating message board guidelines against me, particularly this one:

14) Users are not allowed to consistently harass other users even if it falls within the guidelines. Following a user from thread to thread chastising, disagreeing or otherwise harassing another user with the sole purpose of irritating the user is not allowed. This also includes replying in such manner to the instigating user. If a user is consistently harassing you, we highly recommend you put the user on your Ignore list using the User Control Panel. If you have done this and are still being harassed, click on the Feedback link at the top of the page to let the staff know. Violating this guideline can result in your posts being deleted and/or your account being suspended or banned.

Just doing my part to be a good user, the last thing I want to do is get people banned especially since I have quite the following on this message board and my popularity has risen in recent weeks. :bow:

Funny since you replied to me in this thread, oops.:lmao:
blindzebra said:
So what percentage of users use that mode?
I don't know. Never bothered to check into it. A lot do though.

I'm going to turn mine back on.
HeavyHitta31 said:
I highly doubt it, unless Nors installed that program that changes your IP address ecery 10 seconds or so.
We can track proxies. They don't do a poster any good.

People come back with new accounts after getting banned. Without fail we find them and ban them again.

We're tolerant of a lot. Some like that about us, some don't. No one can say they've been treated unfairly. That is important to us.
blindzebra said:
Funny since you replied to me in this thread, oops.:lmao:

I wasn't talking about you or anybody in particular....I'm just doing my best to stay out of my enemies crosshairs. I know you miss nors and want to believe i'm his minion and all but the fact of the matter is that bledsoe4mvp is his own distinct entity.

However I do keep my friends close...and my enemies closer. :chainsaw:
Bledsoe4MVP said:
Yes Hos, I choose to use invisible mode to help prevent other users from violating message board guidelines against me, particularly this one:

14) Users are not allowed to consistently harass other users even if it falls within the guidelines. Following a user from thread to thread chastising, disagreeing or otherwise harassing another user with the sole purpose of irritating the user is not allowed. This also includes replying in such manner to the instigating user. If a user is consistently harassing you, we highly recommend you put the user on your Ignore list using the User Control Panel. If you have done this and are still being harassed, click on the Feedback link at the top of the page to let the staff know. Violating this guideline can result in your posts being deleted and/or your account being suspended or banned.

Just doing my part to be a good user, the last thing I want to do is get people banned especially since I have quite the following on this message board and my popularity has risen in recent weeks. :bow:
Invisible mode does nothing to stop this. Not one teeny tiny thing.

I wish more could figure out the ignore function. That glaring ommission truly pisses me off. It actually works.

I wish I could use it. I would.
Hostile said:
We can track proxies. They don't do a poster any good.

People come back with new accounts after getting banned. Without fail we find them and ban them again.

We're tolerant of a lot. Some like that about us, some don't. No one can say they've been treated unfairly. That is important to us.

Don't you have to actively search someone to track proxies though? Like you would need a reason to look at a new poster, it wouldnt just appear when they registered.
I watched part of the game and Henson looked decent. He showed nice touch. I did see him take a bad sack and fumble where he held onto the ball too long, but over all he looked good. Then again, so did Gibran Hamden, who was Commander camp fodder under Spurrier, so I'm not sure how to measure the talent in NFL Europe.
Hostile said:
Invisible mode does nothing to stop this. Not one teeny tiny thing.

I wish more could figure out the ignore function. That glaring ommission truly pisses me off. It actually works.

I wish I could use it. I would.

Why can't you use it? And why would you as a mod....you wouldn't know what a user is saying and how would you discipline him if he got out of line? :spanking:

Personally I think this ignore thing is very immature, even if I don't agree with somebody or find their posts annoying or trollish in nature I'm not going resort to that. I welcome everybodys opinions after all this is just an nfl message board! :p:
Why can't you use it? And why would you as a mod....you wouldn't know what a user is saying and how would you discipline him if he got out of line?

HeavyHitta31 said:
Don't you have to actively search someone to track proxies though? Like you would need a reason to look at a new poster, it wouldnt just appear when they registered.
Bottom line, we know what we're doing and we know every trick. Some can fake it for a while, but 9 times out of 10 we know exactly who someone is. We give some a 2nd chance with the new ID. Some we don't. It depends on the situation.

Anyone who thinks we're too stupid to figure something out is out of their minds. Our owner is a software designer and 2 of our Mods are IT techs. We don't miss much.
Bledsoe4MVP said:
Why can't you use it? And why would you as a mod....you wouldn't know what a user is saying and how would you discipline him if he got out of line? :spanking:

Personally I think this ignore thing is very immature, even if I don't agree with somebody or find their posts annoying or trollish in nature I'm not going resort to that. I welcome everybodys opinions after all this is just an nfl message board! :p:
How could we moderate if we put people on ignore?

9 times out of 10 the people I'd put on ignore are the ones I'd want to watch closest.

Ignore isn't immature. That was a rather stupid statement actually.

Ignore is meant to keep someone from stepping out of line and getting banned. I wish more would use it. I'd have to moderate a lot less if people had the balls to do it. Yeah I said it. It takes balls to use the ignore feature. Not using it only takes a lack of intelligence. It's utterly stupid not to if you have issues with a poster. Beyond stupid in fact.

Hey some people like being stupid. I've never seen the attraction of it.
Is he is playing pretty darn good overall and he is building trade value back in the league if we dont keep him...and he isnt a "CHUTCH"
Hostile said:
How could we moderate if we put people on ignore?

9 times out of 10 the people I'd put on ignore are the ones I'd want to watch closest.

Ignore isn't immature. That was a rather stupid statement actually.

Ignore is meant to keep someone from stepping out of line and getting banned. I wish more would use it. I'd have to moderate a lot less if people had the balls to do it. Yeah I said it. It takes balls to use the ignore feature. Not using it only takes a lack of intelligence. It's utterly stupid not to if you have issues with a poster. Beyond stupid in fact.

Hey some people like being stupid. I've never seen the attraction of it.

If you simply ignore those whom you dont agree with, what is the point of an internet message board? The whole point of this is to discuss opinions and thoughts, and that isnt possible if you dont have some people to argue the other side.
HeavyHitta31 said:
If you simply ignore those whom you dont agree with, what is the point of an internet message board? The whole point of this is to discuss opinions and thoughts, and that isnt possible if you dont have some people to argue the other side.
Some people though can't get past things being very personal. That is when you use the ignore function.

I applaud those who do 100% over those who continue to drag this forum down with petty nonsense.

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