To a certain degree you simply need to realize that you cannot have reasonable conversation here. Too many, are too opinionated, and not really interested in considering or respecting a different opinion.
When a couple of those types do happen to align, the thread will be interrupted by the first type.
This is a fantastic place to come and get Cowboy news. And if you keep your expectations really low you might be able to find a shred of enjoyable conversation.
But for me I think good conversation has largely been ruined here. Its not the mods fault. They do a great job, its the vast presence of posters who's primary purpose is their own crowing.
I don't know how you solve it or that you can. You can lead a horse to water...
As ridiculous as it sounds I've wondered at times if posters here shouldn't be profiled and subdivided accordingly. Give people what they want, homerism, pessimism, Garrett hatred, whatever.
I know most would say, I wouldn't want to post at a sight where everyone agreed. I think the reality is that for too many that is exactly what they want. They simply cannot respect a different viewpoint.
So sure, lay out your logic & statistics for why Garrett as OC is really producing this year. But realize, to most dissenters it doesn't make a hill of beans difference.