What would you do: obese flier taking up half your seat?


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I thought they required larger people to buy an extra seat? :confused: I have no idea what I would do? I would hate to scrunch up for the whole flight, but I would also hate to embarrass the large-size person too.

I had a very large person sitting next to me at a Cowboys game. His legs were so big that he had to sit with them spread out into the leg area of the people on both sides of him. I had to sit with my legs squished to one side to give him room. And, he didn't even watch the game! He talked the whole time! So I yelled loudly everytime the Cowboys made a good play to try to drown him out.


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honestly it depends on how the fat guy acted about it, if he was apologetic and offered to take another flight that wasn't full I would have stood and let him sit but I would get a full refund for my ticket because the airline did not enforce their own policy of making the guy buy an extra seat, if he wasn't then I would tell him that he knows he is supposed to buy an extra seat and that he needs to be the one to stand or wait for another flight but no way in hell will I be the one to stand for someone who obviously wouldn't show me same courtesy if the situation were reversed as evidenced by his tough **** attitude toward me.