Sarek so many phonies out there. You will notice a group of guys and they will start stuff with a guy who is by himself. A bunch of cowards hiding in numbers vs one guy. All the turds who think they are so bad because they put a ballcap on backwards. The problem some women fall for this,but most those women you probably rather not know anyways.....Also 30s-40s women some of these women just want to hate on a man because they want to be able to turn them down to make them feel better about themselves. Not all women but you will once in awhile find some like that. Just ignore them because those women have issues. Also don't hit on the bartenders or waitresses because they get it every night from somebody hitting on them.....Sarek if you can stand out you can be THE CATCH. Most guys think just showing up in a T-shirt and sneakers is OK. Dress to kill,but be age appropriate don't try to look like a younger generation,be yourself. I'm an 80s kid,but I'm not showing up in a punk rock 80's look either. Just a nice dress shirt,pants or stylish jeans and some nice dress shoes. If you can dance and are a good dancer.You have the limelight even if the girl you dance with is not who is your target. You will have other eyes on you.Lot of guys are scared of dancing and are wallflowers or the Neanderthals. You got the women's attention even before you approached them if you are a good dancer.......................Also NO-LINES just say "Hi" is the best opening to your target girl...I say I am a retired PLAYA. If you saw 4 women come in together to the bar. 1-A very pretty one,2-A pretty one but not as pretty as the #1 girl,3-The nerdy girl who looks lost and 4-The fat girl. Which one do you approach?..Answer is #2 The reason is because #2 girl is in competition with #1 girl and #1 girl expects to be approached several times that night. #2 wants to show up #1 and boasts that you came to her not #1.But have your wingman to deflect the other ones.Also you paying attention to #2 girl could also end up getting you #1 girl who wants to stay #1. ................. I hope this helps.It's not easy when being out of the swing for awhile..GOOD LUCK SAREK!!