What's in nightlife today?

I'm with @BrAinPaiNt Besides, if you're at home and you drink too much. I don't have to drive to my bedroom. Well, with my GF, she doesn't drink so she drives in efforts to cart me to the bedroom..


That usually wasn't a problem as I'm a home body these days. Though, she is Brazilian and they are extremely social people and have BBQs all the time. The good thing is, when we do attend these, she drives me home because damn they can drink! hah I haven't drank like that since I was in my 20s.
What was the story with that?
Ive seen it but wasnt sure hiw it happened
Other things I realized getting back in the swing.

I went to a 80s club thinking "Allright My Generation will be there"! The place was filled with kids and that p***ed me off so much. I was like "Go find your stupid clubs with your own music". I was shocked but I realized most music sucks today and that is why they were there.So even looking for your music you have to deal with other generations.

Also I was surprised in my 40s that women in their 20s wanted my attention because I didn't want to look like the stereotypical dirty old man.Then I remember when I was 19-20 years old I didn't want a girl my age I wanted an older female probably 27-35 to show me the ropes also I couldn't stand young brat type women that was a big turn off to me even when I was that age basically those type of girls from GIRLS GONE WILD.How stupid and annoying can you be? I figured these same girls who went after me were tired of just of dates being where they go to their potential BF's house and play Playstation . Women want guys to take them somewhere nice and be treated nice, not just the movies to see the next Marvel Hero movie or Lord of The Rings sequel. So don't be surprised even young women could show interest in you.
* Others to do and not do at a bar meeting women.

*If you like this woman and you buy her a drink she might think she has a sucker and will let you buy her drinks all night,but she has no intention of you taking her home or even wanting your number.She just played you.

*Don't say to beautiful woman "YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL"! Most beautiful women hear that all the time and they feel you are not a challenge. Not only you are on the prowl,but they are too. They want someone who interest them. Basically leave a little mystery about yourself, don't let them figure you out so easily keep them intrigued to know more about you.

* Sounds funny but even when you enter a bar,eyes are already on you. You are already being sized up by the women there. Come in looking confident and you know what you are doing.You come in looking nervous and scared you have lost some already.. Don't overplay the confidence,don't be like the morons trying strut in looking so gangsta grabbing their crotch and crap. Just know you are sure of yourself.

* If you are somewhat a novice,just go in to study the people in the bar,no intentions of meeting that Babe tonight. You will see good moves and also the bad moves. ONE CLASSIC BAD MOVE is a guy will see like 3 women together he gets the courage to talk to one if she wants to dance and she says "No' and right then he will ask one of the others if she wants to dance. That 2nd girl will also say "No" most of the time. That 2nd girl will say to herself when asked after that 1st girl just spurned you."What am I,CHOPPED LIVER"? She most of the time will say "NO".... Some guys act stupid and will insult the girl for spurning him not to dance. That is stupid, best to do is to be cool and polite and say something like "Well I hope you have a good night,maybe later if you are interested". You left the door open and will shock some women and you have their interest now because you were cool about it. Some come around and will find you later to dance.

*Don't touch women first because for a lot of women that has just ticked them off. Think about if some old granny started touching and grabbing at you? It would make you clam up , irritated, and turned off. If the girl you are talking to she touches you first, she wants you to touch her back then ,but don't grope her,be smart..She just invited you because she likes you.

* Also women don't like profanity for the most part .It turns them off also talking sex to them or even asking if you can kiss them. They want it to flow naturally.You know when you can read their eyes.Think about the profanity girl. Is she the catch YOUR DREAMGIRL or she most likely a One And Done at most.

*Some girls like Bad Boys and unfortunately Good Guys Do Finish Last. You don't have to be bad like a criminal but having an Edge is not bad. I call it Superman vs Wolverine. Both are good guys. Superman handsome,ALL-AMERICAN,drinks his milk,loves his Mom,,polite as everything. He is boring,he is 2dimensional. Now Wolvering has an Edge about him,he has confidence to say what is on his mind,smokes cigars,willing to fight if he has too to protect what he believes in, and he even fights his own X-Men team,he is unpredicatable,but he is also a good guy. If you were going to pick a comic book to read,who to you is the more interesting hero? It is Wolverine.You don't have to be a Bad Guy,but having an Edge and some Depth to yourself is good .You don't have to be so squeaking clean and so easy to figure out.

*You want to have a sense of humor,but being a clown like Jim Carey will not get you anywhere. Women will laugh and find you funny ,but won't take you serious to be BF ,material,but you also don't want to be a humorless robot. Have a sense of humor, but not a clown

Good luck in the Meat Market
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* Others to do and not do at a bar meeting women.

*If you like this woman and you buy her a drink she might think she has a sucker and will let you buy her drinks all night,but she has no intention of you taking her home or even wanting your number.She just played you.

*Don't say to beautiful woman "YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL"! Most beautiful women hear that all the time and they feel you are not a challenge. Not only you are on the prowl,but they are too. They want someone who interest them. Basically leave a little mystery about yourself, don't let them figure you out so easily keep them intrigued to know more about you.

* Sounds funny but even when you enter a bar,eyes are already on you. You are already being sized up by the women there. Come in looking confident and you know what you are doing.You come in looking nervous and scared you have lost some already.. Don't overplay the confidence,don't be like the morons trying strut in looking so gangsta grabbing their crotch and crap. Just know you are sure of yourself.

* If you are somewhat a novice,just go in to study the people in the bar,no intentions of meeting that Babe tonight. You will see good moves and also the bad moves. ONE CLASSIC BAD MOVE is a guy will see like 3 women together he gets the courage to talk to one if she wants to dance and she says "No' and right then he will ask one of the others if she wants to dance. That 2nd girl will also say "No" most of the time. That 2nd girl will say to herself when asked after that 1st girl just spurned you."What am I,CHOPPED LIVER"? She most of the time will say "NO".... Some guys act stupid and will insult the girl for spurning him not to dance. That is stupid, best to do is to be cool and polite and say something like "Well I hope you have a good night,maybe later if you are interested". You left the door open and will shock some women and you have their interest now because you were cool about it. Some come around and will find you later to dance.

*Don't touch women first because for a lot of women that has just ticked them off. Think about if some old granny started touching and grabbing at you? It would make you clam up , irritated, and turned off. If the girl you are talking to she touches you first, she wants you to touch her back then ,but don't grope her,be smart..She just invited you because she likes you.

* Also women don't like profanity for the most part .It turns them off also talking sex to them or even asking if you can kiss them. They want it to flow naturally.You know when you can read their eyes.Think about the profanity girl. Is she the catch YOUR DREAMGIRL or she most likely a One And Done at most.

*Some girls like Bad Boys and unfortunately Good Guys Do Finish Last. You don't have to be bad like a criminal but having an Edge is not bad. I call it Superman vs Wolverine. Both are good guys. Superman handsome,ALL-AMERICAN,drinks his milk,loves his Mom,,polite as everything. He is boring,he is 2dimensional. Now Wolvering has an Edge about him,he has confidence to say what is on his mind,smoles cigars,willing to fight if he has too to protect what he believes in, and he even fights his own X-Men team,but he is also a good guy. If you were going to pick a comic book to read,who to you is the more interesting hero? It is Wolverine.You don't have to be a Bad Guy,but having an Edge and some Depth to yourself is good .You don't have to be so squeaking clean and so easy to figure out.

Good luck in the Meat Market
I am thankful I married young and missed that singles scene but if you are a married man and looking to score just let it be known that you are a happily married man. I could have scored more in bars as a married man than a single one if that had been my reason for going. That scene was always depressing when I ended up in one and when I went to bars when travelling it was mostly about the music but I did enjoy people watching. And the large majority of the time I left being glad I was not one of them.

I thought the meat market and singles scene got killed by the internet with all of the hook up sites.
My town used to have like 4 or 5 dance clubs 15 years ago or so, now there's one. Also used to have the same number of strip clubs, now there's one. Maybe younger people don't go out anymore
My town used to have like 4 or 5 dance clubs 15 years ago or so, now there's one. Also used to have the same number of strip clubs, now there's one. Maybe younger people don't go out anymore
Your town has a shortage of dancers and strippers, I'd move.
* Others to do and not do at a bar meeting women.

*If you like this woman and you buy her a drink she might think she has a sucker and will let you buy her drinks all night,but she has no intention of you taking her home or even wanting your number.She just played you.

*Don't say to beautiful woman "YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL"! Most beautiful women hear that all the time and they feel you are not a challenge. Not only you are on the prowl,but they are too. They want someone who interest them. Basically leave a little mystery about yourself, don't let them figure you out so easily keep them intrigued to know more about you.

* Sounds funny but even when you enter a bar,eyes are already on you. You are already being sized up by the women there. Come in looking confident and you know what you are doing.You come in looking nervous and scared you have lost some already.. Don't overplay the confidence,don't be like the morons trying strut in looking so gangsta grabbing their crotch and crap. Just know you are sure of yourself.

* If you are somewhat a novice,just go in to study the people in the bar,no intentions of meeting that Babe tonight. You will see good moves and also the bad moves. ONE CLASSIC BAD MOVE is a guy will see like 3 women together he gets the courage to talk to one if she wants to dance and she says "No' and right then he will ask one of the others if she wants to dance. That 2nd girl will also say "No" most of the time. That 2nd girl will say to herself when asked after that 1st girl just spurned you."What am I,CHOPPED LIVER"? She most of the time will say "NO".... Some guys act stupid and will insult the girl for spurning him not to dance. That is stupid, best to do is to be cool and polite and say something like "Well I hope you have a good night,maybe later if you are interested". You left the door open and will shock some women and you have their interest now because you were cool about it. Some come around and will find you later to dance.

*Don't touch women first because for a lot of women that has just ticked them off. Think about if some old granny started touching and grabbing at you? It would make you clam up , irritated, and turned off. If the girl you are talking to she touches you first, she wants you to touch her back then ,but don't grope her,be smart..She just invited you because she likes you.

* Also women don't like profanity for the most part .It turns them off also talking sex to them or even asking if you can kiss them. They want it to flow naturally.You know when you can read their eyes.Think about the profanity girl. Is she the catch YOUR DREAMGIRL or she most likely a One And Done at most.

*Some girls like Bad Boys and unfortunately Good Guys Do Finish Last. You don't have to be bad like a criminal but having an Edge is not bad. I call it Superman vs Wolverine. Both are good guys. Superman handsome,ALL-AMERICAN,drinks his milk,loves his Mom,,polite as everything. He is boring,he is 2dimensional. Now Wolvering has an Edge about him,he has confidence to say what is on his mind,smokes cigars,willing to fight if he has too to protect what he believes in, and he even fights his own X-Men team,he is unpredicatable,but he is also a good guy. If you were going to pick a comic book to read,who to you is the more interesting hero? It is Wolverine.You don't have to be a Bad Guy,but having an Edge and some Depth to yourself is good .You don't have to be so squeaking clean and so easy to figure out.

*You want to have a sense of humor,but being a clown like Jim Carey will not get you anywhere. Women will laugh and find you funny ,but won't take you serious to be BF ,material,but you also don't want to be a humorless robot. Have a sense of humor, but not a clown

Good luck in the Meat Market

Since, "by rule of CBZ law" can't post this video, I will say. Go search Youtube for "Whoopee Boys Elvis Scene". That's who your pick up women!
Lot of good posts/responses, thanks all. Simply put i went to the wrong place. It has great views of NYC but the crowd was to young.
Sarek,NYC is a different beast for nightlife. My Ex is from NYC.Lot of those women won't even talk if you don't make 6 figures. Also New York you all have an edge and can sniff BS when you hear it. Long time ago I went to the Limelight and that probably had near 1000 people in that club. Probably better meet them online and meet somewhere a nice restaurant and then you can take her somewhere else. So much to do in NYC. ....If you have a dog maybe meet women at a dog park and start a conversation. Also NYC have like those speed date meeting clubs and stuff. Parades,Theatre, Art Museums,Parks,Fitness Gyms,. Nightclub best would be meet her first and then try nightclub,but not until you know you two will work because all the guys will be trying to steal her away from you If say that was the first date you will have a harder time to connect,make it maybe the 3rd date for the Nightclub..Maybe tour Little Italy,Chinatown,so much to do.
I'm with @BrAinPaiNt Besides, if you're at home and you drink too much. I don't have to drive to my bedroom. Well, with my GF, she doesn't drink so she drives in efforts to cart me to the bedroom..


That usually wasn't a problem as I'm a home body these days. Though, she is Brazilian and they are extremely social people and have BBQs all the time. The good thing is, when we do attend these, she drives me home because damn they can drink! hah I haven't drank like that since I was in my 20s.
Do you bail out of the couch like that guy did?

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