What's your favorite Thanksgiving day Dallas Cowboys game or memory?

I don't know why I am mentioning this one, because I believe we lost. But I was a young kid eating Thanksgiving dinner watching the Cowboys. It's just a great memory, and a game with ups and downs. !979 against the Oilers. Am I allowed to say Oilers? Or will that turn to Titans when I hit post. Anyway, I think it was 1979.
That’s an easy one for me. The Clint Longley game in 1974. That’s the only game I ever attended at Texas Stadium. My dad tried getting tickets the year prior for the Cowboys-Dolphins but it was sold out. Miami was coming off their undefeated season and we really wanted to see that game. The Cowboys ended up losing so we lucked out not going. We were regretting going in 1974 after Staubach got knocked out of the game. The Cowboys were behind and it looked hopeless but it turned out to be my best Thanksgiving ever.
Man oh man...it's close between two iconic moments. Running outside after Garrett saved the day against the Packers, or walking out on my girlfriend after the Miami FG debacle. I'm going to say Miami, just because I can remember every single emotion that I went through for hours after.
Why’d you walk out bruh?? Over the game or something else. Hope it wasn’t just Lett’s DA. Don’t mean to pry.
The Clint Longley game. Everyone else in the house had given up, but I kept watching and hoping. When Drew caught that pass, I screamed like a banshee and almost stomped a hole in the floor,
That made a Cowboys fan at age 7 …………. I turn 58 on 2-22-25.
1974.Clint Longley gave us a Day for the Ages.To go in that Game against Washington in the 3rd Quarter and get that Victory was Improbable and Amazing.When he put that Football 65 Yards up into the Sky to the Great Drew Pearson to Win it will Never be Forgotten by All of Us who Witnessed it.An Iconic Moment in NFL History.

George Allen had the Great Quote-
"Who in the Hell is Clint Longley?"

Coach Tom Landry always related the fact that George never got over that Loss and brought it up every time they met up.
That made a Cowboys fan at age 7 …………. I turn 58 on 2-22-25.
I was 17 at the time

Another one that I remember was the Thanksgiving game against San Francisco in 1969. I was sick as a dog with the flu. Coughing my lungs out and feeling miserable as heck. Couldn’t really enjoy the Thanksgiving feast and the game ended in a tie.
Why’d you walk out bruh?? Over the game or something else. Hope it wasn’t just Lett’s DA. Don’t mean to pry.
It actually was just over Leon Lett. I just walked right out of her house. Not a great first impression for her parents. I wasn't mad at her, but I was more romantically involved with the team.
I was born in '74. My first memories are Thanksgiving games in front of the TV with my grandfather and uncles.

With all that history, I gotta say Zeke jumping in the Salvation Army bin was special...I was *this* close to drinking the kool aid on that team.

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Clint Longley game.....just the fact Roger was knocked out, two scores down a rookie, not expected to play.....it was truly a triumph of the uncluttered mind...
the garrett game in 94. my dad was a washington fan, so he was already rooting against my cowboys. he and another family friend were loudly and giddily talking smack with me all day, and gloating mightily as the packers jumped out to a lead. i'll never forget how the tide started to turn, and the ****-eating grins left their faces. the thanksgiving meal tasted so good as that miraculous victory unfolded. what a gift.
the garrett game in 94. my dad was a washington fan, so he was already rooting against my cowboys. he and another family friend were loudly and giddily talking smack with me all day, and gloating mightily as the packers jumped out to a lead. i'll never forget how the tide started to turn, and the ****-eating grins left their faces. the thanksgiving meal tasted so good as that miraculous victory unfolded. what a gift.
I got invited to my boss at the time's family Thanksgiving meal because I was several states away from my family, and couldn't make the road trip that year. They were all 49ers fans and I experienced the exact same thing. I didn't talk any smack though, because I wanted to be polite for them inviting me to dinner.
There have been many great ones and some great memories.

And of course there have been some clunkers and some memories we wish we could forget.

Here is what sticks out to me the most when I think of our Cowboys playing on Thanksgiving.

1974 fer sure!

13 years old and I won a quarter from my Uncle Billy at his house in Glens Falls, NY.

The MAD Bomber has one career highlight and I saw it live (on TV). Drew had plenty...lol

Great memory!
There have been many great ones and some great memories.

And of course there have been some clunkers and some memories we wish we could forget.

Here is what sticks out to me the most when I think of our Cowboys playing on Thanksgiving.

big dog----no pictures showed up on my end....but 1974 Thanksgiving where Staubach hurt and Longlely came in with miracle comeback my favorite

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